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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Multiphase Fluid Movements in Glass Micromodels of Pore Systems: ABSTRACT
Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Bulletin
...Multiphase Fluid Movements in Glass Micromodels of Pore Systems: ABSTRACT Norman C. Wardlaw 1980 799 800 64 5. (May) The efficiency with which oil...
Abstract: Integrated Investigation of the Pore Structure of Middle-Upper Cretaceous Carbonates in Central and Southern Iraq;
Hangyu Liu, Bo Liu, Kaibo Shi, Zhongyuan Tian, Rui Guo
Search and Discovery.com
... are characterized by complex pore systems resulting in strong reservoir quality heterogeneity. The integration of CT scans, cast thin section observations...
Abstract: Facies-based Carbonate Reservoir Models: The Link between Facies and Pore Systems; #91204 (2023)
Samy Serageldin
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Facies-based Carbonate Reservoir Models: The Link between Facies and Pore Systems; #91204 (2023) Samy Serageldin Facies-based Carbonate...
Pore Size Distributions by Analysis of Back-Scattered Electron and Fluorescence Images: ABSTRACT
Kenneth Ruzyla
AAPG Bulletin
... to form a composite pore size distribution for the sample. Pore size distributions of carbonate rocks containing complex pore systems show changes...
Abstract: Production-Active Pore Systems — The Pores that Matter, by Evensen, Joseph M.; #90163 (2013)
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Abstract: Image-Based Pore Structure Characterization and Pore-Scale Fluid Flow Simulation of Eocene Beach-Bar Sandstones in the Western Slope of Dongying Depression, Eastern China;
Ya Wang, Shaochun Yang, Yifan Zhang, Yan Lu
Search and Discovery.com
... features and how fluid flow through tortuous pore systems. Here an integrated approach based primarily on image processing combined with MICP tests...
Abstract: Pore Typing Workflow for Complex Carbonate Systems, by Skalinski, Mark; Kenter, Jeroen; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Pore Facies of Smackover Carbonate Reservoirs in Southwest Alabama, by D. C. Kopaska-Merkel and S. D. Mann; #91006 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Examination of Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Multimodal Porosity Systems
Search and Discovery.com
Pore Systems in Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs, United States Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
J. C. Wendte, A. R. Gensamer
AAPG Bulletin
...Pore Systems in Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs, United States Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT J. C. Wendte, A. R. Gensamer 1979 551 551 63 3. (March) Common pore...
Abstract: The Use of Computed Tomography and 3-D Printing Technology to Replicate Reservoir Pore Systems, by Sergey Ishutov; #90199 (2014)
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Abstract: Carbonate Pore-System Analysis Using Ternary Pore Plots, by D. C. Kopaska-Merkel and S. D. Mann; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: New Method for Quantitative Classification of Pore and Porosity of Organic-Rich Shale Using Digital Image Processing;
Yingzhu Wang, Jijin Yang
Search and Discovery.com
.... They are thus impossible to reveal the characteristics of different pore systems, separately. As for imaging methods, it is highly dependent...
ABSTRACT: Capillary Pressure, Hg Withdrawal Efficiency, Pore Throat Diameter, and Pore Geometry as Quality Indicators in Carbonate Reservoirs; #90049 (2005)
W. M. Ahr
Search and Discovery.com
... and low resistance to fluid transmissivity in carbonate reservoirs. These zones, or “flow units”, may have pore systems that include any combination...
Abstract: Fractal Simulation of Three-Dimensional Pore Architectures, by R. C. Faucette and L. E. Borgman; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Rocks, Pores, and Enhanced Oil Recovery — A Geological Challenge
Norman C. Wardlaw
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... of pore systems. It is these systems which affected multi-phase fluid flow and influence the volume of oil which can be recovered economically...
Rocks, Pores, and Enhanced Oil Recovery--A Geological Challenge: ABSTRACT
Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Bulletin
... systems. It is these systems which affect multiphase fluid flow and influence the volume of oil which can be recovered economically. Important pore...
Ibukunoluwa Bode-Omoleye
Search and Discovery.com
..., Stillwater, OK, USA ibukuno@okstate.edu ABSTRACT In contrast to macropore to micropore-dominated pore systems in conventional carbonate reservoir...
Making Sense of Carbonate Pore Systems: Implication for Porosity Cut-Off and STOOIP, by Arve Lønøy; #90029 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Spectrum of Pore Types in Siliceous Mudstones in Shale-Gas Systems, by Robert Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, Robert M. Reed, and Ursula Hammes; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Using mercury intrusion porosimetry to identifying the sample size effect on pore structure characteristics of the Eagle Ford Shale
Search and Discovery.com
Using F-score and supervised-mode machine learning algorithms for pore structure prediction from well logs in the Eocene sandstones, Bohai Oilfield, China
Zongbin Liu, Yan Lu, Yang Zheng, Xiaolin Zhu, Xin Zhou
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., and the permeability capacity of the sandstones is strong. In contrast, the pore systems of the sandstones with poor petrophysical properties are mainly composed...
Pore Typing Workflow for Complex Carbonate Systems; #50848 (2013)
Mark Skalinski and Jeroen Kenter
Search and Discovery.com
...Pore Typing Workflow for Complex Carbonate Systems; #50848 (2013) Mark Skalinski and Jeroen Kenter Pore Typing Workflow for Complex Carbonate Systems...
The Depositional and Diagenetic Effects on Microbial Carbonates Pore System Expressed on Well Logs
Search and Discovery.com