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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,526 Results. Searched 196,377 documents.

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Abstract: Reservoir Quality Variations within the Lower Cretaceous Minagish Formation: Insights From Undevelopped Areas, Onshore Kuwait; #90319 (2018)

Matthieu Deville de Periere, Aurelie Bonin, Prabir Kumar Nath, Sunil Kumar Singh, Afrah S. Al-Ajmi, Jesal Hirani

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... dissolution phase is observed, creating secondary macropores. A late dissolution phase is also likely to occur due to corrosive burial fluids. Porosity...


Abstract: Beyond Geometry: 2-D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt;

Pedro A Restrepo-Pace, Marie Callies, Julianne Lamb

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... and hydrocarbon phase. There are two main drivers here: gas for LNG; and the geologic (and geographic) extent of the liquids “play” as it relates...


Abstract: Inversion Tectonics: Overrated in Exploration and Underreported in Production?;

Gabor Tari, Zsolt Schleder

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... understanding of the basin evolution with evidence for an early phase of substantial crustal extension by normal faulting. In some cases, the simple...


Abstract: Image-Based Pore Structure Characterization and Pore-Scale Fluid Flow Simulation of Eocene Beach-Bar Sandstones in the Western Slope of Dongying Depression, Eastern China;

Ya Wang, Shaochun Yang, Yifan Zhang, Yan Lu

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... was served to investigate the geometrical and topological features of pore spaces and single-phase flow behavior in porous media. The pore spaces were...


Abstract: Estimating the Elastic Properties of the Near Seabed Using Post-critical Energy; #91204 (2023)

Daniele Boiero, Claudio Bagaini

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... an amplitude scaling as well as a phase rotation that is p-dependent. The largest phase rotation occurs in at the critical slowness where the amplitude...


A Comparative Study of the Continental Marginal Basins of the Northern South China Sea and Typical Passive Continental Marginal Basins, #10267 (2010)

Wang Yingmin, Xie Wenyan, Zhu Yongjun, Yin Jihong, Hu Liguo, Jiang Jianqun

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..., and apron to abyssal plains. On the contrary, a complicated slope developed during the middle and late stages of the depression phase in the South China...


A Decoupled Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow in Porous Media and Multiphysics Approaches for Two-Phase Flow, #120063 (2012)

R. Helmig, Y. Cao1, B. Faigle, B. Flemisch, M. Wolff

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...A Decoupled Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow in Porous Media and Multiphysics Approaches for Two-Phase Flow, #120063 (2012) R. Helmig, Y. Cao1...



James F. Tull

Alabama Geological Society

... in space within a similar lithology are gradual enough to be recognizable in the field. Deformational Phase - D1 The earliest recognizable deformational...


An Ion Microprobe Study of Diagenetic Carbonates in the Devonian Nisku Formation of Alberta, Canada

Lee R. Riciputi , Hans G. Machel , David R. Cole

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., 1985), and Watts (1987). This study focuses mainly on early diagenesis (Stages 1 and 2; up to Phase 9; Fig. 2), and focuses exclusively on carbonates...


Refined Gasoline in the Subsurface

Lyle G. Bruce

AAPG Bulletin

... a computer program (Parker, 1989). Free phase (also known as nonaqueous phase) moves at a much slower velocity than groundwater. This is because...


The Cherokee Group of Southeastern Kansas

George E. Abernathy

Kansas Geological Society

... bed of the Cherokee is designated as Phase 1.1, which indicates the position of the phase in the cyclothem and the position of the cyclothem...


Decoupled approximation of qP- and qSV-wave in attenuated TI media

Rong Huang, Zhiliang Wang, Guojie Song

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...) introduce an auxiliary function to decouple and simplify the qP- and qSV-wave phase velocity expressions. Inspired by Li and Stovas (2021)’ s work, we use...


Gas Condensate Reservoir Simulation, E-xy Reservoir, Badak Field

R. Sudibjo, D. Hadiatno, C. Soemarso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... reservoir in which the reservoir wet gas phase is represented as a mixture of non condensable dry separator gas and vaporized liquid. A PVT program...


Oil vs Gas in Reservoirs in Cenozoic Delta Systems

R. W. Jones

Pacific Section of AAPG

... historically varied between oil and gas, it has been important to predict which petroleum phase was most likely in a given play. Although there are trends...


Performance Review of the Steamflood Pilot Project in the Rindu Sand - Duri Field

Agus Sulistyo, Asep Syaefuddin, Agus Setiawan, Mochtar Djamaludin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... wells, three injection wells and four observation wells. The development of the Rindu pilot was conducted in two phases: Phase I and Phase II...


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