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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Integrating Standard Petrophysical Analysis with Statistical Measures of Petrophysical Heterogeneity to Estimate Petrofacies in Mississippian Carbonates, North-Central Oklahoma.
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Umm Gudair Minagish Oolite Reservoir, Kuwait; #41751 (2015)
Nasser Al-Khalifa, Asmaa Al-Blooshi, Zee Ma, William Clark, Jason Sitchler, Gennady Makarychev, Gary Forrest, Kelsey Schiltz
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Minagish provided data on the vertical distribution of the lithofacies and their petrophysical properties from special core analysis. Integration...
Abstract: Lithofacies and Pore-structure Characterization of the Mid-continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant Count, Oklahoma; #90309 (2017)
Fnu Suriamin, Matthew J. Pranter
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Mid-continent Mississippian Limestone in the state of Oklahoma is currently available. This study focuses on lithofacies and pore-structure analysis...
Integrated carbonate reservoir types modeling based on the PRT deep learning and multi-parameters seismic inversion and its application
Chen Xin, Song Jiawen, Liu Qing, Sun Qian, Zhao Min, Qi Qunli, Weixiang Zhong, Dengyi Xiao, Tang Zichang, Fuli An, Wang Bo, Fan Hanzhou, Li Xiaoliang, Huang Kongzhi, Liu Qiang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... on the crossplot analysis between sensitive well log curves. 3) Petrophysics lithofacies prediction based on the sensitive well log curve by deep learning method...
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Umm Gudair Minagish Oolite Reservoir, Kuwait
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Geologic Model for the Giant Hugoton and Panoma Fields; #90048 (2005)
Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Geoffrey C. Bohling
Search and Discovery.com
... petrophysical properties and fluid saturations for volumetric analysis and numerical simulation. The lithofacies spectrum was split into eight marine...
Petrophysical Characterization of a Niagaran-Salina Reef Complex Reservoir; Kalkaska 21 Field, Kalkaska Co., Northern Lower MI, USA
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geostatistical Simulation of Petrophysical Rock Types, by C. J. Murray; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Extracting Lithofacies from Digital Well Logs Using Artificial Intelligence, Panoma (Council Grove) Field, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas: Abstract
Martin Dubois, Geoffrey Bohling, Alan Byrnes, Shane Seals
Tulsa Geological Society
... lithofacies based on limited subjective observations. Developing lithofacies-robust geologic models for reservoir analysis of large heterogeneous...
Shale Lithofacies Classification and Modeling: Case Studies From the Bakken and Marcellus Formations, North America
Search and Discovery.com
Investigation of Petrophysical-Properties Heterogeneity for Electrofacies Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Multiscale Geologic and Petrophysical Modeling of the Giant Hugoton Gas Field (Permian), Kansas and Oklahoma, by Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Geoffrey C. Bohling, and John H. Doveton; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrophysical Characterization of a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, by Suryanarayana Karri and Yousef Al Mehairi; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Flow Units for Reservoir Characterization: Part 6. Geological Methods
W. J. Ebanks Jr., M. H. Scheihing, C. D. Atkinson
AAPG Special Volumes
... and they may include nonreservoir features such as shales and cemented layers. Petrophysical properties may correspond to those of lithofacies defined...
ABSTRACT: Extracting Lithofacies from Digital Well Logs Using Artificial Intelligence, Panoma (Council Grove) Field, Hugoton Embayment, Southwest Kansas; #90020 (2003)
Martin Dubois, Geoffrey Bohling, Alan Byrnes, Shane Seals
Search and Discovery.com
..." with generalized lithofacies based on limited subjective observations. Developing lithofacies-robust geologic models for reservoir analysis of large...
Abstract: Facies-based Carbonate Reservoir Models: The Link between Facies and Pore Systems; #91204 (2023)
Samy Serageldin
Search and Discovery.com
... carbonate reservoir. Fourteen high-resolution lithofacies were described from hundreds of cored wells. The pore systems were defined from the analysis...
Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion Intervals, #80123 (2010)
Arijit Mitra, Daniel Warrington, Duane A. Sommer
Search and Discovery.com
...Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion...
Fnu Suriamin
Search and Discovery.com
..., lithofacies architecture, and the associated petrophysical property distributions. The three-dimensional models will be useful to further investigate...
Abstract: Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone in Utah, for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir, by T. C. Chidsey, Jr.; #90959 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Spatial Variability of Injectivity and Storage Capacity in a Geologically Complex Sequestration Target: The Devonian Sylvania Sandstone, Michigan Basin USA; #90106 (2010)
Farsheed Rock, Dave Barnes
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis indicates that sandstone lithofacies have moderate to good porosity (Ø) and high permeability (K) and are excellent injection targets...
Reservoir Characterization from Lithofacies and Petrophysical Analyses of the Clastic Sediments in the Southern Pletmos Basin, South Africa
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Lithofacies and Petrophysical Properties of Mesaverde Tight-Gas Sandstones in Western U.S. Basins, by Alan P. Byrnes, John C. Webb, Robert M. Cluff, Daniel A. Krygowski, and Stefani D. Whittaker; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Meso- and Macro-Scale Facies and Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale in Northern West Virginia, USA; #90308 (2017)
Thomas Paronish, Timothy R. Carr, Dustin Crandall, Johnathan Moore
Search and Discovery.com
...-Mahantango interval is composed of six shale lithofacies both at the meso- and macro-scale. Petrophysical analysis shows three well developed organic...