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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Metamorphism, microstructure, and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the Humboldt Bay High Strain Zone, Wabigoon Subprovince, Lake Nipigon, Ontario
Melanie Purves, Nicholas Culshaw, Peter Reynolds
Atlantic Geology
... and microscopic scales include (1) rocks of the shear zone have undergone polymetamorphism, (2) an earlier phase of actinolitic amphibole (greenschist facies...
Stratal Architecture and Seismic Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Bedrock-Controlled Incised Valley Systems, Southern Moreton Bay, Australia
Duncan A. Lockhart, Simon C. Lang, George P. Allen
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is a longitudinal section, whereas the southern portion is more a transverse section across the passage. Phase 1 (P1) sediments display clinoformal fluvio...
ABSTRACT: Development of Expert System for Classifying Sedimentary Basins as Aid to Assessing Petroleum Resources, by Betty M. Miller; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Effects of Older Crustal Structures on Passive Margin Sedimentation: Lower Cambrian Zabriskie Quartzite (Southwestern Great Basin, California-Nevada) as an Example, by Anthony R. Prave; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Depositional Sequences of Upper Continental Rise Seaward of Baltimore Canyon Trough, by J. S. Schlee and Karl Hinz; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Sedimentology and Tectonics of the Temburong Formation Single-Phase Deformation of Early Tertiary Deltaic Sequences in NW Borneo
Robert B. Tate
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: The Sedimentology and Tectonics of the Temburong Formation Single-Phase Deformation of Early Tertiary Deltaic Sequences in NW Borneo...
Abstract: Fluid inclusion constraints on the formation of emerald-bearing quartz veins at the Rist tract, Hiddenite, North Carolina
Matthieu Lapointe, Alan J. Anderson, Michael Wise
Atlantic Geology
... for fluid immiscibility during vein formation. Three phase (Car.(v) > Car.(l) > Aq.(l)), high XCO2 fluids are most abundant in all samples and have...
ABSTRACT: Migration of Gas and Condensate in Delta Systems, by K. F. M. Thompson; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Paleo-Tectonic Conditions at the Boundary Between Middle and Late Devonian in the Near-Ural Region of Bashkiria
A. A. Aksenov, L. V. Nagornova, A. Z. Khamzin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... (transgressive phase), a middle carbonate member (maximum development of the marine basin), and an upper clastic member (regressive phase). The first cycle...
Abstract: Memorable mathematical models of suicidal sulphide segregation
Alison M. Leitch, Andrew Kerr
Atlantic Geology
... deposits rely on segregation of metals from a silicate magma into an immiscible sulphide liquid phase. In equilibrium, the ratio of the metal...
Abstract: Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic salt movement in the Abenaki Subbasin, offshore Nova Scotia
Brent LaPierre
Atlantic Geology
... in the western part of the Abenaki subbasin. According to previous work published by others, diapirs appear to have been active in two phases. The first phase...
Abstract: Woodside Commits $1B To Vincent
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... expenditure of $1 bi llion for its share of the first phase of the Vincent oil field deve lopment, off the North West Cape in Western Austra lia . W...
ABSTRACT: Porosity Reduction in Monterey Formation, California, by John S. Compton; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sulphide minerals in the South Mountain Batholith and the Meguma Supergroup
Hugh Samson
Atlantic Geology
... rocks remote from the contact with the SMB contain pyrite as the dominant phase, occurring as boudinaged vein structures, as well as in small...
Abstract: State Regulatory Oversight of a Pilot Horizontal Well for DNAPL Recovery: A Case Study
William H. Schramm, Ellen S. Broussard
GCAGS Transactions
... Phase Liquid (DNAPL) layer within the uppermost sediments. Well points connected to a vacuum recovery system installed in the early 1980's attempted...
Abstract: A Late Quaternary Model for the Evolution of the Mississippi River Delta and Incised Valley
Shea Penland
GCAGS Transactions
... River filled its incised valley with a series of retrogradationally stacked shelf-phase deltas (Outer Shoal and Ship Shoal deltas). The highstand...
Abstract: Detecting Leaking Oilfields with ALF, the Airborne Laser Fluorosensor: Case Histories and Latest Developments (Paper 20)
Alan Williams
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... or by passive satellite or airborne sensors as below 0.1 J1m. oil films are invisible. ALF also identifies the phase of the seeping petroleum i.e...
Abstract: Safe Storage of CO2 in Sight
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... ining the tech no logies of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle and C02 Capture and Storage. The first phase of ZeroGen's test drilling involved...
ABSTRACT: Improved Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation with VSPs and Well Logs, by Carl K. Poster; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Departing Flint Sparks Santos Search, Knox on Door for Now
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... a compa ny well p laced to embark on the next phase of its June 2008 in a consulting capacity, wh ile has initiated several significant projects...
Abstract: Geological factors affecting surface water chemistry in southwestern Nova Scotia
Daniel J. Utting, Terry A. Goodwin
Atlantic Geology
... affected by numerous glacial events including the Escuminac Phase, when an ice divide located to the north over the Magdalen Shelf resulted in glacial...
Abstract: The El Nino & La Nina Phenomena
Chan Ah Kee
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...) phase and the La Nina (cold) phase. EI Nino occurs when there is a weakening of the trade winds and a dramatic rise in temperature at the central...
AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 12: Anomalously Pressured Gas Compartments in Cretaceous Rocks of the Laramide Basins of Wyoming: A New Class of Hydrocarbon Accumulation
R.C. Surdam, Z.S. Jiao, H.P. Heasler
AAPG Special Volumes
... the fluid-flow system from a single-phase regime to a multiphase regime in which capillarity controls permeability. In a single-phase, water-dominated...
AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 14: Characteristics of Anomalously Pressured Cretaceous Shales in the Laramide Basins of Wyoming
Z.S. Jiao and R.C. Surdam
AAPG Special Volumes
... system from a single- phase to a multiphase regime in which capillarity controls the relative permeability, resulting in elevated displacement pressures...
Abstract: Carbon dioxide in mafic magmatic systems: an experimental study to test the importance of CO2 in the formation of magmatic sulphide deposits
Brandon Boucher
Atlantic Geology
... deposits Brandon Boucher atlantic geology . volume 46 . 2010 197 experiments involve reacting a fluid phase (water, pure CO2, water-CO2 mixtures...