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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Facies Based Modeling of a Highly Heterogeneous System - Kokongo Field, Cabinda, Angola, by C. J. Harrison, D. M. McKay, T. E. Sneed, M. Skalinski, J. P. Popek, and B. R. Power; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Sandstone Petrography and Reservoir Quality of the Glacio-Fluvial Juwayl Member (Late Carboniferous-Permian) Western Saudi Arabia, by Mohamed I. Mahgoub and Osman M. Abdullatif; #90081 (2008)
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Abstract: Reservoir Characterization of 34-2 Sandstone Interval at Talang Akar Formation, Asri Basin; #90307 (2017)
Heri Gunawan
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... CNOOC SES Ltd. ABSTRACT The understanding of reservoir characterization of core data through lithofacies, facies association analysis inline...
Depositional Controls on Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Characteristics of Middle Miocene Miri Formation Sandstones, Sarawak
Hatem S. Abieda, Zuhar Zahir T. Harith, Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... characterization and modeling of hydrocarbon reservoirs deposited in similar settings. The aim of this paper is to integrate lithofacies and petrophysical...
Integrated application of advanced logging technology in shale oil reservoir evaluation for Chang 7-3 formation, Ordos basin
Yu Jian, Wu Yong, Zhao Xianran, Wu Jinlong, Li Shenzhuan, Guan Hui, Li Yang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... environment (Yuan Xuanjun et al. 2015). Although six different lithofacies can be identified by conventional logs, the core analysis result showed the huge...
3-D Multi-Scale Lithofacies Models of the Upper and Lower Bakken Shale Members of the Williston Basin in North Dakota, USA
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Petrophysical Properties From Quantitative Multiscale Pore-Structure Characterization in an Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir: An Example From the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestones
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ABSTRACT: Assessment of Scale on Permeability Estimates in Late Cretaceous Reservoirs, Denver Basin, Colorado, by Christopher Rybowiak and Matthew Pranter; #90156 (2012)
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Resolving Predictable Reservoir Behavior in Heterogenous Carbonates using Integrated Rock Typing Methods: A Field Scale Case Study of a Michigan Basin Silurian-aged Niagaran Brown Reef
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Abstract: Depositional Controls on Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Characteristics of Middle Miocene Miri Formation Sandstones, Sarawak
Hatem S. Abieda, Zuhar Zahir T. Harith, Abdul Hadi Abd. Rahman
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... deposited in similar settings. The aim of this paper is to integrate lithofacies and petrophysical properties of Miri sandstones, in order...
ABSTRACT Evolution of a Field Scale Static Reservoir Model for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands NE Alberta Canada, #90104 (2010)
Bujor Sorin; Thenin Damien; Perry Ian; Kuran Andrew; Toews Krista
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... and borehole images were used to determine lithofacies logs for all vertical delineation wells. Petrophysical analysis was performed for all existing vertical...
Organic-rich Marcellus Shale lithofacies modeling and distribution pattern analysis in the Appalachian Basin
Guochang Wang, Timothy R. Carr
AAPG Bulletin
... neural network (ANN). Petrophysical analysis is used to derive input variables for ANN classifiers. The log-predicted lithofacies provides a large...
Integrated Rock Classification in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation Using Well Logs and Geological Evaluation
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Petroleum Potential of the Three Forks Formation in North Dakota, by Richard Ashu; #90181 (2013)
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Abstract: Comprehensive Analysis of Clastic Heavy Oil Reservoirs using Microresistivity Images and Dielectric Dispersion Logs; #90224 (2015)
Pat Fothergill, Manuel Aboud, Rob Badry, Anish Kumar, Chad Timken, and Joan Carter
Search and Discovery.com
... of full core and wireline logs in every well. Historically core analysis has been the preferred method for lithofacies analysis and obtaining bitumen...
Reservoir Characterization of Eagle Ford Shale through Lithofacies Analysis for Identification of Sweet Spot and Best Landing Point
Ajit K. Sahoo, Diya Mukherjee, Abhishek Mukherjee, Mukul Srivastava
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Reservoir Characterization of Eagle Ford Shale through Lithofacies Analysis for Identification of Sweet Spot and Best Landing Point Ajit K. Sahoo...
Abstract: Petrophysical Modeling Approach toward Assessing the Chalk Purity and Mechanical Deformation of the Niobrara Formation, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, by Matthew M. Morton; #90181 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geological Characterization of Lower Al Bashair Reservoir in Blocks 3 and 4, Oman; #90319 (2018)
Alia S. Mahud, Aleksandar Ilic, Mohamed A. El-Ghali, Olga Shelukhina
Search and Discovery.com
... interpretation, (ii) textural and compositional analysis on thirty-three thin-sections collected from various lithofacies for diagenetic alterations...
Abstract: Seismic stratigraphy and attribute analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology of the Penobscot area, offshore Nova Scotia
T. Campbell, G. Wach
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Seismic stratigraphy and attribute analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology of the Penobscot area, offshore Nova Scotia T. Campbell, G...