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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,816 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Trial of Low Frequency Passive Seismic Technology for Deep Gas Exploration in a Frontier Area, by Robert Habiger, Tamara Mueller, S. Carbonara, and A. Khelaiwi; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Azimuthal Anisotropy as a Potential Fracture Diagnostic from 3D Surface Seismic Data: Example from Wildcat Hills, Alberta; #90211 (2015)
Draga Talinga and Don Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Azimuthal Anisotropy as a Potential Fracture Diagnostic from 3D Surface Seismic Data: Example from Wildcat Hills, Alberta; #90211 (2015...
Abstract: Environmental Impact in Jungle Areas, by R. Wye, C. H. Malaver, and J. F. Rodriguez; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Unified Structural and Stratigraphic Model for Giant Field in ADCO; #90051 (2006)
Yousuf S. Al-Mehairi, Sami Rassas, Ahmad Al-Shaikh, Ismail Al-Hosani, Suryanarayana Karri, Tawfiq A. Obeida, Lorraine Yearron, Steve Cannon
Search and Discovery.com
... project was conducted in two phases with phase I being the construction of the structural and stratigraphic model of the three Bu Hasa reservoirs. The main...
Abstract: Deep Water Reservoir Management: The Brazilian Experience, by J. E. Gontijo; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Deep Water Reservoir Management: The Brazilian Experience, by J. E. Gontijo; #90928 (1999).
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An Integrated Study of the Grayburg/San Andres Reservoir, Foster and South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas
W. Hoxie Smith, James J. Reeves, Robert C. Trentham, David A. Rowland
West Texas Geological Society
..., and a Project Reservoir Engineer will work together through all phases of the study to demonstrate the effectiveness of a multi-disciplinary approach...
Seismic Description of a Complex Carbonate Porosity System; Welch Field, Permian Basin, Texas
George P. Watts, Gregory D. Hinterlong, Archie R. Taylor
West Texas Geological Society
... by the seismic volume has been used to map the porosity in the interwell regions. Figure 1. Location of Welch project within the Permian Basin Figure 2...
Abstract: Bustling DFW Airport Creates Unlikely Setting for High-fold 3-D Survey to Image Barnett Shale, by Larry Lunardi and Kevin Werth; #90076 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Anastasia Polymeni
Search and Discovery.com
... on the subsequent deformation. The project makes use of subsurface seismic data, well logs and onshore mapping in order to investigate the role...
Abstract: Multi-Scale Structural Analyses in a Complex Sedimentary Basin; #90321 (2018)
Hugo Burgin
Search and Discovery.com
... of determining the timing and magnitude of the tectonic events that led to the multiple phases of deformation evidenced by these rocks. The aim of the project...
ABSTRACT: A Practical Review of Migration Issues and Solutions; #90118 (2011)
Ian F. Jones
Search and Discovery.com
..., a confusing plethora of different techniques is available in the industry today, for both the model building and migration phases of a project. Here we...
ABSTRACT: Fast-Track Reservoir Characterization of a Subtle Paleocene Deep Marine Turbidite Field Using a Rock Physics- and Seismic Modelling-Led Workflow; #90051 (2006)
Martyn Millwood Hargrave
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Fast-Track Reservoir Characterization of a Subtle Paleocene Deep Marine Turbidite Field Using a Rock Physics- and Seismic Modelling-Led...
ABSTRACT: Development Well and Execution Planning in a Complex Subsurface Environment the Impact of Large and Small Scale Modeling on Well Deliverability; #90061 (2006)
Giles Philip, Steve Twartz, and Jeromy E. DePledge
Search and Discovery.com
... planning and execution phases of the project. This paper outlines first the planning phase of the wells and the outcome of the execution phase. AAPG Search...
New Exploration Insights from the Latest MultiClient 3D in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
Dr Tad Choi, Nicolas Hand, Ching Tu
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... of basin development history and hydrocarbon migration. Future acquisition phases will result in a larger footprint of broadband seismic data, enabling...
3-D Seismic Prediction of Reservoir Properties, West Moose Field, Ector County, Texas
George P. Watts, Timothy D. Lyons, Archie R. Taylor
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...3-D Seismic Prediction of Reservoir Properties, West Moose Field, Ector County, Texas George P. Watts, Timothy D. Lyons, Archie R. Taylor 185...
Exploration potential of NW Borneo – latest regional MultiClient 3D opens new petroleum plays in offshore Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia.
Dr Tad Choi, Jens Beenfeldt, Eric Mueller, Alex Vartan
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... 47,000 km2 (figures 1 and 2). The survey was acquired in multiple phases between 2016 and 2019 and was subsequently merged into a single seismic volume...
Abstract: Workstation Visualization Techniques and Workflows: Examples from the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Louis Liro, Kimberly Cline, Dan Knupp, and Mary Kadri
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., and Mary Kadri 2001 9 11 All phases of the upstream petroleum industry, from wildcat exploration to field development, now benefit from massive amounts...
Abstract: Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest; #90174 (2014)
D. Westlund, M. Thurber, and J. McClurg
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest; #90174 (2014) D. Westlund, M. Thurber, and J. McClurg AAPG...
The Special Project Team Approach to Evaluation of Small Oil Fields
S. A. Jabaley, M. R. Smith, S. M. Lane
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... that extends beyond their specialties and broadly overlaps all other phases of TECHNICAL DATA SEISMIC DST MAPS PVT CORES SAMPLES LOGS...
ISBA: A Methodological Project for Petroleum Systems Evaluation in Complex Areas, by M. Thibaut, C. Sulzer, A. Jardin, and M. Bêche, #40269 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
New Advancement Of The Wsm Project On The Stress Perturbation In Sedimentary Basins
Search and Discovery.com
Review of Pacific Coast Off-Shore Seismic Methods: ABSTRACT
Carl H. Savit
AAPG Bulletin
...Review of Pacific Coast Off-Shore Seismic Methods: ABSTRACT Carl H. Savit 1955 137 137 39 1. (January) Discussion of instruments, techniques...