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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,816 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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New Advancement of the World Stress Map Project on the Stress Perturbation in Sedimentary Basins; #11146 (2018)

Mojtaba Rajabi, Oliver Heidbach, Mark Tingay, Karsten Reiter, Moritz Ziegler

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... stress state. It has had three major phases so far to mainly compile the orientation of maximum horizontal stress (SHmax). The first phase of the project...



GEO ExPro Staff

GEO ExPro Magazine

... phases of hydraulic stimulation took place, with an array of geophones monitoring induced seismic events. The analysis of these events shed some...


A Seismic 3C3D/4D Experiment in a Production Field in the Middle Magdalena Valley

William Agudelo, Saúl Guevara, Germán Ojeda, Gabriel Álvarez

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... in 3D because the river bed migrate in space and time. The project “Multicomponent Seismic reflection in three and four dimensions (3D3C/4D)” is a first...


Abstracts: Fluid Substitution and Seismic Modelling in a Sandstone Aquifer; #90173 (2015)

Virginia C. Vera and Don C. Lawton

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... storage unit and for the purposes of developing seismic monitoring technology. The first stage of this project deals with the application of the Gassmann...


Passive seismic HVSR surveying for groundwater exploration at the Chilalo Graphite Project, Tanzania

Sharna Riley, Jayson Meyers, John Sinnott

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Passive seismic HVSR surveying for groundwater exploration at the Chilalo Graphite Project, Tanzania Sharna Riley, Jayson Meyers, John Sinnott...


Genesis 4D Project — Design and Execution Overview

Bernard Regel, Tom Hudson, John Bretches, Phil Inderwiesen, Pat Condon, James Rickett, Frank Descant

GCAGS Transactions

... in a safe and timely manner was accomplished. This presentation follows the history of ChevronTexaco's (CVX) Genesis Field 4D seismic project...


Passive Margins: Tertiary Hiatuses in Western Approaches

C. Ravenne, C. Muller, and L. Montadert

AAPG Special Volumes

...: Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy The Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) has achieved major advances in paleooceanography. The effort was focused...


Abstract: Agbami Field, Nigeria—Addressing Challenges and Uncertainty

David Grimes, Elliott Ginger, and John Spokes

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of key uncertainties. Key challenges faced by the project team included: Building a robust range of earth models with low resolution seismic and limited...


ABSTRACT Design of a Multi-Sidetrack Geothermal System Based on Coiled-Tubing Drilling Technology, #90128 (2011)


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... and the connected unknowns the project will be realized in 2 phases: Project phase 1 (Proof-of-concept): site is the in-situ Geotechnology Pilot Plant...


Abstract: Advanced Reservoir Characterisation Over the Sirikit Field: Prediction of Sand Distribution, Porosity and Connectivity

Phil Beale

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... to address several development issues. The project was undertaken in two phases. First conventional Acoustic Impedance (AI) inversion was used...


ABSTRACT: Deepwater Reservoir Modeling for Improved Reservoir Management, Depletion Planning and Field Performance: Erha Field OML 133, Offshore Nigeria; #90115 (2010)

Taye Akewusola, Toyin Sarumi, Nonny Nwogbo, Jianhua Feng, Adekunle Oke, Andrew O. Ejayeriese, Ron Fish, Anthony Duruewuru, Alex Sackeyfio, Columbus Etta, Rapheal Idih, and Chris Mudi

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... management, several phases of reservoir models have been built. For project funding and early development planning, a less confined and more distributary...


Conceptual Study Cost Estimation by Using WBF Method

Dian Hestining Utami, Dominico Alphan Setyanto, Yogi Ridwan Arifin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the concept of project lifecycle delivered by PMBOK. There are five phases of project management and if the lifecycle provides a high-level view...


Abstract: Crown Minerals Completes Great South Basin Seismic Survey

Crown Minerals

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Abstract: Crown Minerals Completes Great South Basin Seismic Survey Crown Minerals Crown Minerals Completes Great South Basin Seismic Survey G NS...


Extended Abstract: Dynamic Datasets Using Forward Modeling to Reduce Uncertainty and Improve Recovery

Chip Corbett, Nejma Djabelkhir, Theresa Hartman, Geoff Mills, Jennie Graham, Margaret Leathard, Stephen McHugo, Horacio Trajtenberg

GCAGS Transactions

..., and then reconvene to review progress for another session before moving through the final project phases as virtual teams from their home base. Such a system mimics...


Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Nankai Trough Margin, Record 55-8

T. Kawamura and Y. Aoki

AAPG Special Volumes

...Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Nankai Trough Margin, Record 55-8 T. Kawamura and Y. Aoki 1986 54 56 AAPG Studies in Geology #26...


Abstract: 3-D Characterization and Volcanic Eruption Phases of Volcanic Rocks in Southern Songliao Basin; #90310 (2017)

Fulin Meng, Wanzhong Shi, Litao Xu, Chuang Wu

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... of volcanic bodies, description of volcanic reservoirs heterogeneity, and prediction of its eruption phases are challenges of the present time. 3D seismic data...


Case Studies of Hierarchical Knowledge Management for Large Datasets; #90017 (2003)

Jess B. Kozman

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... graph of the cumulative volume of data in seismic projects not accessed during a project's lifecycle shows the distinct inflection points...


ABSTRACT: Multi-scale Data Integration for 3D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit; #90007 (2002)

Laura C. Zahm, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Donald H. Caldwell, Steven R. Clawson, Hai-Zui Meng, Thomas P. Wingate

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..., Houston, TX Multi-scale Data Integration for 3D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit The Reservoir Characterization Project on the Seminole San...


ABSTRACT: Evolution of the orogenic belt and basins in western Central Asia: regional geophysics in Uzbekistan; #90109 (2010)

Irina Sidorova, Randell Stephenson

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... phases of basin opening and inversion, and probably of collisions of “blocks” with the Eurasian margin since the Late Palaeozoic. No integrated model...


Abstract: Before the Oil: the Volcanoes of the North Sea; #90295 (2017)

Ailsa Quirie, Nick Schofield, Adrian Hartley

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... systems. This project investigates any potential intra-basaltic play fairway in the area. Mapping the complete volcanic sequence in 3D will elucidate...


Abstract: Quantification and Monitoring of Fluid Phase Behaviour and Trapping in Geological Carbon Sequestration Sites; #90310 (2017)

Caroline V. Jones, Claudio Madonna, Geoffrey Maitland, Ronny Pini, Martin Trusler

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..., including brines, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide in both supercritical and gaseous phases. Whilst 4-D seismic is the primary method of monitoring the sub...


Abstract: Before the Oil: The Volcanoes of the North Sea; #90310 (2017)

Ailsa Quirie, Nick Schofield, Adrian Hartley, Malcolm Hole, David Jolley

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... Volcanics. The project aims to map in 3D the complete volcanic sequence to build up a full view of the eruption history of the Rattray and Ron Volcanics...


Managing the Impact of Environmental Law on Major Resource Development Projects

P Rose

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Development Projects P ROSE 1 INTRODUCTION Ensuring the success of a major resource development project, whether in the Gippsland Basin or elsewhere...


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