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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,447 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Problem of the Gas Phase of Organic Matter of Rocks

Ye. A. Rogozina

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Problem of the Gas Phase of Organic Matter of Rocks Ye. A. Rogozina 1964 654 659 Vol. 8 (1964) No. 11. (November) 1. Petersil’ye, I. A., 1961...


Bed Configurations in Steady Unidirectional Water Flows. Part 2. Synthesis of Flume Data

John B. Southard, Lawrence A. Boguchwal

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... velocity. The topology of bed-phase boundaries was guided by the relationships shown in the dimensionless depth-velocity-size diagram. ALLEN, J. R...


Flowing Material Balance and Decline Curve Analysis: A Hybrid Approach for Better EUR and Decline Profile Predictions for CSG Wells

Gerardo E. Guillen Falcon

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... challenging task due to numerous factors. The highly heterogeneous nature of CSG reservoirs, their unique storage mechanism, the complex two phase flow...


Use of In-Situ Fluid Heterogeneity Characterization and Flowback Fluid Compositions to Constrain Fracture Height Growth and EOR Modeling in Liquid-Rich Low-Permeability Reservoirs

C.R. Clarkson, S.M. Ghaderi, M.S. Kanfar, B. Haghshenas, C.S. Iwuoha

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... as a starting point for a CO2-EOR sensitivity study using a huff-n-puff scheme. Two important additional considerations in the Haghshenas et al. study were...


The Role of Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis

Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... calcites enriched in Sr2+ are produced. As more and more aragonite is consumed a final phase is reached in which less total Sr2+ is delivered...


Remediation of a chlorinated solvent-contaminated site using steam injection and extraction

David Parkinson, Norm Brown, Everett Sorensen, Charlie Eischen, James Kupar, Thomas Kmetz

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... tomography. The technologies include the engineered combination of steam injection; dual-phase extraction for subsurface remediation; and an in-situ...


Cased Hole Frac Pack Completion - Case History of West Natuna Sea Development

Dadang Kurnia, Ricky Manalu, Seth Crissman, Indra Gunawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... consist of the well design considerations, general completion outlines, operational or field executions, and highlight of projects achievements. A well...


A Comprehensive Study on Applying Carbon Capture and Storage in Indonesia

Sabrina Metra, Dhita Saraswaty, Suwondo, Samuel Zulkhifly

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... data, HSE (health, safety, and environment) considerations, and risk identification must be completely prepared. The well integrity plays significant...


Well Spacing Optimization in Eagle Ford Shale: An Operators Experience

Mehdi Rafiee, Tarun Grover

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... phase flow in the reservoir. Most of the wells in the study area show relatively constant Condensate-Gas Ratio (CGR). This relatively flat producing CGR...


Effect of Hydrogen Exposure on Shale Reservoir Properties and Evaluation of Hydrogen Storage Possibility in Depleted Unconventional Formations

Elie Bechara, Talal Gamadi, Athar Hussain, Hossein Emadibaladehi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... reactions that might occur, geomechanical considerations, effect on the microbial system, and the overall feasibility and safety of the storage process (Bai...


Carbon Dioxide Storage in a Natural Gas Reservoir under Strong Bottom Water Drive

Zhiyuan Li, Dimitrios Georgios Hatzignatiou, Christine Ehlig-Economides

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... technical and economic considerations. Analytical and numerical model simulations explore how best to manage the EGR process to maximize both...


The Use of the Petroleum System Approach in Exploration of the Southwest China Sea: An Example from the Vung May Basin

C. S. Kenyon

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... a high degree of confidence based on sequence analysis of the deltaic wedge and on regional considerations. Charge and timing concerns and the degree...


Interpreting 3-D Seismic Data

Bruce S. Hart

Special Publications of SEPM

... trace attributes, such as a plitude, instantaneous frequency, reflection strength, instantaneous phase and any others (Tanner et al ., 1977 ; Brown...


The PESA Australian Lecture 1992: Some Ideas on the Rifting History of the Timor Sea from the Integration of Deep Crustal Seismic and Other Data

Geoffrey W. O'Brien

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... subsidence phase were deposited until the Late Triassic. The magnitude of the thermal/extension event associated with rifting and ultimate break-up...


Hydraulic, water quality, and isotopic characterization of Late Cretaceous–Tertiary Ardley coal waters in a key test-well, Pembina–Warburg exploration area, Alberta, Canada

S.M. Harrison, T. Gentzis, M. Payne

CSPG Bulletin

... = 1470 kPa or 150 m high water column. Figure 5b. Test set-up and sampling. Samples S1 and S2 collected from the test-well during drawdown phase...


Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Coalbed Methane: Chapter 16

J. E. McElhiney , G. W. Paul, G. B. C. Young, J. A. McCartney

AAPG Special Volumes

... involve the physics of desorption, diffusion, and two-phase Darcy flow of gas and water. Generally speaking, early-time flow rates are controlled...


Simulation of Light Hydrocarbon Migration in a Stacked Petroleum Reservoir at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, with Pressurization During Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Ronald W. Klusman

AAPG Special Volumes

... two-phase displacement model was used to simulate gas seepage to the surface at various pressures from the Tensleep, Second Wall Creek...


Geology and Hydrocarbon Accumulations, Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad

Ray Leonard

AAPG Bulletin

... both from Pliocene-Pleistocene pro-delta shales and as a late high-temperature phase of lower Cruse hydrocarbon generation. The north-northwest faults...


3-D Fault Geometries and Interactions Associated With Multiphase Extension; #41729 (2015)

Martha O. Withjack, Alissa A. Henza, Roy W. Schlische

Search and

... was added after each phase of extension. To examine the deformation within the models, we created closely spaced (1 mm apart) serial sections...


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