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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,526 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Hydrology of Deep Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT

Paul H. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

.... Discharge of connate water upward and toward the basin margin is the first phase; intake and throughflow of meteoric water comprise the second...


Depositional Episodes: Their Relation to Quaternary Sea-Level Fluctuations in Gulf Coast Region: ABSTRACT

David E. Frazier

AAPG Bulletin

... depositional sequence indicates three phases of development. Deposits of the initial phase record a stillstand of the sea during which each of the rivers...


Facies Patterns in Marble Falls Group, Southeast Burnet County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Jerome N. Namy

AAPG Bulletin

... depositional phases. The vertical sequence for each phase results from lateral shifts of 1 or 2 facies tracts that are unique to each phase. As a consequence...


Smackover Stratigraphic Traps--New Production in Old Areas: ABSTRACT

J. J. Amoruso

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ signals the beginning of the second phase of Smackover exploration--the search for combination structural/stratigraphic...


Control of Earthquakes at Rangely, Colorado: ABSTRACT

J. D. Bredehoeft, C. B. Raleigh, J. H. Healy

AAPG Bulletin

... of the zones of earthquake activity. The experiment was conducted in three phases: (1) an initial phase of reducing fluid pressure, an attempt to stop...


Developmental Phases in Lagoonal Patch Reefs--Implications for Paleozoic Bioherms, or New Models for Reefs: ABSTRACT

Rena M. Bonem

AAPG Bulletin

... and Paleozoic bioherms further strengthens the proposed model. Development of many Paleozoic bioherms progresses from an initiation phase...


Quantitative Basin Analysis and Evolution of Deep-Marine Shale Basin, Middle Ordovician, Southern Appalachians: ABSTRACT

Ganapathy Shanmugam, Kenneth R. Walker

AAPG Bulletin

... phase with a subsidence rate of 3 to 4 cm/1,000 years; (2) a second tectonic phase with a subsidence rate of 60 to 65 cm/1,000 years; (3) a final...


Water-Rock Interaction During Clastic Diagenesis in Both Open and Closed Systems: ABSTRACT

Ian Hutcheon

AAPG Bulletin

... that the composition of ocean water may be controlled by reactions with clay minerals which act as solid phase buffers. The compositions...


Seismic Modeling of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Mounds in Paradox Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT

George R. Pickett, Frances G. Sherrill

AAPG Bulletin

..., one- or two-dimensional seismic models were generated using wavelets of varying frequency content and phase. It was determined from these models...


Lateral Trapping Mechanisms in Deep Basin Gas Trap, Western Canada: ABSTRACT

R. M. Gies

AAPG Bulletin

... are significant: (1) the original gas and water phase pressures are about equal at the updip limit, and (2) there is no downdip gas/water contact. In many...


Faunal Zonation of Cenomanian (Middle Cretaceous) Rudist Reef, Paso del Rio, Colima, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Terry L. Huffington

AAPG Bulletin

... with a constructive and a destructive phase. The constructive phase is represented by the caprinid wackestone and the silty, caprinid-Immanitine-radiolitid...


Porosity Reduction During Diagenesis of Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara, California: ABSTRACT

Caroline M. Isaacs

AAPG Bulletin

... reductions of 10 to 30% porosity during the two silica phase transformations (opal-A to opal-CT and opal-CT to quartz). Large differences in porosity among...


How to Correct Seismic Data to Improve Seismic Impedance Logs: ABSTRACT

E. Robein, J. M. Komatitsch

AAPG Bulletin

... and velocity effects, two global parameters may disturb the comparison between acoustic logs recorded in a borehole and those derived from seismic data...


Structural Development of Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia: ABSTRACT

Kim R. Butler, Steven Schamel

AAPG Bulletin

... basins of the upper Magdalena Valley are en echelon late Cenozoic structural depressions between the Central and Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian...


Evolution of a Mixed Carbonate/Terrigenous Platform: Lower Cambrian Continental Terrace Wedge of Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada: ABSTRACT

F. F. Krause

AAPG Bulletin

... continent. Growth of the continental terrace wedge can be categorized by three phases of platform up-, out- and in-building. Phase 1--Continuous out...


Reexploration in Reconcavo Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT

A. S. T. Netto

AAPG Bulletin

... phase from 1940 to 1960 when the major existing fields were discovered, and a development phase from 1960 to 1980, during which addition of new field...


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