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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,816 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: AGSO Deep-Crustal Survey of the Otway Basin
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...). Approximately 3500 km of 16s record length, 48-fold seismic data was acquired using AGSO's research vessel Rig Seismic over a six week period from...
Abstract: Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the SB-1 Block, Offshore Sabah (Paper 13)
Patrick Allman-Ward, Mohamed Yazid Mansor, Jeff Lobao
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... in constraining the seismic picks of the conformable equivalents of the Stage boundaries further offshore. In order to achieve a consistent stratigraphic...
Todd Kremmin
Search and Discovery.com
.... The objective of this project is to understand how the baymouth bar has evolved in response to lake level change. Although it is a young, non-marine...
Project Management
Joseph E. Warren
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...-project having the six phases described below [3]. Enthusiasm Disillusionment Panic Search for the guilty Punishment of the innocent...
Workstation Visualization Techniques that Empower the Geologist: Examples from the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Louis Liro, Kimberly Cline, Mary Kadri, Mark Lahr, Henry Gerke
GCAGS Transactions
... all phases from exploration through detailed reservoir characterization. As the vertical and lateral resolution of seismic data increase...
Heavy Oil Routine Service Cycle Time Improvement
Ponco Adi Winarto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Standardized HES form and SOP, with standardized job phases, was agreed as an important strategy for project goals. Other strategies were modifications of some...
Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Gunnedah Basin: Regional Tectonics and Basin Responses
R. J. Korsch, K. D. Wake-Dyster, D. W. Johnstone
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... to illustrate these, where possible, by examples from deep seismic reflection data. THE NGMA PROJECT As part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord...
A Collaborative Workflow-Oriented Environment to Capture and Reuse Technical Knowledge in a Reservoir Characterization Workflow; #90017 (2003)
Marco Piantanida, Bruno Volpi, Roberto Danelli, Ugur Algan, Marco Granata
Search and Discovery.com
... know-how can be easily captured and reused along all phases of an E&P project. The paper specifically focuses on a case study related to the reservoir...
Developments in Tar Sands in 1981
J. Henri N. Wennekers
AAPG Bulletin
... and Castillo, 1982). During the planning and execution phases of the Development of Southern Monagas and Anzoategui (DSMA) project, all the necessary steps...
Comparing Cable and Cableless 2D Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing in South Sumatera: Operation and Data Quality
Salwan Suheri, Gerry R. Hutabarat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... seismic acquisition project in Rimau Block, South Sumatera. The project is located in ELK, ILN & KRB areas (figure 1). At the beginning, the project used...
Water Issues for Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Power Generation at Moomba
B. T. Armstrong, S. S. Rahman
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of likely water usage for each of the phases of the project, and the examination of water use in existing or past projects around the world. Research has...
ABSTRACT 4D Seismic Monitoring of CO2: Practical Considerations, #90103 (2010)
David Lumley
Search and Discovery.com
... the possible presence of multiple phases of CO2, are combined in the seismic response and not easy to separate uniquely; (b) pressure-saturation...
Application of Asset Management Process to Evaluate Development of Small Gas Fields
Asep Syaefuddin, Elyezer Pabibak Lolon, Terrence Patrick Bailey, Johannes Sartono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... End Loading (FEL) phases, which are critical in increasing the value of the project through a proper planning of project execution in Phase-4. FEL...
Two-Dimensional Geophysical Workstation Interpretation: Generic Problems and Solutions: Part 8. Integrated Computer Methods
Joe D. Stevens, Carl A. Marrullier
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and geological preparation. Each have several subdivisions, as follows: 1. Base map preparation -- Projection system -- Project size -- Seismic data files...
Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest: Abstract
Dave Westlund, Mark Thurber
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest: Abstract Dave Westlund, Mark Thurber Best Environmental Practices...
Fast-Track Reservoir Characterization of a Subtle Paleocene Deep Marine Turbidite Field Using a Rock Physics- and Seismic Modelling-Led Workflow
Search and Discovery.com
Planning, Organization and Success of a Wide, Detailed Geophysical Survey Offshore Makassar Strait
Davide Spinelli, Emilio Nicolini, Angelo Lambrughi, Francesco Paone, Juan Carlos Coral, Andrea Marceglia, Ade Mashedi, Francesca Felappi, Claudia Monti, Roberto Canever
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... by the future phases of the project, as required to comply with the schedule of the ongoing "fast track" design of the plant. A significant effort in terms...
Seismic Imaging of Sturctural, Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Plays - Workshop Summary
Bruce Hart
... of the purpose of seismic interpretation, as it changes from project to project and over time. Knowledge of the software capabilities available...
Abstract: First Elements of Modelling the Subsidence Evolution in the Peri-Caspian Basin, by M-F. Brunet, Y. A. Volozh, A. Mauffret, L. L. Lobkovsky, U. Purev, and J-P. Cadet; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT PorousM3 a Finite Element 2-D and 3-D Porous Flow Modeling Code Being Developed to Model Carbon Sequestration, #90104 (2010)
Kirkpatrick Gregory J., Phipps Morgan Jason, Hasenclever Jörg
Search and Discovery.com
.... We handle multiple fluid phases by tracking each phase’s properties at each node and creating chemical rules for interactions between phases. We...
Shwe Gas Development, Rakhine Offshore, Myanmar
Heungbum Yi, Changwon Lee, Dae-Yeoul Kim
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... the productivity and the recovered gas volumes. The development of the three gas fields (“Shwe Project”) proceeds in four phases that will enable...
Central-Tunu 3D Transition Zone Acquisition - Technical and Planning Coordination Challenges in Populated Areas, and on a Field Under Intensive Development (Tunu Field, Indonesia)
Michel Erbetta, Florent Bertini, J. Bonnafé, M. Saleh, Olivier de Pellegars, P. Faure, H. Lancien
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... authorities and facilitating the integration of the project with non TEPI (Total E&P Indonésie) stakeholders. To support seismic activities, the Task Force...
Project Management of Large Offshore Petroleum Project
V. Stuart Nielsen
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and the deliverables for each phase are identified. Importance of a dedicated Project Team during the last five Project phases is discussed. Contractural...
Potential New Reservoir Targets Discovered in Channel and Canyon Features, Offshore Gabon; #10301 (2011)
Ron Borsato, Jennifer Greenhalgh, Ross Findlay, Sara Raussen, Hongwei Zhu, Mark Martin, Martial-Rufin Moussavou, Fanny Flore Moukoumbi
Search and Discovery.com
... phases of the project in the offshore southern Gabon area are currently in progress. To complement the seismic data, an extensive well database...