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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: An Integrated Fracture Model and Characterisation Workflow; #91204 (2023)
Francesco Bigoni, Cristian Albertini, Antonio Corrao, Greta Leoni, Luca Spaggiari, Vincenzo Tarantini
Search and Discovery.com
... of observation can be very effective. In fact, in a fractured field, several clues and data can be collected suggesting the presence of a fracture network...
Petrophysical Evaluation of a Slope Fan/Basin-Floor Fan Complex: Cherry Canyon Formation, Ward County, Texas (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...., and E. B. Coalson, 1990, Evaluation of the Morrow Sandstone in Sorrento field, Cheyenne County, Colorado, in S. A. Sonnenberg et al., eds., Morrow...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Bearing Sands of “X” Field in Niger Delta, by Machie, Victor C.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
The Archie Approach to Characterizing Carbonate Reservoirs: Reservoir Characterization: Petrophysical Formation Evaluation and Rock Description
F. Jerry Lucia, D. G. Bebout, C. Kerans
AAPG Special Volumes
... petrophysical parameters, (5) interpolating deterministic data between wells using geostatistical methods, (6) analyzing production data, and (7) inputting...
Dealing the Production Crisis by Emergent Additional Techniques for Predicting Highly High Hydrocarbon Zones in Mature Field, Sanga Sanga area, Kutei Basin, Indonesia
Ridha S. Riadi, Robhy C. Permana, Yoseph R. Apranda, Gunna Satria H. Kusumah, Fachmy M. Irhamsyah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Convention. Jakarta. Wibowo A., and Suhendar A.D., 2012, Enhanced Petrophysical Analysis to Identify By-passed Zone in Gas Field – A Badak Field Success...
ABSTRACT: Flow Unit Determination in the Phosphoria Formation, Little Sand Draw Field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, by A. Karadavut; #90909 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Combining Modern and Vintage Log Data to Evaluate Conventional and Unconventional Formations in the Eagle Plain of Northern Yukon; #90224 (2015)
Innocent Asoh Kalu and Don Stachiw
Search and Discovery.com
... on these properties and recently, Northern Cross recently drilled and evaluated additional wells with modern logging and core analysis techniques...
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization in a Mature Canyon Reef Trend, John Hooper, #90097 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Characterization of Petrophysical Properties for CO2 Sequestration Models in the Mississippian Madison Group, Moxa Arch-La Barge Platform, Southwestern Wyoming; #80182 (2011)
Geoffrey Thyne, Mark Tomasso, David Budd, Sharon Bywater-Reyes, and Brian Reyes
Search and Discovery.com
... geological and petrophysical data from core analyses, wireline logs and core from wells that penetrate the Madison Group were used to place the wells within...
Cross-Bedded Sandstone Reservoirs--Geologic Modeling of Geometry of Reservoir Units and Permeability Anisotropy Using Well Logs: ABSTRACT
R. D. Nurmi, Rusty Frisinger
AAPG Bulletin
.... By relating the petrophysical analysis of these sandstone sequences to a bedding evaluation, it is often possible to infer the nature and geometric...
Abstract: Dynamic Behavior of May Field, Case Study; #90243 (2015)
Mirna Heredia, C. Villegas, M. Morffe, and K. Aristizabal
Search and Discovery.com
... position and production analysis were conducted to deliver a solution to the client. The Chan plot analysis suggested that the water inlet to the wells...
Advanced Simultaneous Formation Evaluation and Completion-Oriented Rock Classification in the Midland Basin Using Integrated Analysis of Well Logs, Core Measurements, and Geostatistical Data
Ameneh Rostami, Archana Jagadisan, Laura M Hernandez, Zoya Heidari, Bill Fairhurst, Inessa Yurchenko, Svetlana Ikonnikova, Scott Hamlin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of geostatistical analysis in distributing reliable rock physics models for field-scale formation evaluation in non-cored wells. URTeC 656 17 The petrophysical...
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Umm Gudair Minagish Oolite Reservoir, Kuwait; #41751 (2015)
Nasser Al-Khalifa, Asmaa Al-Blooshi, Zee Ma, William Clark, Jason Sitchler, Gennady Makarychev, Gary Forrest, Kelsey Schiltz
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Minagish provided data on the vertical distribution of the lithofacies and their petrophysical properties from special core analysis. Integration...
Petrophysical Study of the Samaan Field Shaly Sands, Offshore Trinidad
W.V.C. De Landro
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...Petrophysical Study of the Samaan Field Shaly Sands, Offshore Trinidad W.V.C. De Landro...
Characterization of Deep Tight Carbonate Gas Plays With an Integrated Interpretation — Case Study From North Kuwait
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: *Integrated Geophysical, Geological and Petrophysical data to Study the Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3Sand Reservoir in ALWafa Field Ghadames Basin, North-West Libya; #91202 (2022)
Mohamed. A. Soltan and Mohamed. S. Hrouda
Search and Discovery.com
... and petrophysical analysis for selected wells to determine porosity, permeability, Net Pay. 2. Geological analysis by using wells information and formation Tops...
Identifying Opportunities and Reducing Uncertainty in Development of Bypassed Multilayer Reservoirs through Integrated Mass Spectrometry with Conventional Logs in Dina Terciario Field, Honda Group (La Victoria Formation), Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia; #20211 (2013)
Fabio Andrés Sánchez Salcedo, Juan Manuel León Hinestrosa, Diego Ortiz, Raul Daza, Don Hall, Cesar Patiño, and Raúl Osorio
Search and Discovery.com
... to identify water phases) and show that in combination with a petrophysical analysis from conventional logs (with a high uncertainty in water saturation, due...
Abstract: Al Mawrid: An Arab D Limestone Sequence Stratigraphic Facies and Petrophysical Properties Database for Full Field Modelling and Reservoir Simulation; #90319 (2018)
Samy Mohamed, Edward Clerke, U. Khan, K. Barqah, A. Badawi, B. Bammel, S. Khattab
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Al Mawrid: An Arab D Limestone Sequence Stratigraphic Facies and Petrophysical Properties Database for Full Field Modelling and Reservoir...
Developing Predictive Power in the Permian: Leveraging Advanced Petrophysics to Deliver Cash to the Business
Aidan Blount, Tyler Croft, Brian Driskill, Adam McMullen, Melanie Durand
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-tiered petrophysical model is presented which shows a practical way to evaluate wells and stitch together a more accurate subsurface picture of the field...
ABSTRACT: Geologic Modeling for Production Surveillance and Field Development at Cerro Negro Field, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt Venezuela; #90013 (2003)
T. L. Kirst, J. Adame, J. A. Andrew, G. S. Benson, B. C. Caspar, J. R. Bulau, J. Llerena, A. Lopez, L. M. Linares, D. J. O’Donnell, V. D. Rahmanian
Search and Discovery.com
... unconformities. Twenty foot thick layers parallel to the flooding surfaces were interpreted to define the facies patterns. Petrophysical analysis...
Subsurface Characterization of the Lower to Middle Miocene Monterey Formation-Equivalent Strata of Long Beach Oil Field: Los Angeles Basin, California
Search and Discovery.com
New Approach in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis: Case Study of Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Technical Approach and Optimized Workflow for Unconventional Reservoir Prospect Appraisal A Case Study of the Middle Cretaceous Shilaif Formation, On-shore Abu Dhabi; #90247 (2016)
Chad Hartman, Stefan Steiner, Abdulla Al Mansoori
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoirs because standard petrophysical modeling techniques are problematic or irrelevant. Additionally log based cluster analysis allows one...