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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,864 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Abstract: Structural elements and sedimentation patterns in the Magdalen Basin
P. Durling, F. Marillier
Atlantic Geology
... extension phase followed by thermal relaxation. Atlantic Geology, March 1993, Volume 29, Number 1 Copyright © 2015 Atlantic Geology...
Abstract: Distribution of Horton Group subbasins in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from seismic reflection data; Implications for the early tectonic development of the Magdalen Basin
P. Durling, F. Marillier
Atlantic Geology
... Carboniferous crustal extension phase, can be interpreted in terms of both an orthogonal or a trans tensional rift. Although we do not observe mid-crustal...
G. H. Westby
AAPG Bulletin
... important phase of its gradual development and increasingly satisfactory application to the mapping of subsurface geological structure. With the advent...
Abstract: Measurement of compressional--wave velocity gradients in seabed materials -- examples from the Beaufort Sea and the Sea of Japan
A. McKay
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Measurement of compressional--wave velocity gradients in seabed materials -- examples from the Beaufort Sea and the Sea of Japan A. McKay...
Exploration detective stories: Augmenting seismic with other disciplines in the Niger Delta and Brazils Sergipe and southern Santos Basins
William Dickson
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., plus published literature to define the deep rift-phase structure. Broad coverages of detailed 3D seismic and surface geochemical exploration (SGE...
Effect of Early Cementation on the Development of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones — Examples from the Cambrian of Illinois Basin: Abstract
Mojisola A. KunleDare
Tulsa Geological Society
... resisted compaction. Later, dissolution in the hematite cemented layers created new porosity. A second phase of dissolution resulted in the corrosion...
Abstract: Sedimentological, palynological and diatom evidence of the Younger Dryas, Pine Hill Pond, Terra Nova National Park, eastern Newfoundland (Poster)
D. L. Butler, A. Wolfe
Atlantic Geology
... to subsequent uninterrupted deposition of organic sediments. During this phase, the reversion from shrub tundra to a sparser herb-shrub tundra pollen...
Abstract: Hunting for Elephants: Exploration and Appraisal Learnings from the Western Atwater Foldbelt of the Ultra Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
Michael G. Moore
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... This proves the presence of a large working petroleum system in the WAFB. At the beginning of the appraisal phase the main risk shifted to the extent...
ABSTRACT: Influence of Early Cretaceous paleotopography on deposition and the sealing potential of the South Perth Shale, Vlaming Sub-basin
Stephen Johnston, Chris Southby, Irina Borissova, Megan Lech, Chris Lewis, Diane Jorgensen, Liuqi Wang
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... The SPS, conventionally described as a regional seal deposited during a post-rift thermal subsidence phase, consists of a series of prograding units...
Simultaneous Marine Transgression and Valley Incision in a High Accommodation Setting, Hanna Basin, Wyoming: Abstract
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski
Tulsa Geological Society
... to the east. Sequence boundary formation upstream and filling events downstream were simultaneous and therefore out of phase relative to changes in relative sea...
Abstract: Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, CA
Robert Kidney, John Arestad, Anne Grau and Robert Sterling
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...-saturated quartz have nearly the same acoustic impedance. Opal-CT is low density while hydrocarbon-saturated quartz is low velocity. The presence...
Abstract: Understanding Seismically Derived Impedance Logs, by R. M. Cone, D. D. Thompson, J. E. Beitzel, J. L. Dees; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Agbami Field, Nigeria—Addressing Challenges and Uncertainty
David Grimes, Elliott Ginger, and John Spokes
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... facilitated the identification of the key uncertainties and provided direct input into economic models for decision analysis. During each phase of the process...
Abstract: Seal Character and Variability Within Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Seal Quantification and Prediction
William R. Almon and William C. Dawson
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... required to attain critical seal pressure (10% non-wetting phase saturation) varies over a considerable range (15 to 20,000 psia). Tertiary shales...
Method of Selection of Optimum Distance Between Structural-Exploration Wells
A. A. Aksenov, L. Yu. Benderovich, A. V. Pevneva
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... and detailed outlining of uplifted zones of the Archedino-Saushin type. 1-Regional exploration profiles; 2-intermediate profiles; wells: 3-first phase; 4-second...
Determination of the Lower Limit of Porosity of Production Reservoirs
V. A. Ivanov, V. G. Khramova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... immobile (this is easily explained by the curves of relative phase permeability) (8). In this connection in determining the lower limit of porosity...
Abstract: Frigg Field--Large Submarine-Fan Trap in Lower Eocene Sandstones of North Sea Viking Graben, by F. E. Heritier, P. Lossel, E. Wathne; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Marine refraction data reveals atypical thin crust under the central Newfoundland Appalachians (poster)
F. Marillier, I. Reid
Atlantic Geology
... orogenic collapse, post-orogenic isostatic readjustment associated with lateral density variations within the upper mantle, or transformation by phase...
Abstract: Dunnage-Gander boundaries, and some aspects of terrane evolution in Newfoundland
M. A. J. Piasecki
Atlantic Geology
... obliterated most fabrics of initial Ordovician interaction. The main phase of transport, D1, was directed northover-south in flat rocks, becoming sinistral...
Abstract: Late Proterozoic tectonic events in the Avalon Terrane including the Cadomian and Pan-African (poster)
J. W. Skehan, N. Rast
Atlantic Geology
... ca. 620 Ma with mild metamorphism and granite intrusion. Between the two there has been an undated, but important deformation phase (Krogh et al...
Study of Bitumoids Extracted from Sedimentary Rocks by Compressed Hydrocarbon Gases
M. I. Gerber, T. P. Zhuze, V. P. Kandrat’yev, Ye. V. Potkova, A. V. Gussarev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... selected samples of rock by chloroform and compressed gases. It is evident from these data that the main components passing into the gas phase are methane...
Abstract: An Interpretation of the Crustal Framework and Continent-Oceanic Boundary in U.S. OCS of the Gulf of Mexico, Based on Gravity and Refraction Data Analysis
Elizabeth A.E. Johnson, Jon F. Blickwede, Holly H. Huston, and Marek Kacewicz
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... with true oceanic crust observed elsewhere on the globe. However, the enigmatic nature of the crustal velocity and thickness data from refraction...
Abstract: Terrestrial Evolution--Insights from the Moon and Planets, by Harold Masursky; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Stratigraphy and Structure of the Islands off Gunung Jerai and Pantai Merdeka, Kedah
W. Y. Foo, T. T. Khoo
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... oaaurrenae of slumping made interpretation of the struatures more diffiault. More than one phase of folding is likely...
On a Reported Occurrence of Glaucophane in Peninsular Malaysia
T. T. Khoo
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... Occurrence. Turner, F.J., 1968. Metamorphic Petrology. Amer. J. Sci., Phase Relations and McGraw-Hill, New York. Winkler, H.F.G., 1967...