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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek Field, a Synergistic Geologic and Engineering Analysis: Abstract
Jeffrey D. Hunt, Dwain E. McGarry
Wyoming Geological Association
...Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek Field, a Synergistic Geologic and Engineering Analysis: Abstract Jeffrey D. Hunt, Dwain E. McGarry 1995 296 296...
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical and Reservoir Quality Evaluation of the Shuaiba Formation in the Reshadat Field, Offshore Iran; #90051 (2006)
Rouhollah Dashti
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Petrophysical and Reservoir Quality Evaluation of the Shuaiba Formation in the Reshadat Field, Offshore Iran; #90051 (2006) Rouhollah...
Abstract: An Emerging Concept of ‘Ever-ready' 3-D Numerical Reservoir Models: A Case Study from the Dukhan Field, State of Qatar, by Alansi Alyafei, Hussain A.; Stanley, Rowan; Al Tamimi, Fahad; Weber, L. James; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Geologically Consistent Resolution Enhancement of Petrophysical Analysis Using Image Log Data
Search and Discovery.com
Uncertainty Analysis in Well-Log and Petrophysical Interpretations
William R. Moore, Y. Zee Ma, Jim Urdea, Tom Bratton
AAPG Special Volumes
...Uncertainty Analysis in Well-Log and Petrophysical Interpretations William R. Moore, Y. Zee Ma, Jim Urdea, Tom Bratton 2011 17 28 AAPG Memoir 96...
Petrophysical Analyses and Phi-K Trends of Mahakam Delta, A Review for New Petrophysical Cut-Off Definition Using Integrated Static and Dynamic Approaches: Case Study in Handil Field
Riksa Pribadi, Sinto Yudho
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Core data are the focal point of this study and there are total 23 cored wells were used in the study. 12 of them were chosen from Handil field...
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Marginal Fields in Niger Delta Oza Field, a case study, #20182 (2012)
J.N. Sahu, C.H.V. Satya Sai, V. Chintamani, C. Vishnu Vardhan
Search and Discovery.com
... generated from through the density model of the cores in the nearby offshore wells are presently used for the robust petrophysical analysis. Volumetric...
Integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence for reservoir characterization of Z gas field, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan
Muhammad Bilal Malik, M. Armaghan, Faisal Miraj, Maha Ali Haider, Muhammad Tallal Malik
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... gas field, beginning with petrophysical analysis of five study wells (ZZ-02, ZZ-03, ZZ-05, ZZ-06 and ZZ-08) to quantify crucial properties...
Determine Reservoir Properties of R1 Reservoir Based on Log Interpretation and Core Analysis in X Field of South Sumatra Basin
Sri Rizky, Ordas Dewanto, Bagus Sapto Mulyatno, Beny Chasandra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... across the section. The fault structure atthe centre of the field was found to be the Comparison between core analysis and petrophysical log...
Abstract: Addressing Low Permeability Reservoir in Arthit Graben Trend; #90253 (2016)
Jakkrich Yingyuen, Spirit Pappring, Kasinee Suyacom, Yutthorn Gonecome, Sirichai Sanmanee
Search and Discovery.com
... and development wells drilled in this trend show some pay zones using standard petrophysical cut-offs that were non-productive. The results from...
Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study; #20429 (2018)
Yaser Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Aiman Fituri, Alan Sibbit
Search and Discovery.com
...Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study; #20429 (2018) Yaser Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik Sangani, Steven...
ABSTRACT: Characterization of a Dual-Carbonate Reservoir of Gas and Condensate for Simulation, Costero Field, México
Jesús García-Hernández
GCAGS Transactions
... for field development and to identify potential areas to drill or to locate injector wells, in addition to reserve calculations. In a 13 well field...
Petrophysical Properties and Hydrocarbon Potentiality of Balkassar Well 7 in Balkassar Oilfield, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan
Syed Bilawal Ali Shah, Wan Hasiah Abdullah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... carefully to estimate porosity, water saturation and hydrocarbon saturation. The method used for this petrophysical analysis is spontaneous potential...
Unlocking deep layer of Palembang Formation with low resistivity reservoir using modular dynamic tester (Mdt), petrophysical approach and stimulation fractpack in Mangunjaya Field, south Sumatra Basin: Success story development wells drilled in 2022
Ardi Julian Samudra, Zuhry Ramadhoni, Dimas Pramudito, Ricky Wicaksono, Chandra Mustofa Eka Putra, Reza Nur Ardianto
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... petrophysical analysis by using existing well and new wells drilled in 2022 as an additional data to be added to the analysis. The flowchart static modelling...
Methodology to Estimate Thermal Maturity from Petrophysical Calculations of Gas/Oil Ratios; #42572 (2022)
Michael Holmes, Antony M. Holmes, Dominic I. Holmes
Search and Discovery.com
... Oil 500 10.0 Peak Oil Graph numbers refer to the eight wells 13 #3 Petrophysical analysis – Well #2, high GOR Production prediction from thermal...
ABSTRACT: Capturing Uncertainty in a Carbonate Field with Dense Well Control: Example from Western Offshore Basin India; #90118 (2011)
Sourav Saha, Mohit Khanna, Nazneen Sultana, Tanmoy Roy, and Anurag Grover
Search and Discovery.com
... coinciding with the global sea level fall. Full field geocellular model is built in IRAP RMS (9.0.7) using all available well data (~250 wells) and depth...
A Comprehensive Quicklook Petrophysical Method to Log Analysis in Permian Basin Carbonates
George A. Anderson, III, George B. Asquith, Scott Frailey
West Texas Geological Society
... productivity as necessary through their own experience or through systematic analysis of existing wells in a field completed for a range of test results from...
Fractured Carbonates as a Significant Secondary Reservoir in Qarun Field
Search and Discovery.com
Reducing the Uncertainty of Static Reservoir Model in a Carbonate Platform, through the Implementation of an Integrated Workflow: Case A-Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, #20370 (2016).
Kevin M. Torres, Noor F. Al Hashmi, Ismail A. Al Hosani, Ali S. Al Rawahi, Humberto Parra
Search and Discovery.com
.... Structural Framework Facies Modeling Petrophysical Modeling 4. Modeling Uncertainties in Realizations 5. Sensitivity Analysis 6. Conclusions 1...
Abstract: Source Rock Analysis Using Machine-Learning Derived Parameters from Petrophysical Logs in the Unconventional Cane Creek formation, Utah; #91208 (2024)
Carlos Vega, Carlos Vega-Ortiz, Kevin McCormak, Eric Edelman, Eiichi Setoyama, Palash Panja, Brian McPherson, David List, Gregor Maxwell, Michael Vanden Berg
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Source Rock Analysis Using Machine-Learning Derived Parameters from Petrophysical Logs in the Unconventional Cane Creek formation, Utah...
Investigation of Petrophysical-Properties Heterogeneity for Electrofacies Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Reducing the Uncertainties Associated with Well Placement-Integrated Approach Case Study of a Carbonate Field Onshore Abu Dhabi-UAE; #90254 (2016)
Mohammed S. Ugonoh, Kevin M. Torres, Muhammad Faisal
Search and Discovery.com
... of increasing micro porosities. The resistivity ranges were based on 2D petrophysical resistivity map which enabled us to divide the field into sections. Other...