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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Permian Carbonate Facies, Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Dennis C. Ahlstrand, James A. Peterson

Wyoming Geological Association

... of these four facies: a western dark phosphatic shale and chert facies (Phosphoria Formation), a northern sandstone facies (Shedhorn Sandstone), a central...


Permian Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies, and Petroleum Geology, Wyoming and Adjacent Area

James A. Peterson

Wyoming Geological Association

... substantial amounts of petroleum, mostly oil, in the Bighorn and Wind River Basins of Wyoming. The highly organic phosphatic black shales of the Phosphoria...


The Gordondale Member: Designation of a New Member in the Fernie Formation to Replace the Informal "Nordegg Member" Nomenclature of the Subsurface of West-Central Alberta

M. Asgar-Deen, C. Riediger,, R. Hall

CSPG Bulletin

... Toarcian Gordondale Member is an important hydrocarbon source rock and consists of dark brown, finely laminated, organic-rich, phosphatic and highly...


Big Elk Mountain Anticline: Bonneville County, Idaho

Frank Neighbor

Utah Geological Association

...′—gray dolomitic shale PERMIAN Phosphoria Formation 4507′-4523′—black, phosphatic, micaceous, pyritic shale 4523′-4542′—white, gray, milky, speckled...


History of the Conda Operation—Underground to Strip Mining

David M. Schwarze

Utah Geological Association

... an excellent marker, and is locally called the “fish scale” bed. The “fish scale” bed and the overlying sequence of phosphatic, carbonaceous, and argillaceous...


Marine Authigenesis, a Holistic Approach

Craig R. Glenn, Liliane Prévôt-Lucas, Jacques Lucas

Special Publications of SEPM

... Internationin al Congress on Sedimentology in Jerusale~n July 1978. Nearly simultaneously, a thematic set of special papers on "Phosphatic...


Production, Destruction, and Dilution„The Many Paths to Source-Rock Development

Kevin M. Bohacs, George J. Grabowski Jr., Alan R. Carroll, Paul J. Mankiewicz, Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt, Jon R. Schwalbach, Mary Beth Wegner, J.A. (Toni) Simo

Special Publications of SEPM

... of the original biogenic opal-A, derived and two IR cells using 50–70 mg powdered samples (after from siliceous microfossils deposited with the shale...


A Test for the Possibility of Photosymbiosis in Extinct Fusuline Foraminifera: Size and Shape Related to Depth of Habitat

John R. Groves, Madison Pike, Kasey Westley


... diagenetic features. The so-called ‘‘middle’’ limestone is, in turn, overlain by dark-gray to black, locally phosphatic, fissile shale with pelagic...


Lithologic Analysis of Sedimentary Rocks

Robert P. McNeal

AAPG Bulletin

... lenses. Glauconite and phosphatic material occur as cement in limited conditions. Silt is not a cementing material, but it occurs as a matrix which fills...


Outcrop Features and Origin of Basin Margin Unconformities in the Lower Chesapeake Group (Miocene), Atlantic Coastal Plain

Susan M. Kidwell

AAPG Special Volumes

... International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, p. 199-421. Calver, J.L., and C.R.B. Hobbs, Jr., eds., 1963, Geologic Map of Virginia: Virginia...


Growth Dynamics of Neoproterozoic Calcimicrobial Reefs, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Canada

Elizabeth C. Turner, Noel P. James, Guy M. Narbonne

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... microbially laminated pisoids > 2 mm in diameter) grainstone with quartz sand, intraclasts, and phosphatic clasts. Closely packed, multilayer clusters...


Lithology-based sequence-stratigraphic framework of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession, Lower Cretaceous, Atlantic coastal plain

Brian P. Coffey and Richard F. Sunde

AAPG Bulletin

... of these sequences, but most samples analyzed for microfossils were barren. Hence, identified sequences have been arbitrarily assigned numbers (0, 1...


Evaluation of the Phosphate Reserves in Southeastern Idaho

A. L. Service

Utah Geological Association

... underlain by the Meade Peak (phosphatic shale) Member is within the boundaries of Caribou National Forest; smaller areas lie within the boundaries...


Organic Geochemistry of Phosphorites: Relevance to Petroleum Genesis

T. G. Powell , P. J. Cook , D. M. McKirdy

AAPG Bulletin

.... The composition of the as ociated kerogens supports the contention that oils with high nitrogen contents are derived from phosphatic source beds...


Fine-grained distal deposits of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate marine system: Origin of mud and implications on mixing processes

Mariano N. Remírez,, Luis A. Spalletti, Manuel F. Isla, Ernesto Schwarz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... elements and microfossils from the Pilmatué Member, Agrio Formation (Early Cretaceous), Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Advances in South American...


Chapter 9: New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin, USA—Devonian Carbonaceous Mudstone Accumulation in an Epicratonic Sea: Stratigraphic Insights from Outcrop and Subsurface Data

O. R. Lazar, J. Schieber

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 2007). Conodonts, toothlike microfossils of calcium phosphate, are the remains of eel-shaped jawless vertebrates (Donoghue et al., 2000; House...


The Great American Carbonate Bank in Eastern Laurentia: Its Births, Deaths, and Linkage to Paleooceanic Oxygenation (Early CambrianLate Ordovician)

Ed Landing

AAPG Special Volumes

... granulepebble clasts), and phosphatic macrofossils and microfossils rarely show tectonic shearing and thinning. Indeed, the classic Lower Ordovicianlower Upper...


Cretaceous Paleogeography along the Eastern Margin of the Western Interior Seaway, Iowa Southern Minnesota, and Eastern Nebraska and South Dakota

Brian J. Witzke, Greg A. Ludvigson, James R. Poppe, Robert L. Ravn

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

.... Pierce, R. L., 1961, Lower Upper Cretaceous plant microfossils from Minnesota: Minnesota Geol. Survey Bull. 42, 86 p., 3 pls. Poppe, J. R., 1979...


Stratigraphy of the Simpson Group in Oklahoma

A. T. Statler

Tulsa Geological Society

... of many of these forms within the Simpson Group at several outcrop localities in southern Oklahoma. Other types of microfossils may prove to be fairly...


Ichnology of siliceous facies in the Eocene Tallahatta Formation (eastern United States Gulf Coastal Plain): Implications for depositional conditions, storm processes, and diagenesis

Charles E. Savrda, John W. Counts, Ethan Bigham, Samuel Martin


... and other siliceous microfossils (sponge spicules, radiolarians, and silicoflagellates). In particular, Laws and Thayer (1992) documented the progressive...


Taphonomy of the Upper Ediacaran Enigmatic Ribbonlike Fossil Shaanxilithes

Mike Meyer, James D. Schiffbauer, Shuhai Xiao, Yaoping Cai, Hong Hua


... microfossils of the Doushantuo phosphorites (Xiao and Knoll, 2000), and the macroalgal carbonaceous compressions within the Doushantuo and Lantian black shale...


Stratigraphy of the Simpson Group in Oklahoma

Anthony T. Statler

Tulsa Geological Society

... of these forms within the Simpson Group at several outcrop localities in southern Oklahoma. Other types of microfossils may prove to be fairly...


Geology and Regional Correlation of the Cretaceous and Paleogene Rocks of the Gualala Block, California

Carl M. Wentworth, David L. Jones, Earl E. Brabb

Pacific Section SEPM

... clayey and richly glauconitic beds. The unit contains early Miocene mollusks (see Appendix 2 and Addicott, 1967), as well as phosphatic nodules, shark...


Middle and Upper Ordovician Paleogeography of the Region Bordering the Transcontinental Arch

Brian J. Witzke

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

.... 1–150. Bromberger, S.H., 1968, Basal Maquoketa phosphatic beds: unpub. Ph.D. diss., Univ. Iowa. 209 p. Brown, E.C., 1974, Phosphatic zone...


History of Stratigraphic Paleontology of West Coast Tertiary

R. M. Kleinpell

AAPG Special Volumes

... is earliest Pliocene or perhaps even younger. Micropaleontologic Biostratigraphy Since microfossils are abundant on the West Coast in the offshore...


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