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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,526 Results. Searched 196,377 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Profiling Complex Flow in Deviated Wells- A North Sea Case Study; #90051 (2006)

Parijat Mukerji, Pierre Baux

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... of the velocity and fluid holdup profile enhances the capability of the analyst to determine the downhole phase...


ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy, a Predictive Tool to Understand Interplay of Basin Tectonics and Sedimentation: a Case Study from Muglad Basin, Sudan; #90051 (2006)

K.B. Trivedi, Saif El Islam, Ranya Elamahi

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.... These studies identified three mega rift cycles, each followed by thermal contraction and sag phase. During rift phases typical argillaceous facies were...


ABSTRACT: Modeling of Miscible Filtrate Cleanup with Wireline Formation Testers; #90061 (2006)

Omer Alpak, Hani Elshahawi, Mohamed Hashem, and Oliver Mullins

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... and typically assume either single phase or 2 to 3-component hydrocarbon phases in cases of black-oil/extended black-oil formulations. As a result, accurate...


ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Triassic to Late Jurassic Reservoirs in the Timor Sea, Australia: New Insights; #90061 (2006)

Grant K. Ellis

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... of hydrocarbon entrapment history can be developed and demonstrate that structures in the Timor Sea have undergone more than one phase of oil entrapment...


ABSTRACT: Aspects of the Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Phu Khanh Basin, Offshore Central Vietnam, South China Sea; #90061 (2006)

Michael Bryld Wessel Fyhn, Lars Henrik Nielsen, Lars Ole Boldreel, Le Dinh Thang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Anh Duc, and Dang Thu Houng

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... inversion, regional uplift and erosion in the basin and heralded the second rift-phase. Left-lateral strike-slip faulting caused a 10 – 20 km wide, through...


Abstract: Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS) Potential in Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian Strata in the Michigan Basin, USA

David A. Barnes, William B. Harrison III, and Amanda Wahr, Phil Jagucki, Neeraj Gupta

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..., State-Charlton #4-30 well in Otsego County, Michigan, was drilled in late 2006 in conjunction with ongoing DOE/NETL funded, MRCSP Phase II studies...


Abstract: Assessing the Potential for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery in the MRCSP Region

Ronald A. Riley, Brandon Nuttall, John A. Harper, Lee Avary, John A. Rupp, David A. Barnes, and G. Michael Grammer

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... and Michigan Basins, and the Cincinnati and Findlay Arches region. This phase II regional partnership project is funded, in part, by the U.S. DOE...


Abstract: Transpressional Evolution of the Variscan Belt in the Tinerhir Area (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

Andrea Cerrina Feroni, Alessandro Ellero, Marco Malusà, Giovanni Musumeci, Giuseppe Ottria, Riccardo Polino

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.... This deformation history is sealed by Late Cretaceous deposits unconformably overlying the Paleozoic belt. The first deformation phase (D1) is marked by tight...


Abstract: Influence of Basement Fault Zones and Basin Inversion on Salt Tectonics … Examples from the Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough

Piotr Krzywiec

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... compressional stresses, could also led to reactivation of salt structures. Compressed salt diapirs enter next phase of growth, their salt wings formed...


Abstract: Seismic and Structural Data from the Puebla de Guzmn Anticline: An Overview of Crustal Architecture in the Iberian Pyrite Bel

Elena M. Mantero, Encarnación García-Navarro, Francisco M. Alonso-Chaves, Antonio Azor

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... a second phase structure with some previous deformation inherited from the first phase. Seismic and field data support the interpretation of its internal...


Abstract: Revisiting the Concept of Steady State WithdrawalŽ in Salt Systems: Minibasin Evolution and Seismic Morphology

Leslie J. Wood

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... and repetitive sequences. Each fill type has distinct “facies” comprising it. Interbasin debris flow processes are more prominent during the Ponded Phase...


ABSTRACT: Compensating for Seismic Absorption Anomalies with 3-D Q-Tomography and Q-compensating PSDM; #90115 (2010)

Yi Xie, Kefeng Xin, James Sun, Carl Notfors, Barry Hung, and Roger Taylor

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.... Spatial variations and anomalies in the transmission properties of the overburden cause seismic amplitude attenuation, wavelet phase distortion and seismic...


ABSTRACT Sedimentological Control on Hydrate Saturation Distribution in Arctic Gas-Hydrate-Bearing Deposits, #90104 (2010)

Behseresht Javad; Peng Yao; Bryant Steven L.; Winters William

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... with the establishment of a  gas phase saturation within the sediment when the base of gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ) was located above the sediment...


ABSTRACT Proximal to Distal Expression of Carbonate - Mudrock Rhythmites of the Lower Permian Lueders Limestone Texas: Record of High-Frequency Climate Change on the Eastern Shelf Midland Basin, #90104 (2010)

Holterhoff Peter F.

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... ‐ dominated or mudstone ‐ dominated deposition across the platform, here  interpreted as wet‐dry climate cycles. Reduced runoff during the dry phase...


ABSTRACT Seismic Characterization of Discontinuities Zones from a Deepwater Fold-and-Thrust System Niger Delta, #90104 (2010)

Iacopini David; Butler Robert W.

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... several seismic attribute as coherency, dip  derivative, spectral decomposition, instantaneous phase and phase based dip maps suggest...


ABSTRACT The Pre- and Post-salt Structure of the Angolan Salt Province - A 3-D Seismic Study, #90104 (2010)

Jones William; Hawkins Lisa; Joaquim Lourenco; Guevara Mary

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... much of Blocks 15‐18 and 33‐34 of offshore  Angola. Interpreted horizons include the base sag‐phase unconformity, a shallow pre‐salt horizon, the base...


ABSTRACT PorousM3 a Finite Element 2-D and 3-D Porous Flow Modeling Code Being Developed to Model Carbon Sequestration, #90104 (2010)

Kirkpatrick Gregory J., Phipps Morgan Jason, Hasenclever Jörg

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..., that models multi‐phase fluid flow in a porous medium. PorousM3 solves  for a Darcy pressure field using a multi‐grid preconditioned conjugate gradient...


ABSTRACT Heavy Mineral Stratigraphic Analysis on the Clair Field, UK West of Shetlands „ A Unique Realtime Solution for Redbed Correlation While Drilling, #90104 (2010)

Morton Andrew; Milne Alex W.; Bleasdale Kevin

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... development wells during Phase 1 of the Clair Field development, and for all Phase 2 appraisal wells. The technique  offers a reliable, cost‐effective...


ABSTRACT Role of Internal Waves Within Ponded Turbidity Currents: Experimental Data and Deposit Implications, #90104 (2010)

Patacci Marco; McCaffrey William D.; Haughton Peter D.

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... travel from the flow inlet toward the confining slope along the internal density interface with a phase  velocity much higher than that of the ponded...


ABSTRACT Post-Closure Buoyancy-Driven Leakage of Sequestered CO2 Along Fault Zones, #90104 (2010)

Simms Michael A.; Garven Grant

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... conditions of 1 to 2 km depth, supercritical‐phase CO2 is buoyant relative to formation water. Buoyancy‐driven flow along a  transmissive fault can...


ABSTRACT Late Quaternary Depositional Packages of the Mississippi River Incised Valley, #90104 (2010)

Wessels Scott A.; Kulp Mark A.

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... respectively. This surface is the topstratum‐substratum contact. Shelf phase transgressive deltas began to develop  within and beyond the incised valley...


ABSTRACT Salt Structures in the Laizhouwan Derpession, Offshore Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China: Implications for Structural Models and Hydrocarbon Exploration, #90104 (2010)

Zhou Xinhuai; Yu Yixin; Peng Wenxu

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...) relative structural quiescence, and (5) arching. The evolution of the  salt structures was mostly governed by the multi‐phase compression induced...


ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas; #90117 (2010)

"Brian B. Hunt, Nathanael Banda, Brian A. Smith"

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... here are the initial phase of an ongoing project 3D modeling project. The 3D model developed in this phase is a visually appealing regional 3D geologic...


ABSTRACT The Effect of Trapping Hysteresis on Permanent Storage of CO2 in Deep Saline Aquifers, #90103 (2010)

Morteza Akbarabadi, Mohammad Piri

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... in two-phase CO2/brine systems. A state-of-the-art two- and three-phase coreflooding facility has recently been established. The facility includes...


ABSTRACT Leakage Detection and Characterization to Accommodate Safe Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers, #90103 (2010)

Mehdi Zeidouni, Mehran Pooladi-Darvish, David Keith

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... through a point source/sink leakage pathway. We consider a single-phase 1-D radial flow system in the storage and monitoring aquifers. For each aquifer...


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