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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Calcification and Significance of Soil Filamentous Microorganisms in Quaternary Calcretes, Eastern Spain: ABSTRACT
Colin F. Klappa
AAPG Bulletin
... organomineral associations may be recognized. The mineral phase is low-magnesian calcite; its fabric occurs as micron-sized needles and rhombs...
Depositional Sequence in Subarctic Sandy Beach Face, Central Labrador: ABSTRACT
Gerald E. Reinson, Peter S. Rosen
AAPG Bulletin
...-grained sand. The stratigraphic sequence is interpreted as follows. Unit 1 represents the normal berm accretionary phase of late summer 1977...
Abstract: Major Marine Source Rocks and Stratigraphic Cycles, by Bernard C. Duval; #90953 (1995).
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Kef Anticline--Box Folding in Tunisian Atlas, Clue to Regional Tectonic Style: ABSTRACT
Arthur W. Snoke, Steven Schamel, Richard M. Karasek
AAPG Bulletin
... gliding in part localized within the Triassic evaporite-rich sequence, and (3) late-phase box folding of both the highly deformed Triassic assemblage...
Sedimentology and Synergy of Deltaic Sandstone; Admire 650-Foot Sandstone, El Dorado Field, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Rod W. Tillman
AAPG Bulletin
.... The 51-acre (20 ha.) block being tested for enhanced recovery at El Dorado field was initially assumed to be a generally homogeneous reservoir. A Phase 1...
Energy Dissipation over Salt Marsh and Its Effect on Estuarine Sediment Transport and Tidal Dynamics: ABSTRACT
Gary A. Zarillo
AAPG Bulletin
... grass in the marsh. An important result of this is the "storage" of water at high tide in the marsh creating a large phase lag in the ebb flow...
Modeling of Devonian Shale Gas-Reservoir Performance: ABSTRACT
Fikri Kucuk, Walter Rose
AAPG Bulletin
... in the matrix of the shale both as a free-gas phase and as a sorbed-gas phase. Gas transport in Devonian shale reservoirs, according to the assumption adopted...
Holocene Mollusk Distribution Patterns in Northern Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT
Carole S. Hickman, Elizabeth A. Nesbitt
AAPG Bulletin
...) the shallow to intermediate depth Cyclocardia-boreal turrid mud association (with a typical phase developing in offshore muds and a Clinocardium...
Abstract: Dual Mesh Method in Heterogeneous Porous Media, by S. Verdiere and D. Guerillot; #90956 (1995).
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Early Diagenetic Glauconitization of Feldspar Grains in a Middle Proterozoic Tidal-Flat Complex: ABSTRACT
Asru K. Chaudhuri
AAPG Bulletin
.... Petrographic studies reveal two phases of glauconitization. The major phase, affecting detrital grains, is early diagenetic and is almost...
Paleotopography's Influence on Porosity Distribution in Lansing-Kansas City "E" Zone, Hitchcock County, Nebraska: ABSTRACT
Martin K. Dubois
AAPG Bulletin
... phase of a complex marine-nonmarine sedimentary cycle. The packstones and grainstones are best developed on ancient positive seafloor features (15...
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Prospects Offshore Southern West Greenland, by James A. Chalmers, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Kevin J. Bate, and Richard C. Whittaker; #91019 (1996)
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Atchafalaya Delta--Louisiana's New Prograding Coast: ABSTRACT
Ivor Ll. Van Heerden, Harry H. Roberts
AAPG Bulletin
... prompted silt and clay deposition in Atchafalaya Bay and initiated the subaqueous phase of delta building. This development stage continued until...
ABSTRACT: The Golden Beach-Latrobe Petroleum System, Gippsland Basin, Australia, by Jon M. Keall and Mark A. Smith; #91019 (1996)
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Petrology and Geochemistry of Peralkaline Volcanics of Sierra Campana, Chihuahua, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Richard K. Spruill
AAPG Bulletin
...-rich basal unit that grades upward into a blue crystal-poor phase containing clumps (lapilli) of sanidine (Or40) plus quartz phenocrysts. Distinctive...
ABSTRACT: Sensitivity Analysis for 2D Modelling, Duntroon Basin, South Australia, by Barry E. Messent and Bjorn Wyralia; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Lake Bonneville Marl Chemistry and Lake Dynamics, by Charles G. Oviatt; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Isotopic Biogeochemical Records of Large Closed-Basin Lakes Compared to the Ocean, by Lisa M. Pratt; #91019 (1996)
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Novel Approach to Eh-pH Diagrams and Their Relation to Uranium In-Situ Leaching: ABSTRACT
John E. Oddo, John A. S. Adams, M. B. Thompson
AAPG Bulletin
... (as in in-situ leaching), it seems more plausible to assume a solid phase in solution at various Eh-pH conditions and allow the aqueous species the freedom...
Recognition of Sand Body Depositional Environments: Limitations of Fourier Analysis and New Approach to Grain-Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT
James M. Parks
AAPG Bulletin
... phase angles. Two types of errors can occur: (1) dissimilar shapes can produce similar sets of amplitudes, and (2) similar (but not identical) shapes...
Eustatic Control of Distribution of Lower Upper Cretaceous Coal Beds in Utah: Application in Coal Exploration: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Ryer
AAPG Bulletin
... cycle. Rocks deposited during the transgressive phase of the cycle generally contain only thin beds of high-ash and high-sulfur coal that are of little...
Isotope Geochemistry of Calcite and Clay Minerals in Volcanogenic Rocks, Great Valley Sequence, Northern California: Implications for Organic Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Robert K. Suchecki
AAPG Bulletin
... and conversion of smect te to a 10A clay-mineral phase. Theoretical considerations indicate that a shallow burial phase of predominantly pore-filling...
Paleogeographic Setting and Depositional Environments of Santa Margarita Formation, Ventura County, California: ABSTRACT
Devin R. Thor
AAPG Bulletin
... the transgressive phase. Increased rate of sedimentation produced a seaward progradational sequence or regressive phase. Rocks that represent...
Transitional Desmoinesian to Missourian Cyclic Deposits on Opposite Shores of Arkoma Seaway: ABSTRACT
Allan P. Bennison
AAPG Bulletin
... thin and developed near tops and bottoms of shale sequences. Seaway deposits are much more variable. High sea-level phase is characterized...
Barra Nova Salt Domes Province, Espirito Santo Basin, Offshore Brazil: ABSTRACT
P. T. Araripe, M. Saito, S. Shimabukuro, C. H. R. Cunha, R. O. Kehle
AAPG Bulletin
..., they reached the extrusion/collapsing phase which extended to the Holocene with the salt domes being dissolved on the present sea floor. One...