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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Multiscale Geologic and Petrophysical Modeling of the Giant Hugoton Gas Field (Permian), Kansas and Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Geoffrey C. Bohling, John H. Doveton
AAPG Special Volumes
... system.Controls on Petrophysical PropertiesThe petrophysical analysis indicates that accurate reservoir properties prediction requires input of lithofacies, use...
Prediction and Distribution Analysis of Marcellus Shale Productive Facies in the Appalachian Basin, USA; #80319 (2013)
Guochang Wang and Timothy R. Carr
Search and Discovery.com
... of derived petrophysical parameters typical of shale analysis as input variables to calibrate and train conventional logs to predict previously defined...
Abstract: Reservoir and Sweet Spot Characterization of Tight Gas Sandstone -- The Siberia Ridge Field, Wamsutter Arch, by W. J. Clark, S. D. Sturm, C. A. Hinson, L. W. Evans, N. S. Sagar, and D. N. Burch; #90919 (1999).
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Maximizing Recoverable Reserves in Tight Reservoirs Using Geostatistical Inversion From 3-D Seismic: A Powder River Basin Case Study
Haihong Wang, Howard J. Titchmarsh, Kevin Chesser, Jeff Zawila, Samuel Fluckiger, Gary Hughes, Preston, Kerr, Andrew Hennes, Michael Hofmann
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of reservoir sweet spots. 3D models of the five important lithofacies were produced together with 3D petrophysical and geomechanical property models...
Spatial Variability of Reservoir Properties in a Stratigraphically Complex Geological Sequestration Target: The Devonian Sylvania Sandstone, Michigan Basin, USA; #80101 (2010)
Farsheed Rock and Dave Barnes
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis indicates that sandstone lithofacies have moderate to good porosity (Ø) and high permeability (K) and are excellent injection targets...
Abstract: Geostatistical Simulations of Alluvial Sandbodies in the Triassic Series of the Chaunoy Field, France, by R. Eschard, C. Bacchiana, G. Desaubliaux, J. M. Chautru, P. Eeemouzy, and J. Parpant; #90990 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Petrophysical Analysis, Permeability Prediction and Rock Type Determination of Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study of Semoga Field, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Erick Prim Putra, M. Rifki Akbar. Marja Dinata
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Petrophysical Analysis, Permeability Prediction and Rock Type Determination of Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study of Semoga Field, South Sumatra...
Abstract: Application of Rock Geochemistry and Advanced Surface Logging Techniques to Predict Rock Heterogeneity and Fluid Distribution in Unconventional Reservoirs; #90309 (2017)
S. Sharma, C. Magnier, R. Michaelis, F. Kimour, M. Herkommer
Search and Discovery.com
... Fluorescence. The analysis provided the full lithofacies of geological formations including information on the sedimentary deposition and diagenetic events...
Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Gas Shales: Example from the Barnett Shale, Texas, U.S.A.
Roger Slatt, Prerna Singh, Gariel Borges, Roderick Perez, Romina Portas, Julieta Vallejo, Mike Ammerman, William Coffey and Eric Eslinger
Search and Discovery.com
... (mineralogy) in uncored wells using GAMLS Regional to local mapping of lithofacies in uncored wells Determine log-based petrophysical parameters using...
ABSTRACT: Emerging Technologies in Reservoir Prediction: Application of Neural Networks to Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoir Definition, by P. Crevello, M. T. Binfi, and M. Prins; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Calibrating Carbonate Core Data to Wireline Data: Searching for a Relationship between Petrophysical Properties and Mappable Depositional Trends (Geology Poster 13)
Mehmet Altunbay, Adriaan Bal, Selim Belhaouas, Richard Douglas Bray, Gamal Ragab Gaafar, Siti Salwa Bt Sharuddin
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Calibrating Carbonate Core Data to Wireline Data: Searching for a Relationship between Petrophysical Properties and Mappable Depositional...
Application of Lithofacies Modelling in Enhancing the Well Productivity; An Example from Eagle Ford Shale
Ajit K. Sahoo, Rudranath Mukherjee, Abhishek Mukherjee, Diya Mukherjee, Mukul Srivastava
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of several wells, core data of 36 wells and multi-min processed wire line logs of 74 wells are used for lithofacies analysis. Initially lithofacies...
Lithofacies and Pore-Structure Characterization of the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant County, Oklahoma; #80627 (2018)
Fnu Suriamin, Matthew J. Pranter
Search and Discovery.com
...-Continent Mississippian Limestone in the state of Oklahoma is currently available. This study focuses on lithofacies and pore-structure analysis...
Abstract: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts Applied to Geostatistical Modeling, by G. Desaubliaux, A. P. De Lestang, R. Eschard, B. Didier, and J. M. Feroul; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Paleoenviromental and Sequence Stratigraphic Studies of the D7.000 Sand, ‘EME’ Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Discrimination over 'Aib-EX' Oil Field, Niger Delta; #90255 (2017)
Sunday Olotu, Ibukun Olorunniwo, Olatunbosun Alao, Adekunle Adepelumi
Search and Discovery.com
... and stratigraphic analysis, reservoir delineation and characterization, petrophysical and rock physics analysis, and log inversion were carried out...
ABSTRACT: Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion Intervals; #90108 (2010)
Arijit Mitra, Daniel Warrington, and Duane A. Sommer
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal...
Arijit Mitra, Daniel Scott Warrington, and Alan Sommer
Search and Discovery.com
Tidal and Deltaic Influence in Storm-Dominated Prograding Shoreline Deposits Implication Toward Reservoir Characterization, #50473 (2011)
Senthil Velan Yuvaraj, James E. Evans
Search and Discovery.com
... of tidal effects and distal deltaic deposits. In these instances, architectural element analysis of these reservoir sandstones reveals variations...
Abstracts: Reservoir Characterization of the Bakken Formation; or Why is Parshall Special?; #90173 (2015)
Anne Grau and Robert Sterling
Search and Discovery.com
... lithofacies which represent different mineralogical assemblages and sedimentary mechanisms. Each lithofacies has unique petrophysical parameters...
Comparison of conventional lithofacies estimation and litho-petro-elastic inversion (LPE) in shallow offshore Mexico
Michelle Ellis, Charles Inyang, Carlos Alberto Montilla Nava, Janet Ravelo Cervantes, Doan Saavedra Castaeda, Jos Bernardo Vsquez Guerrero
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... Conventional lithofacies estimation uses petrophysical/rock physics analysis of well log data to define lithology/fluid classes. Probability density...
Uniting Petrophysics and Stratigraphy to Decipher Classified Facies from a Pre-Stack 3D Inversion: Wolfcamp and Spraberry, Howard County, Midland Basin, #10946 (2017).
Stephen P. Gardner, Katie-Joe McDonough, Robert Lieber, Ray Vogler, Scott Cook, Michael Pollachek
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoirs Wilson (2015) Therefore we expect differing lithofacies, petrophysical models, and reservoir distribution. Developing a Petrophysical...
AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 3: Definitions and Geologic Occurrence of Thin Beds in Clastics
Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------ Petrophysical beds In formation evaluation, petrophysical, or log analysis applications, the term bed has been used to refer...
Using Advanced Logging Measurements to Develop a Robust Petrophysical Model for the Bakken Petroleum System, #80534 (2016).
Gary A. Simpson, John Hohman, Iain Pirie, Jack Horkowitz
Search and Discovery.com
... Petrophysical Analysis Challenges • Five Science wells • Full Log Suites • 360 Ft. of Whole Core/Well • Cornerstone of the Petrophysical Models require...