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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,930 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Ordovician Formations in the Illinois River Valley of Northeastern Oklahoma

James H. Montgomery

Tulsa Geological Society

... is the characteristic presence in the Sylamore of numerous phosphatic nodules. Along Flint Creek, the sandstones rise out of the creek bed approximately one...


Depositional Environment, Age, and Diagenesis of a Miocene Tuffaceous Limestone, La Honda Basin, Central California

D. El-Sabbagh, J.C. Ingle

Pacific Section of AAPG

.... Updated diatom biostratigraphy for the Monterey Formation of California in Casey, R.E., and Barron, J.A., (eds.), Siliceous microfossils and microplankton...


The Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of West Timor, Indonesia

R. K. Sawyer, Kartono Sani, Stephen Brown

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the Permian-Triassic boundary, although derivation from older units cannot be ruled out. Samples collected for age dating by microfossils were barren...


The Upper Cretaceous Milk River and Lea Park Formations in Southeastern Alberta

N. C. Meijer Drees, D. W. Mhyr

CSPG Bulletin

... needle-like microfossils. The third type is light or dark grey mottled with reddish brown, and is a silicified rock composed of fine to medium pelletoids...


Application of Geophysical Methods in Phosphate Exploration Southeastern Idaho

James W. Cooksley Jr.

Utah Geological Association

... Member, formerly referred to by the U.S.G.S. as the Phosphatic Shale Member, contains the phosphate deposits of economic importance. This member...


The Vanadiferous Zone of the Phosphoria Formation in Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho

V. E. McKelvey, J. D. Strobell Jr., A. L. Slaughter

Wyoming Geological Association

... Paper 820, p. 679-688. Gulbrandsen, R.A., 1960, Petrology of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria Formation at Coal Canyon, Wyoming...


Paleoenvironment of Phosphate-Bearing Monterey Shale in Salinas Valley, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Patsy B. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... 1787------------------------------ Fig. 2. Columnar sections at Indian Creek and Reliz Canyon showing stratigraphic position of samples and phosphatic...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Mixed Clastic-Biogenic Monterey Formation Point Dume to Paradise Cove, Malibu, California, #51332 (2016).

Wanjiru Njuguna, Richard Behl

Search and

... are the Dolomitic Phosphatic Shale Member, the Porcelanite and Shale Member, the Mixed Clastics Member and the Cherty Diatomite Member. High TOC...


Upper Devonian paleoenvironmental, diagenetic, and tectonic enigmas in the western Appalachian Basin: new discoveries and emerging questions associated with the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and end-Devonian disturbances in central Ohio

David R. Blood, Gordon C. Baird, Erika M. Danielsen, Carlton E. Brett, Joseph T. Hannibal, Gary G. Lash

Ohio Geological Society

... is not a discrete contact, per se, but a 1.5-2 inch (3.5–4.5 cm)-thick zone of abundant phosphatic nodules, fish bones, and conodonts that have been...




Montana Geological Society

... pis., 4 figs. Peck, R. E., 1941, "Lower Certaceous Rocky Mountain Non-marine Microfossils," Jour. Paleon , Vol. 15...


Dakota Stratigraphy Along the Colorado Front Range

Karl M. Waage

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the shales for microfossils should determine whether or not this is so. The lack of outcrop between the northern foothills and Colorado Springs precludes any...


Petroleum Occurrence in the Uinta Basin: North America

Lewis F. Wells

AAPG Special Volumes

...), "Origin and Microfossils of the Oil Shale of the Green River Formation of Colorado and Utah," ibid., Prof. Paper 168, pp. 6-29. BUTLER, B. S., ET AL...


Sedimentology and Petrology of Profundal Lacustrine Sediments, Mahogany Zone of the Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Northwest Colorado

George J. Grabowski Jr., David R. Pevear

Special Publications of SEPM

..., and plagioclase feldspar with minor amounts of pyrite, feldspar, and variable amounts of siderite, kerogen. fragments of phosphatic fish bones...


Resume of Jurassic to Recent Sedimentation History of the Gulf of Mexico Basin

E. H. Rainwater

GCAGS Transactions

... large and small fossils in outcrop sections, and from microfossils in well samples. Glauconite and phosphorite may or may not be present in the basal...


Mishrif Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian), Southern Arabian Gulf: Carbonate Platform Growth Along a Cratonic Basin Margin: Chapter 16

Trevor P. Burchette

AAPG Special Volumes

.... J., and M. D. Simmons, 1991, Mid-Cretaceous ammonites and associated microfossils from the Central Oman Mountains: Newsletters in Stratigraphy, v. 25...


Correlation of Volcanic Ashes in the Monterey Formation between Naples Beach and Gaviota Beach, California

J. Scott Hornafius

Pacific Section of AAPG

... microfossils and microplankton - studies of the Monterey Formation and modern analogs: Pacific Section SEPM Special Publication, p. 105-120. Bramlette...


Conodont Thermal Maturation Patterns in Paleozoic and Triassic Rocks, Northern Alaska„Geologic and Exploration Implications

Anita G. Harris, H. Richard Lane, I. L. Tailleur, Inyo Ellersieck

Pacific Section SEPM

..., some types of isotopic, paleomagnetic, and paleontologic studies, among others). Conodonts are toothlike, apatitic microfossils (generally 0.1-1 mm...


Preliminary Description and Correlation of Lower Paleozoic Fossil-Bearing Strata in the Snowden Mountain Area of the South-Central Brooks Range, Alaska

John T. Dillon, Anita G. Harris, J. Thomas Dutro Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

... of the north face of Snowden Mountain by D. N. Solie (fig. 2). Early Middle Cambrian trilobites with Siberian faunal affinities and phosphatic brachiopods...


Pelagic and Hemipelagic Sedimentary Rocks as Source and Reservoir Rock

Robert E. Garrison

Pacific Section SEPM

.... Biogenic Grains Planktic and benthic microfossils are a major constituent in many pelagic and hemipelagic rocks. Table 1 lists the major rock-forming...


Characterization of the Source Horizons Within the Late Cretaceous Transgressive Sequence of Egypt: Chapter 7

Vaughn D. Robison, Michael H. Engel

AAPG Special Volumes

...., 1984a, Organic-walled microfossils and sedimentary facies in the Abu Tartur phosphates (Late Cretaceous, Egypt): Berliner geowissenschaftliche...


Mesozoic Geology of Svalbard: Regional Arctic Geology of the Nordic Countries

W. B. Harland

AAPG Special Volumes

... are ammonites and bivalves, marine vertebrates (mainly fish and saurians), and driftwood. Although much work is in progress, few records of microfossils...


Maximizing Information from Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks: An Inclusive Nomenclature for Mudstones

Joe H.S. Macquaker, A.E. Adams

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Miocene, California, U.S.A., and has been described as an "organic carbon-rich phosphatic shale" (e.g., Isaacs 2001) using conventional field...


Economic Resources in Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms: An Overview: Chapter 2

Robert W. Scott, J. A. Toni Simo, Jean-Pierre Masse

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Jarvis, I., 1992, Sedimentology, geochemistry and origin of phosphatic chalks--the Upper Cretaceous, northwestern Europe: Sedimentology, v. 39, p...


Permian and Carboniferous Stratigraphy Wapiti Lake Area, Northeastern British Columbia

A. McGugan, J. E. Rapson-McGugan

CSPG Bulletin

..., and resting here, as elsewhere, on a thin phosphatic chert conglomerate and regional unconformity within the Permian; and 3) the Mowitch Formation...


Shelf to Trough Correlations of Late Desmoinesian and Early Missourian Carbonate Banks and Related Strata, Northeast Oklahoma

Allan P. Bennison

Tulsa Geological Society

... 93 126 Many black phosphatic shale beds associated with cyclic carbonate banks and coal sequences on the north shelf of the Arkoma Seaway thicken...


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