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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Reservoir Modeling in the Bunyu Tapa Gas Field--An Integrated Case Study, by S. Nugroho, S. Hansen, and M. Susanto; #90982 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Building a Facies-Based Permeability Model for Deep-Water Miocene Reservoirs, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Evaluation of Low Resistivity Oil Zones Using Mud Gas Data, a Case Study; #91204 (2023)
Ian Says, Meng Shao, Nicklas Ritzmann
Search and Discovery.com
... was confirmed by core analysis and NMR data from the field. According to the analysis, the low resistivity value in the shallow interval is due...
The Importance of the Pseudo N-D Logs in Petrophysical Analysis of Well Tembang-8ST4 (A Case Study)
Yana Hendrayana, Bowo Pangarso, Miftahul Firdaus
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...The Importance of the Pseudo N-D Logs in Petrophysical Analysis of Well Tembang-8ST4 (A Case Study) Yana Hendrayana, Bowo Pangarso, Miftahul Firdaus...
ABSTRACT: The Mauddud Reservoir of the Greater Burgan Oil Field: Integrating New Technology to Promote Reserves; #90061 (2006)
David M. Sibley, Kamal Osman, Tony Lomando, Simon Stonard, Haiqing Wu, Mark Anderson, Hank Graham, Stan Ingram, and Aisha Al-Ghareeb
Search and Discovery.com
... in the mid-90’s and struggling with the sheer size of the field and data: more than 700 km2, 3000 3-D seismic lines, 300 mapped faults, 800 wells and 2100...
Synergy and Techniques of Combining Core and Well-Log Data in Carbonate Reservoir Studies
R. D. Nurmi, A. J. Lomando, J. A. Schrank
Special Publications of SEPM
...., and J. A. Schrank, Schlumberger-Don. Research, Ridgefield, Conn. The analysis of the geological and petrophysical characteristics of a subsurface...
ABSTRACT: 3D geological model of the Baku Archipelago, Azerbaijan; #90109 (2010)
S. A. Miri-zade, U. A. Movsumova, Sh. M. Huseynova
Search and Discovery.com
... on the petroleum system basis, the quality and spatial distribution of wells and properties data. The study incorporates well logs, seismic data, petrophysical...
Abstract: Relation of Reservoir Petrophysical Properties to Horizontal Codell Production in Colorado and Wyoming; #90301 (2017)
Mick Domenick
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Relation of Reservoir Petrophysical Properties to Horizontal Codell Production in Colorado and Wyoming; #90301 (2017) Mick Domenick AAPG...
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Characterization of the Marlin Discovery, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by George R. Clemenceau and Fred C. Lockett; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Aracas Field--Reservoir Heterogeneities and Secondary Recovery Performance: ABSTRACT
O. S. Nascimento, E. Bornemann, L. D. C. Jobim, M. D. Carvalho, A. M. Pimentel, E. J. Bonet, E. B. Rodrigues, J. R. L. Sandoval, V. Lassandro, T. C. Rodrigues, C. R. Hocott
AAPG Bulletin
... petrophysical parameters (such as porosity, permeability and water saturation) served to establish a model for the log analysis of the remaining wells. A good...
Abstract: Use Of Petrophysical-Based Reservoir Zonation And Time-Lapse, Multicomponent (4D, 3C) Seismic Attributes For Improved Geologic Modeling, by M. J. Pranter and N. F. Hurley; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Real-Time Petrophysical Integration of NMRWD, FPWD and LWD Triple-Combo in Slim Holes, by Yousef M. Al-Shobail, Doug Seifert, Ridvan Akkurt, and Saleh Dossari; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Integrated Geostatistical and Simulation Model for Optimizing the Oil Recovery Factor in the U1-3 Sands, Melones Field, Eastern Venezuelan Basin; #90061 (2006)
Francisco Benitez, Hector Marquez, Jose Castillo, Jeff Bayless, Jorge Pérez, Cristina Vera, Terry Eschner, Ana Rondon, and Rodolfo Perez
Search and Discovery.com
... includes facies and petrophysical evaluation logs, 3D seismic interpretation, core analysis and 24 instantaneous seismic attributes.A high resolution...
Geologic Modelling of Unconventional Field Using Geostatistics, Williston Basin, North Dakota
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Combining Microseismic Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring, Petrophysical Evaluation and New Analytical Techniques to Improve Reservoir Management: Abstract
Joel Le Calvez, Tom Creegan, Robert Tehan, Kevin Tanner, Roy Yates, Leo Eisner, Rick Lewis, Les Bennett
GCAGS Transactions
... geological and petrophysical data pertaining to both the monitor and treatment wells are integrated with a vertical seismic profile to develop a robust...
Abstract: Lithofacies Prediction: A Case Study on Carbonate Reservoirs in Saudi Arabia; #90319 (2018)
Basmah A. Almustafa
Search and Discovery.com
... data of cored and uncored wells in three carbonate reservoirs of an oil field was successfully completed. The prediction was drastically improved from...
Flow Units for Reservoir Characterization: Part 6. Geological Methods
W. J. Ebanks Jr., M. H. Scheihing, C. D. Atkinson
AAPG Special Volumes
..., sedimentological, structural, petrographic, petrophysical, and field performance data. The process is summarized as follows (Figure 1): 1. Identify...
Abstract: Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization in the Council Grove Group (Lower Permian) in the 21st Century: Panoma Field, Hugoton Embayment, Kansas, by Willard J. Guy, Alan P. Byrnes, and Martin K. Dubois; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrated Application of Petrophysical and Seismic Inversion Techniques for Reservoir Quality Prediction Based on Sediment Provenance in the Cretaceous Nanushuk and Torok Formations, North Slope, Alaska;
Jennafer Foreman, Shuvajit Bhattacharya
Search and Discovery.com
.... Each survey slated for analysis has a well or wells, which penetrate or target the Nanushuk and/or Torok Formations within or near the survey boundary...
ABSTRACT: Brunei Deepwater Exploration: Lateral Prediction of the Petrophysical Attribute EHC in Turbidites, by Erik van den Heuvel and Matthias Bruhl; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Optimizing Subsurface Predictions in a Mississippian Carbonate Field, Central Alberta, Canada (Part 2), #42410 (2019).
Peter Bauman, Chris Barton, Torr Haglund, Glenn Sather
Search and Discovery.com
... © Why Micro Macro Integrating the Micro & Marco data into Multivariate Analysis at the Field Level BC oil & Gas Commission 2016 Oil & Gas Reserves...
Memoir 71, Chapter 17: Feasibility of Detecting Seismic Waves Between Wells at the Fractured Twin Creek Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming Overthrust Belt
Jorge O. Parra, Hughbert A. Collier, and Burke G. Angstman
AAPG Special Volumes
... integrated with well logs from the Lodgepole field are used to delineate the members of the Twin Creek carbonate reservoir. Petrophysical analysis...