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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Geologic Modeling of Wolfcamp and Bone Spring Formations, Delaware Basin;
Brian Casey, Robin Dommisse, David Carr, Scott Hamlin, Amin Gherabati, Lily Horne, Inessa Yurchenko
Search and Discovery.com
... to almost 2000 over this interval, and completed the petrophysical analysis of about 900 wells. The resulting geologic model showcases our understanding...
ABSTRACT: Nonparametric Statistical Determination of Facies and Petrophysical Parameters from Well Data, by E. Rodriguez, D. M. Tetzlaff, and R. L. Anderson; #91022 (1989)
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Abstract: Petrophysical Properties of the Tight Bakken Reservoirs, Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada; #90224 (2015)
Yongqiang Zhao and Hairuo Qing
Search and Discovery.com
.... Traditional petrophysical analytical methods (e.g. mercury injection capillary pressure analysis), however, would not be able to fully characterized Bakken...
Integrated Geologic Analysis From Two Marcellus Shale Science Wells in Northeastern West Virginia
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Abstract: Optimized Lithofacies Definition through Heterogeneous Rock Analysis and Correlation with Core and Productivity Potential; #90255 (2017)
Nelbett Marfisi, Barillas Cortez
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...Abstract: Optimized Lithofacies Definition through Heterogeneous Rock Analysis and Correlation with Core and Productivity Potential; #90255 (2017...
Integrating Standard Petrophysical Analysis with Statistical Measures of Petrophysical Heterogeneity to Estimate Petrofacies in Mississippian Limestone, North-Central Oklahoma; #41767 (2016)
Fnu Suriamin, Matthew J. Pranter
Search and Discovery.com
..., petrophysical analysis, and numerical measures of petrophysical heterogeneity are integrated to estimate lithofacies in non-cored wells and to identify...
Geostatistical Simulation of Facies and Petrophysical Properties for Heterogeneity Modeling in A Tidal Depositional Environment: A Case Study From Upper Shale Member in A Southern Iraqi Oil Field
Watheq J. Al-Mudhafar
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of this paper by anyone other than the author without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Modeling accurate lithofacies and petrophysical...
Abstract: Role of Reservoir Lithofacies and Associated Well Placement on Optimizing SAGD Production, by Rudy Strobl; #90075 (2008)
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Lithofacies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality Evaluation of Wolfcamp Unconventional Succession in the Midland Basin, West Texas
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Core Driven Hierarchical Facies Modeling of Shoreface Environments: A Case Study from Offshore Sabah, Malaysia; #20204 (2013)
Sachin K. Sharma, Michael Chin, Tanwi Basu, Ram Oruganti Bhargava, Richard Henson, Long Jiang, Mimi Azura B. Shuhaimi, and Luca Vizzini
Search and Discovery.com
... proportions of lithofacies. The spatial correlation lengths of each of the five lithofacies were derived from variogram analysis. This provided a robust...
Abstract: Application of Data Analytics and Geostatistics for Integrated Shale Facies Modeling; #90302 (2018)
Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Timothy R. Carr
Search and Discovery.com
... is designed to classify lithofacies, in terms of mineralogy, Total Organic Carbon, and petrophysical properties. Five different shale lithofacies...
Abstract: Enhancing Predictability of Electrofacies Using Sequence Stratigraphy in a Middle Eastern Carbonate Reservoir; #91204 (2023)
Wid Abualsaud
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis of the studied reservoir showed five lithofacies arranged from proximal to distal; laminated peloidal skeletal mud to grain-dominated packstone...
ABSTRACT: Old Wells, New Tools; Troporo Field, A Case Study, by Jay Timothy Altum, Gregory G. Chapel, Mark A. Cocker; #91020 (1995).
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A Multidisciplinary Approach for Rock Typing Characterization in a Highly Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir in Abu Dhabi UAE; #42517 (2020)
Leonardo J. Rojas, Alexey Tveritnev, Carlos E. Pinillos
Search and Discovery.com
... rock types (referred as Static Rock Types (SRTs) in this paper) which result from the combination of two sub-processes, the Petrophysical Synthesis...
Abstract: Methodology for Multi-scale Shale Lithofacies Modeling: Case Study from the Bakken Formation in North Dakota; #90301 (2017)
Shuvaji Bhattacharya, Timothy R. Carr
Search and Discovery.com
... the pattern of different shale lithofacies and corresponding petrophysical parameters from ubiquitous conventional well logs from ~500 wells. After...
Abstract: Prediction and Distribution Analysis of Marcellus Shale Productive Facies in the Appalachian Basin, USA, by Wang, Guochang; Carr, Timothy R.; #90163 (2013)
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ABSTRACT: Sedimentologic Control on Diagenesis and Petrophysical Properties in a Skinner Sandstone Reservoir in Southeastern Kansas, by David J. Bouquet and Anthony W. Walton; #91043 (2011)
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A Novel Approach For Presenting and Integrating Core Analysis, Petrophysical and Geological Data Using Digital Imaging
Charles Savoie
CSPG Special Publications
...A Novel Approach For Presenting and Integrating Core Analysis, Petrophysical and Geological Data Using Digital Imaging Charles Savoie 1995 228 228...
The Role of Moldic Porosity in Paleozoic Kansas Reservoirs and the Association of Original Depositional Facies and Early Diagenesis with Reservoir Properties: Abstract
A. P. Byrnes, E. K. Franseen, W. L. Watney, M. K. Dubois
Tulsa Geological Society
... with, and reflects original textures. The final moldic rocks exhibit petrophysical-lithofacies trends that parallel those of original primary porosity...
Extended Abstract: Facies Mapping of the Utica Shale, Point Pleasant, and Trenton/Lexington Formations in Northeastern Ohio
Kaleb Kirk
GCAGS Transactions
... of petrophysical data. This will provide a model for the identified lithofacies and electrofacies patterns and/or trends in northeastern Ohio (Fig. 1...
Combining Petrophysical Properties and Ultrasonic Velocity for Improved Prediction of Tight Carbonate Reservoir
Abdallah Abdelkarim, Osman Abdullatif
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the effect of lithofacies patterns on the petrophysical properties. The petrographic analysis, SEM, and micro-CT scan revealed that the sedimentary...
Abstract: Delinate of Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3 Sand by Using Petrophysical and Sedimetological Analysis in South Wafa Field,Ghadames Basin,Libya; #91202 (2022)
Mohamed Ali Abdu lhafid, Osama Hlal, Fateh Belhaj, and Mohamed Targhi
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Delinate of Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3 Sand by Using Petrophysical and Sedimetological Analysis in South Wafa Field,Ghadames Basin...
Abstract: Comparative Analysis of Facies and Reservoir Characteristics of Miri Formation (MIRI) and Nyalau Formation (Bintulu), Sarawak (P4A-4)
Teoh Ying Jia, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., and ii) to establish the relationships between the facies characteristics and petrophysical properties. Three lithofacies have been sampled from...