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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,864 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Colloidal Nature of Petroleum: ABSTRACT
C. W. Dwiggins, Jr., P. B. Lorenz, H. N. Dunning
AAPG Bulletin
... ular-weight waxes among the organic. Most of the asphaltenes remain in the liquid phase and are concentrated in the lower portions of the tube along...
Laboratory Experiment on Flow Characteristics at a Beach Step
Magnus Larson , Tsuguo Sunamura
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... phase, when V was 0.5 m/s and h was 2.7 cm. The maximum velocity of the backwash during a swash cycle was close to 0.7 m/s and the water depth was 2.5...
Geological and Geophysical Implications of Mohole Project: ABSTRACT
William R. Riedel
AAPG Bulletin
... of the experimental drilling phase of the Mohole Project, in 11,700 feet of water, 40 miles east of Guadalupe Island, in March and April, 1961, has provided...
Monterey Rocks in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: ABSTRACT
Joseph C. Clark
AAPG Bulletin
... and partially regressive phase of the second cycle. A landmass that separated the early Miocene ("Vaqueros") sea from the Pacific basin to the southwest...
Direction of Crustal Movements Indicated by Earthquake Data: ABSTRACT
William Stauder
AAPG Bulletin
... of other methods, including the use of S waves and the application of surface waves in determining the directivity, dimensions, and initial phase...
Geologic Data Processing--An Effective Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT
Robert D. Walker
AAPG Bulletin
... may be in the form of a map, cross section, or list. The first and most important phase in the development of a geologic data-processing system...
Geologist's Role in Evaluation Economics: ABSTRACT
William B. Oliver
AAPG Bulletin
... the assembly and interpretation of all the geologic data which came out of the exploration phase, (2) comparison with other prospects and establishment...
Small-Scale Packing Heterogeneities in Porous Sedimentary Rocks
Norman R. Morrow
AAPG Bulletin
... the amount of liquid which is held as an irreducible wetting phase saturation in a drained porous rock. The so-called irreducible saturations of two...
Natural Gas in Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Hefner, III
AAPG Bulletin
...-processes operating constraints of the production phase of the business, but with the search for greater reserves, and particularly ultra-deep reserves...
Transport of Ocean Sediments by Debris Flow: ABSTRACT
M. A. Hampton
AAPG Bulletin
... forces. Strength is derived from the fluid phase of the debris (clay minerals plus water), which acts as a plastico-viscous material. Suspension...
Models for Evolution of Interior Basins: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Turcotte
AAPG Bulletin
... the subsidence of interior basins such as the Michigan basin. An additional mechanism such as a thermally activated phase change is required. End...
Integration of Airborne Magnetic and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Data for Uranium Exploration in Eastern Appalachians: ABSTRACT
C. E. Curtis, R. R. Hartman
AAPG Bulletin
... and the surface. In the data-acquisition phase of the airborne survey, the three essentials are large crystal volume gamma-ray detectors, closely spaced...
Modern and Ancient Coastal Sedimentary Facies, Monterey Bay, California: ABSTRACT
W. R. Dupre, H. E. Clifton, R. E. Hunter
AAPG Bulletin
... in these regions was deposited during intervals of rising sea level, hence is out of phase with marine and eolian sediments deposited mainly during intervals...
Subsidence and Thermal History of Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen--Implication for Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Shimon Feinstein, William E. Harrison, Thomas L. Thompson
AAPG Bulletin
... in the rate of subsidence curve suggests a short phase of sediment compaction and fluid migration near the termination of the subsidence stage. This compaction...
New Dimensions in Seismic Exploration: ABSTRACT
G. H. F. Gardner
AAPG Bulletin
... conventional and unconventional displays. Attributes other than amplitude and phase are shown to have promise in locating hydrocarbons. End_of_Article - Last...
Lofreco Process--Tailoring Shale Oil Extraction Method to Available Geology: ABSTRACT
Mitchell A. Lekas
AAPG Bulletin
... & D phase will be completed, and construction of a commercial plant will begin. End_of_Article - Last_Page 739...
Hydrocarbon Exploration in Western Approaches, Offshore England: ABSTRACT
David M. Levin
AAPG Bulletin
... production phase and explorationists are now searching for hydrocarbons on the Atlantic continental margin west of England. The Western Approaches...
Postemplacement Uranium Mobility in Oligocene Ash Flow Tuff and Rhyolite Lavas from Hidalgo County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Anthony W. Walton, Timothy L. Salter, Dale Zetterlund
AAPG Bulletin
... the glass-transition temperature. Several distinctly different textures probably result from different crystallization conditions. Vapor-phase...
Corporate Strategies Among Domestic Uranium Explorationists: ABSTRACT
Ed Baker, Robert W. Adams
AAPG Bulletin
... as 0.50%, depending on distance from the processing mill and other economic factors. The goal of exploration, as well as the production phase...
Worldwide Review of Seals for Major Accumulations of Natural Gas: ABSTRACT
H. R. Grunau
AAPG Bulletin
.... Gas hydrate accumulations illustrate both seal and reservoir. Seal destruction is caused by changes in the phase equilibrium. Considerable...
Abstract: Gas Potential of the Rome Trough in Kentucky: Results of Recent Cambrian Exploration, by D. C. Harris and J. A. Drahovzal; #90950 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Macrofossil Assemblages of Moodys Branch Formation (Upper Eocene), Louisiana and Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Susan R. Elder, Thor A. Hansen
AAPG Bulletin
... the destructive shelf phase of a transgressive sea. Computer cluster analysis of fossils taken from closely spaced samples reveals six distinct macrofossil...
Abstract: The Use of a Log Analysis Spread Sheet in Complex Lithology Log Analysis, by M. J. Mullen; #90952 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
New Regional Magnetic and Gravity Maps of Central and Western Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
David S. Rubin, M. Terry Angelich, Rex H. Pilger, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... 627 66 5. (May) As part of the regional synthesis phase of the proposed Ocean Margin Drilling Project, magnetic and gravity anomaly maps...
Behavior of Some Common Clays in Response to Various Oil Field Fluids: ABSTRACT
Frank J. Samstag
AAPG Bulletin
... particles is exceeded by the introduction of a stimulation fluid, they presumably become transient and change into a blocking phase. An attached clay...