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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,864 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Deterministic and Statistical Wavelet Processing
Lee Lu
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... impedence is the product of density with sound velocity, so that reflection seismology, which can only detect changes in acoustic impedence, cannot...
Heatflow Trends in South East Asia: Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity
R. D. Shaw, G. H. Packham
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... the system. This so-called quiescent phase of basin development, commencing in the late Oligocene to early Miocene, was characterised by a reduction...
Nanotomography of Spontaneous Imbibition in Shale
Morteza Akbarabadi, Mohammad Piri
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., segmented, and analyzed. In order to distinguish each phase properly and improve the accuracy of the segmentation and quantification steps...
Improved Workflow for EUR Prediction in Unconventional Reservoirs
Akash Sharma, W. John Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...” flow regime). We have applied the workflow to situations with either single-phase or multi-phase flow in the reservoir. We have tested the workflow...
Novel Oil Flow Enhancement Chemistry for Unconventional Formations Evaluated and Optimized by Cutting-Edge Methodology
Elizabeth Cambre, Ali Abedini, Xinyue Zhang, Kirstie Boyle, Edward Hughes
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...). This paper presents a methodology and results of two phases of testing. The objective of the first phase was to determine the theoretical performance...
Integrated Optimization of SIMOPS (Drilling, Well Intervention, and Production) on Jackup Rig : A Case Study of Under Cantilever Operations at X-1 Platform in Mahakam Asset
R. Hidayat, R. Hutahaean, A.S. Redjeki, P. S. Kurniawati, G. Pancawisna
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to accommodate this SIMOPS between drilling, well intervention and production, shallow gas phase (up to cementing of surface casing) of X-107, X-108 and X-109...
Onshore Site Restoration; Overview and Lesson Learned
Galih Pandu Atmaja, Agung Prabowo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... through environmental site assessment as per guideline in ASTM E1527-13 for phase 1; site assessment and ASTM E1903-11 for phase 2; detailed...
A Comparison of Primary Depletion and GCEOR in the Montney Formation: Volatile Oil and Rich Gas Condensate
F. Brent Thomas, Farhad Qanbari, Michael Piwowar, Mehdi Noroozi, Ronnel Apil, Juan Marin, William Gibb, Carter Clarkson, Hongmei Zhang, Stan Swacha
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in point form. 1. Continuous phase and the most compressible phase – The average compressibility for the fluid system is dominated by the most compressible...
Oil-Water Two-Phase Flow Behavior in Shale Inorganic Nanopores: From Molecule Level to Theoretical Mathematical Model
Shiyuan Zhan, Yuliang Su, Zhehui Jin, Wendong Wang, Lei Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the theoretical model to predict the velocity and flux of two-phase flow in nanoscale, which is helpful to make further understanding and description...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper-Miocene to Pleistocene Sediments of Southwestern Mississippi Canyon and Northwestern Atwater Valley, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Sincavage, Ryan, Weimer, Paul, and Bouroullec, Renaud
GCAGS Transactions
.... Phase I (24-10.75 Ma) is characterized by active withdrawal of the top Cretaceous allochthonous salt system and a period of sediment starvation...
Appendix A: Considerations for Optimum 3-D Survey Design, Acquisition and Processing
R. Malcolm Lansley
AAPG Special Volumes
... of water-column reverberations using pressure and velocity detectors in a water-bottom cable: 59th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts...
Characterization of a Sediment Core from Potential Gas-hydrate-bearing Reservoirs in the Sagavanirktok, Prince Creek, and Schrader Bluff Formations of Alaska's North Slope: Part 5Acoustic Velocity Core Studies
R. F. Sigal, C. Rai, C. Sondergeld, B. Spears, W. J. Ebanks Jr., W. D. Zogg, N. Emery, G. McCardle, R. Schweizer, W. G. McLeod, J. Van Eerde
AAPG Special Volumes
... pressure for a selected group of sample depths for phase I recovered sand samples. 1 ft = 0.3 m; 100 psi = 0.7 MPa.FIGURE 6. Shear-wave velocity Vs1...
Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons: Chapter 12: Part III. Processes
William A. England
AAPG Special Volumes
... migrates as a separate, immiscible phase through water-saturated rock. The driving force for migration is the vertical buoyancy force due to the lower...
Quantitative Mineralogical Characterization of Sandstones by Back-Scattered Electron Image Analysis
A. Dilks, S. C. Graham
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are applied where phases overlap in gray level. The concentration of each phase in each image is then measured as proportional area, and the average over...
Basin Subsidence and Hypersubsidence
Maurice Kamen-Kaye
AAPG Bulletin
... strength is able to balance the stresses and strains which accumulate in the depositional prisms. If the balance of strength fails, a new phase (orogeny...
Late Authigenic Pyrite - An Indicator of Oil Migration and Entrapment in the Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea, Australia; #10655 (2014)
Grant Ellis
Search and Discovery.com
... in the sandstone is therefore dependent on the presence of sulphate- and iron-rich formation water. An initial phase of oil entrapment in the Bonaparte...
Microbes and Ooids
Sarah M.A. Duguid, T. Kurtis Kyser, Noel P. James, Eugene C. Rankey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... interface (the active phase). This veneer of ACC later recrystallizes to aragonite needles and a new cortex layer is formed (the stationary phase...
Deviations from Classical Diffusion Behavior: A Systematic Investigation of Possible Controls on Abnormal Reservoir Signatures
Bin Yuan, Christopher R. Clarkson, Zhenzihao Zhang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... classical diffusion behavior. A new, general semi-analytical model is developed that explicitly accounts for multi-phase flow, stresssensitive reservoir...
Mechanism of Passive Margins and Inland Seas Formation: Tectonic Processes: Model Investigations of Margin Environmental and Tectonic Processes
E. V. Artyushkov, S. V. Sobolev
AAPG Special Volumes
... frozen density and Vp velocity-depth relations in the mafic lower continental crust. The phase transition proceeds under dry conditions. 1 = the Ito...
Chapter Fourteen: Temporal Throw Rate Variability on Gravity-Driven Normal Faults; Constraints from the Gudrun Fault, South Viking Graben, Offshore Norway
Christopher A.-L. Jackson
AAPG Special Volumes
..., offshore Norway. Using these data, I recognise five main kinematic phases: (1) Phase 1 (early Callovian)—fault initiation and a phase of moderate fault...
Successions of Late Cenozoic Platform Dolomites Distinguished by Texture, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry: Niue, South Pacific
C.W. Wheeler, P. Aharon, R.E. Ferrell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and 3.6 ± 0.3o/oo PDB, respectively; n = 29). Phase mixing causes linear trends in the elemental and 18O compositions of the CM-CMS-MS dolomites...
Big Horn Basin Tectonics (Leaning on Full and Frequent Quotes from W. T. Thom, Jr.)
John R. Fanshawe
Wyoming Geological Association
.... Phase 1. The known tectonic history of the Yellow stone-Big Horn region begins with an early pre-Cambrian or Archeozoic orogenic phase, during which...
Hydrocarbon Play in North Sumatra Basin and Sequence Stratigraphy Application on Keutapang Reservoir Formation Based on Well Logs Data
M. Resawan Hakim, Mangku Faris, Mateos Yordan Y. N.
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... fault system, which caused block faulting become pull apart basin. In Early Oligocene, velocity of subduction decreased and made the plate more stabil...
Reservoir Simulation of Arun Field
Djoko Harsono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and evaluation tool for Arun reservoir management. 1. Bansal, P.P. et al: "A Strongly Coupled, Fully Implicit, Three Dimensional, Three Phase Reservoir...
Niobrara Horizontal Well Planning and Execution: The Other Half of the Equation
Jack Wiener, Mohamed Elfedawy
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a well, many considerations must be precisely understood during the pre-planning phase of a horizontal drilling program. Such questions arise, like...