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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,930 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Carboniferous Geology and Tectonic History of the Southern Fort Worth (Foreland) Basin and Concho Platform

Robert C. Grayson Jr., Glen K. Merrill, Lance L. Lambert, Matthew J. Pranter

Dallas Geological Society

..., the Barnett formation is about 10 m thick, and consists of phosphatic shale, thin microsparite limestone beds, brachiopod and cephalopod biomicrites...


The Morrow of Northeastern Oklahoma

Carl A. Moore

Tulsa Geological Society

... of well rounded limonitic and shaly limestone pebbles and phosphatic nodules in a highly ferruginous matrix, and containing reworked Pitkin fossils...


The Miocene Monterey Formation

Anne Hargreaves

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... This province consists of isolated mountain ranges Phosphatic marlstone or mudstone/shale outcrop. Organic-rich, bituminous, calcareous phosphatic shales...




Montana Geological Society

..., Bracyloceros and orthonoconic and coiled nautiloids, the snail Strobeus, and a number of phosphatic brachiopod forms, clams, productids, spirifers...


Evaluation of Reservoir Quality in the Llanos Foothills, Colombia

J.O'Leary, E. Warren, G. Geehan, R. Herbert, R. Graham

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of highly mature quartz arenite sandstones, although abundant phosphatic grains are also seen in parts of the formation. The second reservoir unit...


Uranium Deposits of Northeastern and Western Utah*

May D. Dasch

Utah Geological Association

.... Gulbrandsen, R. A., 1960, Petrology of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation at Coal Canyon, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull...


The Point Fermin Submarine Fan: A Small, Late Middle Miocene Age Fan Within the Monterey Formation

Perry Russell

Pacific Section SEPM

... may be divided into three lithofacies (in ascending order): the tuffaceous, cherty, and phosphatic lithofacies (Table 1) (Conrad and Ehlig, 1983...


Glaucophane-Rich Lithic Sandstone at Point Fermin, California

Victor B. Cherven, Perry W. Russell

Pacific Section SEPM

... in seme thin sections. Phosphatic bone fragments and biotite are common accessories. Seme samples have iron oxide as a common cement. Dolomite occurs...


Environmental Significance of Dwarfed Faunas at S.E.P.M. Symposium, Denver, April 28, 1948

R. C. Moore

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the precipitation and run-off from the adjacent land. Fossils found in the initial marine deposits of a cyclothem consist typically of phosphatic...


Fault Controlled Dolomitization of the Wabamun Group, Tangent Field, Peace River Arch, Alberta

F. Stoakes

CSPG Special Publications

... metres into the Wabamun section. Matrix material is comprised in part of glauconite and phosphatic pellets similar to the basal Banff siltstone...


The “Permian” Belloy Formation: Upper Carboniferous and Permian Strata of the Peace River Embayment, West-Central Alberta

P. Chung, C. M. Henderson

CSPG Special Publications

...′), which confirm an Early Moscovian age. The Ksituan is overlain unconformably by a sandstone member with a phosphatic lag conglomerate at the base...


Regional Lithostratigraphic Units in the Triassic Montney Formation of Western Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTE

James Dixon

CSPG Bulletin

.... In the case of the Doig-Montney contact, the lower beds of the Doig Formation are shale or siltstone characterized by an abundance of phosphatic pellets...


Abstract: Giving 110%: Field and Laboratory Observations of the Marcellus Shale and Associated Strata Which May Explain Well Production in Excess of Gas-In-Place

Randy Blood

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...-bearing phosphatic lags. Detailed analyses of well logs indicate such features of the same scale are found in the subsurface. Moreover, common...


Abstract: Phosphate deposits in Cambrian rocks of Avalonia in the Saint John area, New Brunswick

Kara-Lynn Scallion, Peir K. Pufahl, Sandra M. Barr

Atlantic Geology

... to phosphatic minerals and iron chlorite. The ubiquitous presence of phosphorous, an essential nutrient for life, is important as these rocks formed...


Conditions for Preservation of Pore-Type Reservoirs at Great Depths in Paleozoic Sediments of the Northeast of the Antipov-Shcherbakov Zone

V. A. Tsygankova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... that consists of argillites and siltstones. The sandstones contain organic detritus and small phosphatic pebbles, indicating a near-shore marine...


Pore-to-regional-scale Integrated Characterization Workflow for Unconventional Gas Shales

Roger M. Slatt, Paul R. Philp, Younane Abousleiman, Prerna Singh, Roderick Perez, Romina Portas, Kurt J. Marfurt, Steven Madrid-Arroyo, Neal O'Brien, Eric Eslinger, Elizabeth T. Baruch

AAPG Special Volumes

... by Hickey and Henk (2007). The dominant minerals composing each lithofacies are quartz, calcite, dolomite, clay minerals, feldspar, muscovite, and phosphatic...


Abstract: Signature of Mass Mortality of Fauna and High Temperature Pressure Event Preserved in Late Cretaceous Bone Bed of Fatehgrah Formation of Barmer Basin, India

S. C. Mathur

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., vertebrae, phosphatic dungs of crocodile, dinosaur and turtles. Maastrichian age is suggested from the close faunestic association of biota of the bone bed...


Hidden Falls Member of Platteville Formation, Minnesota: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Robert E. Sloan

AAPG Bulletin

... Falls member. This transitional interval is somewhat shaly, normally recessed, and contains a sandy, phosphatic, pyritic corrosion zone. FOOTNOTE 3...



Joann E. Welton

AAPG Special Volumes

...: 5,761 feet Small (40µm), round concretionary balls (C) of collophane: Collophane is a cryptocrystalline phosphatic material related to apatite...


Theory of Paleozoic Accumulation in Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Donald S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... and phosphatic, fine-grained rocks of the marine facies of the Permian Phosphoria (Park City) Formation. Similar dark-colored "source rocks...


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