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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
ABSTRACT: Caribbean Granitoids
Lidiak, E. and Jolly, W.
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... by an aqueous fluid phase. 198...
Abstract: Clay Mineralogy of Uranium-Organic Enriched and Barren Zones in Morrison Formation, Ambrosia Lake District, New Mexico, by M. J. Lee, B. Mukhopadhyay, D. G. Brookins; #90979 (1975).
Search and Discovery.com
Lithology of the Monterey Formation in the Western Santa Maria Valley Field, Santa Maria Basin, California
John B. Dunham, Mary Lou Cotton-Thornton
Special Publications of SEPM
.... The silica-phase change occurs within a transition zone in which opal-CT and quartz-phase rocks are interlayered with one another...
Styles of Compressional Wrench Faulting Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
G. Bulte
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... and the Tasman Ridge (Figure 1). Sinistral wrench faulting is recognised, but with less associated compression than the earlier wrenching phase. Late...
ABSTRACT: Strategy for Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Susan Hovorka
GCAGS Transactions
... for the purpose of reducing atmosphere carbon dioxide emissions is in a research phase in preparation for commercialization. However, it must be recognized...
Chevron and WWF: Lessons Learned from Six Years of Collaboration in Biodiversity Protection
D. McCall, D. Flemming
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... diversity. The KICDP completed its first three-year phase of operation in 1997 and initiated a second three-year phase in January of 1998 with fu nding from...
Kinematic Gravity Modeling of the Crustal-Scale Evolution of the Central Brooks Range and Colville Basin - Abstract
J. D. Williams, Robert J. Lillie, Catherine L. Hanks, Wesley K. Wallace
Alaska Geological Society
... of the model that includes an overriding arc also exhibits 150 km of crustal overlap during a first phase of collision. Extensional unroofing in the upper...
The NE Greenland Continental Margin
Menno G. Dinkelman, James W. Granath, Richard Whittaker, ION Geophysical
GEO ExPro Magazine
... Greenland Shelf showing a relatively thick Mesozoic section with volcanic and possible km intrusalt sives. A phase of intra-Cretaceous rifting...
Upper Devonian of South-East Ireland— Anatomy of a Constricted Alluvial Fan: Abstract
P. R. R. Gardiner
CSPG Special Publications
.... Overstep onto lateral divides resulted in the third phase valley fill on a larger scale (> 20 km width) in the context of a stable distal fan...
Abstract: “Frozen-In” Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps-Exploration Targets
H. Hugh Wilson
Abilene Geological Society
... burial with attendant pressure and temperature increases results in natural cracking of trapped oil to gas with phase-change expansion causing...
Abstract: Use of Color Displays in Seismic Interpretation, by W. F. Albers; #90972 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Depositional Facies and Diagenetic Features of the Flippen Limestone, Central Jones County, Texas
David G. Morris
Abilene Geological Society
... that the Flippen Limestone was subaerially exposed to the effects of meteoric waters after deposition during a regressive phase of the sea. Paleostream systems...
Petrology of Torok Formation Sandstones from the Central Foothills area, Central North Slope Alaska - Abstract
Russell Kirkham
Alaska Geological Society
... the Grandstand test well. The goal of this second phase of work is to understand the facies and provenance controls on reservoir quality...
Broadband (Seismic) Experiment Across the Alaska Range - Abstract
E. V. Meyers, D. H. Christensen
Alaska Geological Society
... seismic experiment directed at imaging the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Alaska Range in central Alaska. The dense phase (approximately...
Factors Controlling the Accumulation of Hydrocarbons in the Canadian Arctic Islands: Abstract
G. R. Varney
CSPG Special Publications
...) and regressive in its upper part (basin-filling deltaic sands, silts and shales). During the transgressive phase, “reefing” occurred on the geanticlinal ridge...
Abstract: Late Precambrian Sedimentation in Belt and Uinta Aulacogens--Initial Deposits of Cordilleran Geosyncline, by Robert L. Boyce; #90972 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Classification of Water-Land Clastic Sediments
Manley L. Natland
Pacific Section of AAPG
... by gravity alone. The sediments move down a slope of sufficient gradient at speeds from slow creep to enormous velocity. Internal bedding is massive...
Eruption Dynamics of the KS1 caldera eruption of Ksudach Volcano, Russia - Abstract
J. E. Gardner, S. Tait, B. J. Andrews, V. Ponomareva, I. V. Melekestsev
Alaska Geological Society
... (pyroclastic flow) parts of an eruption column. Early on, most material came from a buoyant plume, whereas later in the white pumice phase...
ABSTRACT: Pennsylvanian History of the Chautauqua Arch, Oklahoma and Kansas
Allan Bennison
Kansas Geological Society
... the Pennsylvanian, a phase usually omitted on many Pennsylvanian tectonic maps. This arch separates the northern ramp of the Arkoma Basin...
Integrated approach for de-risking an unconventional tight sand play
Fahad Alkhunaini, Mohammad Mohanna, Francis Elisabeth, Jana Alfaraj, Heba Alsoqair, Omar Jahdali
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the delineation strategy. In the pilot phase, focus is shifted on fine tuning technologies in order to maximize production and reduce cost. Drilling and completion...
Hydrocarbons of the Mesozoic Basins of Western Australia: Abstract
John K. Geary
CSPG Special Publications
... where continental arenaceous deposition occurred. This rifting phase preceded the drifting apart of the Gondwana continent. Concomitant with drifting...
Abstract: Transgressive-Regressive Shelf Deposition, Shublik Formation, Prudhoe Bay Area, Alaska, by G. S. Fraser, R. H. Clarke; #90972 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrology and geochemistry of the River Lake Pluton Halifax County, Nova Scotia
Wayne C. Thomas
Atlantic Geology
... silicic phase and has relatively high levels of Fe 2 0 3 (total), MgO, MnO, Ti0 2 , and CaO. Alumina values are approximately the same in both phases...
Evaluation of the Texaco Dielectric Log in Central Sumatra
P. T. Cox
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the Helmholtz wave equation using cylindrical coordinates. The program generates values of phase and amplitude of the propagating wave at each receiver...
ABSTRACT: Basal Tuscaloosa Sediments, East-Central Louisiana
Harry V. Spooner, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
..., the Middle Tuscaloosa the inundated phase, and the Upper Tuscaloosa the regressive. Many stratigraphically controlled hydrocarbon traps are present...