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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Sequence Elements in Stratigraphic Analysis of Lower Colorado (Cretaceous) Strata, West-Central Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Frank Simpson

AAPG Bulletin

..., sideritic oolites, concentrations of iron sulfides, and accumulations of phosphatic bodies, also are present. The use of sequence elements...


Radiometric Age Determination of Silurian Glauconite: GEOLOGIC NOTES

J. T. Sanford , R. E. Mosher

AAPG Bulletin

.... At various localities there is a concentration of either phosphatic, glauconitic, or ferruginous material which would seem to have required some time for its...


Models for Interpretation of Micromorph Faunas in Washita Group: ABSTRACT

Ernest A. Mancini

AAPG Bulletin

... are found in limonitic, pyritic, or phosphatic black shales. They consist of individuals that are smaller than those in normal faunas. These faunas...


Paleogeography of Eustatic Model for Deposition of Mid-Continent Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems: ABSTRACT

Philip H. Heckel

AAPG Bulletin

..., quasi-estuarine circulation, and upwelling, all leading to widespread deposition across the Mid-Continent of phosphatic black shale, which graded...


Organophosphorites in Carboniferous Rocks of Central United States: ABSTRACT

Glen K. Merrill, David T. Long, W. Fred Falls

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ those with siliceous (radiolarians, sponges), or phosphatic (brachiopods, conodonts, bony fish and sharks) skeletons. This indicates an abundance...


Early Paleozoic Conodont Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of Northwestern Canada: ABSTRACT

R. S. Tipnis, M. P. Cecile

AAPG Bulletin

... to the south. Late Ordovician-Ea ly Silurian carbonate deposition on the platform graded basinward into shales and limestones. The phosphatic microfossil...


Mississippian Continental Margins of Conterminous United States: ABSTRACT

Raymond C. Gutschick, Charles A. Sandberg

AAPG Bulletin

... cascaded over the passive shelf margins to intertongue with thin carbonat slope deposits and very thin (~ 10 m) phosphatic basinal sediments...


Geochemistry of Organic-Rich Shales and Coals from Middle Pennsylvanian Cherokee Group and Lower Part of Marmaton Group, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa: ABSTRACT

Joseph R. Hatch, Joel S. Leventhal

AAPG Bulletin

.... Groups II, III, and IV shales are laminated, phosphatic, and nonfossiliferous to slightly fossiliferous. Groups III and IV shales are most common...


Paleogeographic Setting and Depositional Environments of Santa Margarita Formation, Ventura County, California: ABSTRACT

Devin R. Thor

AAPG Bulletin

...-grained sandstone with some large-scale cross bedding; and (2) facies B, laminated mudstone, phosphatic mudstone, and pelletic phosphate. Rocks...


Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Miocene Strata of Central Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

Thomas G. Gibson

AAPG Bulletin

...; three pulses of phosphatic clay and sand and intercalated diatomaceous clay characterize the Albemarle Embayment during the early and middle Miocene...


Depositional Patterns of Neogene Sediments Around Carolina Platform on Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT

Stanley R. Riggs, Don W. Lewis, Albert C. Hine

AAPG Bulletin

... by interbedded lithologies consisting of phosphorite sands, phosphatic foraminiferal muds, dolosilts, and calcareous quartz sands. Deposition of the Pungo River...


Depositional Environments of Silurian Whirlpool Sandstone (Medina) in Western New York: ABSTRACT

Beverly Seyler

AAPG Bulletin

.... Fragmented phosphatic marine fossils are found throughout the sandstone. Erosion of Upper Ordovician sediments in western New York was minimal...


Ammonite Zonation in Condensed Zone, Middle Ozan Formation (Taylor Group, Upper Cretaceous) in Northeast Texas: ABSTRACT

Joan Echols

AAPG Bulletin

... phosphatic internal molds), and hiatus concretions. Four of 6 midcontinent ammonite range zones proposed by Cobban and others appear to be represented...


Regional Lithostratigraphy of Permian Phosphoria Formation, Western Overthrust Belt: ABSTRACT

Daniel Tisoncik

AAPG Bulletin

... organic phosphatic mudstone deposited in a shallow marine shelf-margin environment. Distribution of facies types was affected by paleostructural...


Trace Fossils in Middle and Upper Austin Chalk near Dallas, Texas--Paleoecologic and Economic Significance: ABSTRACT

William C. Dawson, Donald F. Reaser

AAPG Bulletin

... channels; dense networks of Thalassinoides occur on lower surfaces. (3) Firmground--phosphatic, glauconitic, foraminiferal biocalcilutite containing...


Depositional Trends in Carbonate-Dominated and Clastic-Dominated Late Pennsylvanian Cycles in North Texas: ABSTRACT

Thomas E. Yancey, Robert Hojnacki

AAPG Bulletin

... silts. The transgressive sequence culminates in a deeper water, dark-colored phosphatic shale. The regressive sequence is thicker, begins with a richly...


Ostracode Distribution in Late Pennsylvanian Finis Shale Cyclothem: ABSTRACT

Kimberly Ann Boller

AAPG Bulletin

..., and is interpreted to represent a "deeper" water, anoxic environment. The overlying dark-gray, phosphatic shales contain a diminutive pyritic molluscan fauna...


Siliciclastic Incursion in Southern Florida and Development of Florida Reefs During Late Cenozoic: ABSTRACT

Gong Soo Chung, Robert N. Ginsburg

AAPG Bulletin

... of calcareous clays, phosphatic grains, and marine faunal fragments. The medium sand to granule-sized sediments are composed of well-rounded quartzose...


Shelf Sedimentation Across Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary: Chapel Island Formation, Southeastern Newfoundland: ABSTRACT

Paul Myrow

AAPG Bulletin

... current distribution), and phosphatic nodules. Sandstones and siltstones deposited in shoreface to outer-shelf settings contain evidence of storm...


Controls on Pennsylvanian Algal-Mound Distribution in Mid-Continent North America: ABSTRACT

Rex C. Price, John C. Mitchell, Robert L. Ravn

AAPG Bulletin

... the feature and (2) change from anoxic, black, fissile, and phosphatic basinal shales to oxygenated, diversely fossiliferous gray shales over the arch...


Facies Comparison of Autochthonous and Allochthonous Permian and Triassic Units, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Karen E. Adams, C. G. Mull

AAPG Bulletin

... and the presence of barite to the south and west, while becoming signi icantly sooty and phosphatic to the north and east. Ongoing petrographic...


Glacio-Eustasy, Depositional Environments, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Character of Goen Limestone Cyclothem (Desmoinesian), Concho Platform, Central Texas: ERRATUM

Samuel A. Marquis, Jr., Robert L. Laury

AAPG Bulletin

...." Figure 15 is modified from Dawson (1984). For the reference section: Heckel, P. H., 1977, Origin of phosphatic black shale facies in Pennsylvanian...


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