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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,816 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Malacca Strait 3D Seismic Survey – A Comprehensive Approach to Seismic Acquisition in Transition Zones

W. O. Ardjakusumah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... profitability on the project, was the flexibility of the recording system in both deployment and shooting phases of the job. The ARAM24 instrument...


Andaman Basin

Gary Scaife, Andy Billings

GEO ExPro Magazine

... sections. Spectrum therefore had to overcome a number of reprocessing challenges in order to successfully complete the project. As the seismic data...


New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore Nova Scotia, #40638 (2010)

Hamish Wilson

Search and

... Project Aims of the project: – To provide calibration of the seismic surfaces from well penetrations; – To quantify major stratigraphic breaks within...


Abstract: Interfering Cretaceous and Tertiary Rift Systems of the Turkana Depression (Sudan-Ethiopia-Kenya).

Ian Hutchinson, Steve Lawrence, and Alastair Beach

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...) – that is evident in the Mesozoic Anza Graben of Kenya and the Muglad and Melut systems of southern Sudan. Up to five phases of rifting potentially affected...


Further Exploration Insights from the MultiClient 3D in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Tad Choi, Nicolas Hand, Ching Tu

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

..., Offshore Sarawak, APGCE, Volume 2015, p.1 – 4 Wood Mackenzie LENS Upstream   The Sarawak MultiClient 3D (MC3D) project commenced in 2020 and presently...


An Insight to the Petroleum Geology in the Kampong Somand Tonle Sap Basins, Onshore Cambodia

Kjell Bugge Johansen, Larry Endebrock, Kenny Oh, Suvi Maingarm

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... Maingarm 2009 1 39 The project in Cambodia is to confirm the presence of gravity lows, determine depth to basement, locate areas with large-scale...


Abstract: Hydrocarbon charge modelling in the Jeanne Darc Basin: status, plans, results and implications

M. A. Williamson

Atlantic Geology

... when used with other tools such as 3-D seismic interpretation. The level of sophistication of basin modelling ranges from relatively simple, single...


Abstract: Cilicia Basin: imaging of salt tectonics in a sedimentary basin in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Brian D. Rex

Atlantic Geology

... as well as combined phases of thrusting, strike slip and extension. My thesis will be part of a larger project conducted by a team at MUN (Aksu...


Aggregate-Resources Evaluation of Lund Nevada Mapsheet: ABSTRACT

David H. Randell, Gerald R. Allen

AAPG Bulletin

... of preliminary research and development work performed in support of a large proposed construction project in Nevada, an aggregate-resource evaluation...


Abstract: The Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution And Petroleum Systems, #90099 (2009)

Rui Pena dos Reis, Nuno Pimentel

Search and

... on a synthesis of formal lithostratigraphy and multiple complementary data (outcrop, wells, seismic), the evolution of the basin is divided in three 1st Order...


Indonesian Deep-water Petroleum Exploration and Production - Economic and Tehnology Perspective

Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun, Samuel Zulkhifly Sinaga, Batara Pande

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the deep-water project to assure the project can be executed smoothly at estimated cost during later phases. The deep-water project, in particular, deep...


MCG's Regional Deep Imaging Project: Norwegian Sea 2019

Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Tor Åkermoen, NGU, MCG

GEO ExPro Magazine

..., regional 2D seismic dataset, which images the mega-structures, including the Moho. MCG’s Regional Deep Imaging (RDI) MC2D project is just the data needed...


Abstract: Detection of Seismic Phases from a Major Earthquake on a Local Seismogram

Che Noorliza Lat

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Detection of Seismic Phases from a Major Earthquake on a Local Seismogram Che Noorliza Lat 133 Detection of seismic phases from a major...


Advancing Geophysics Through Cooperation

Josef Paffenholz

GEO ExPro Magazine

... continue to forge ahead to ensure created by event-based Buried topography that the acquisition, processing modeling and imaging of seismic data...


Integrated Approach for Basin Modelling of the Gaspé Belt (Quebec, Canada), #10723 (2015).

M. Beche, A. Jardin, M. Thibaut, D. Kirkwood, D. Saucier

Search and

... for a reliable application of techniques like 3D seismic imaging, structural restoration and basin modelling. In this context, the determination...


Abstract: Field Scale Static Reservoir Modeling Workflow for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands, NE Alberta, Canada; #90172 (2014)

Sorin Bujor, Damien Thenin, Ian Perry

Search and

...Abstract: Field Scale Static Reservoir Modeling Workflow for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands, NE Alberta...


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