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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,526 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Ordovician-Mississippian Rocks of the Paradox Basin

A. W. Neff, S. C. Brown

Utah Geological Association

... Mexico. The Aneth sediments represent an early phase of deposition by the encroaching post-Cambrian Cordilleran seas which probably never reached...


Value of marine vibrators for effective frequency-dependent spatial sampling of seismic wavefield

Arash JafarGandomi, Aparajita Nath, Sergio Grion

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... and phase encoding allows for continuously active simultaneous sources. The low frequencies will typically have longer sweep lengths than higher...


Spectral Induced Polarization: A New Way for Hydrocarbon Prospect Prediction

Feisal Dirgantara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... parameters (phase-staggered fitting) that is designed for dipoledipole SIP uses Cole-Cole and Brown Models. The combined model can be used to calculate...


Experimental and Mechanism Study of CO2 and Bakken Oil Interactions at Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Conditions

Yuhao Yang, Qinwen Fu, Xiaoli Li, Jyun-Syung Tsau, Reza Barati, Shahin Negahban

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is charged into the piston-equipped view cell coexisting with the preloaded Bakken oil. Three types of phase behavior can be captured under certain...


History of Petroleum Exploration in Trinidad and Tobago, #70231 (2016).

K. M. Persad, C. Archie

Search and

... and 3D seismic. Initial prospecting based on seeps commenced in the 1850’s, and continued until 1905. During this phase, prospectors drilled...


Flow Dynamics and Pore Scale Physics in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs

Najeeb S. Alharthy, Tadesse Weldu Teklu, Sherif Abd El-Gawad, Hossein Kazemi, Ramona Graves

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and the relevant hydrocarbon recovery mechanisms from liquid-rich shale reservoirs. Spatial confinement in tiny pores affects the phase behavior, fluid...


New Model Improves Secondary Phase Production Forecasts

Himanshu Shekhar Jha, W. John Lee

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...New Model Improves Secondary Phase Production Forecasts Himanshu Shekhar Jha, W. John Lee URTeC: 3722861 New Model Improves Secondary Phase...


Molecular Simulation of Hydrocarbon Occurrence and Phase Behavior in Nano Pores; #40400 (2014)

Keyu Liu, Junfang Zhang, Shuichang Zhang, Hua Tian

Search and

...Molecular Simulation of Hydrocarbon Occurrence and Phase Behavior in Nano Pores; #40400 (2014) Keyu Liu, Junfang Zhang, Shuichang Zhang, Hua Tian...


Diagenesis of the Keg River Formation, Northwestern Alberta: Fluid Inclusion Evidence

K.L Aulstead,, R.J. Spencer

CSPG Bulletin

... periode Frasnienne. En utilisant les memes criteres, il est aussi condu que certains hydrocarbures, contenus dans des inclusions dans la fluorine et...


Seepage Characteristics of Fluids in Cross-Scale Unconventional Oil Reservoirs Based on Different CO2 Miscibility Degrees

Xiliang Liu, Hao Chen, Mingsheng Zuo, Weiming Cheng, Borui Li

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... transfer of the CO2-oil system generates multiple phase zone distribution between the injection well and the production well, which significantly...


Study of Phase Behaviour and Ionic Effect of Green Surfactants in MEOR

Bashirul Haq, Jishan Liu, Keyu Liu, Dhafer Al Shehri

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Study of Phase Behaviour and Ionic Effect of Green Surfactants in MEOR Bashirul Haq, Jishan Liu, Keyu Liu, Dhafer Al Shehri The APPEA Journal 2018...


Reservoir Fluids 2003: PVT and Beyond - Workshop Summary

William D. McCain Jr., Dave Bergman, Lloyd D. Brown, William Thomason, John E. Zumberge, Kevin, Ferworn


..., Kevin, Ferworn View/Download Full Workshop Files RESERVOIR FLUIDS 2003: PVT AND BEYOND BOTTOM LINE Analyses of reservoir fluids/fluid phase behavior...


ABSTRACT: A Preliminary Technostratigraphic Framework for Onshore Trinidad

C.C. Wielchowsky, V.D. Rahmanian and J. Hardenbol

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... be divided into four broad developmental phases. These are as follows: 1) a Middle Jurassic through Late Cretaceous rift/passive-margin sag phase, related...


The 1986 Activity of Mt. St. Augustine: Volcanic Hazards in the Cook Inlet Basin - Abstract

J. Kienle, S. E. Swanson

Alaska Geological Society

... midnight on March 27, 1986. The 1986 eruption can be divided into 3 phases. The explosive main phase from March 27 to April 8 produced eruption columns...


Hydrocarbon Potential in the South Makassar Basin

Kjell Bugge Johansen, Suvi Maingarm, April Pickard

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... Basin. The South Makassar rift basins are believed to be a part of the widespread Eocene extensional phase that is present from the Central Java area...


Evidence of Two Oil Pulses by Biomarker Analysis and Modelling (Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia)

Alain Noyau, Claudia Osorio

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... phase of the Cordilleras (Laramide II). Hydrocarbon maturation of the source shales of the Villeta Fm, which is controlled by the geothermal gradient...


New Exploration Insights from the Latest MultiClient 3D in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Dr Tad Choi, Nicolas Hand, Ching Tu

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... MultiClient 3D (MC3D) project commenced in 2020 and the first Phase of the newly acquired Multisensor broadband data currently totals 8,500sqkm (Fig. 1...


ABSTRACT: Back to Basics on Broadband Seismic Amplitudes, Phase and Resolution

Andrew Long

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...ABSTRACT: Back to Basics on Broadband Seismic Amplitudes, Phase and Resolution Andrew Long Back to basics on broadband seismic amplitudes, phase...


Abstract: The Influence of High-Frequency Climate Variability on Paleoclimate Interpretation

Martin Perlmutter

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... caused by climate cycles so they fail to include the phase relationship of sediment supply and sea- or lake-level cycles. These issues can cause...


Abstract: Some Diagenetic Aspects of the Subis Limestone

Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the mlcritised outlines of the corals. Other bioclastic components and limemud in the core facies were either not affected by this initial dissolution phase...


Abstract: Late-glacial ice advances in Maritime Canada

Rudolph R. Stea, Robert J. Mott, John Gosse, James Fastook

Atlantic Geology

... of ice retreat, followed by readvances of several local ice caps with terrestrial and marine margins. The oldest, termed the Chignecto Phase, is dated...


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