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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Resolving Carbonate Complexity with Respect to Fluid Movements in Brown Fields, by Nangia, Viraj; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Quantification of Porosity and Permeability Reduction Due to Calcite Cementation Using Computer-Assisted Petrographic Image Analysis Techniques
Theodore T. Mowers, David A. Budd
AAPG Bulletin
... Theodore T. Mowers, David A. Budd 1996 309 321 80 3. (March) Calcite cementation is often an important factor in the evolution of reservoir pore systems...
Pore Geometry: Control on Reservoir Properties, Walker Creek Field, Columbia and Lafayette Counties, Arkansas
D. M. Bliefnick , J. G. Kaldi
AAPG Bulletin
.... Leibel, and S. C. Eriyagama, 1982, Pore systems and reservoir quality in Mississippian carbonates and their relationship to hydrocarbon reservoirs...
Abstract: Pore Structure of Cambrian Shales from the Sichuan Basin in China: Implications to Gas Storage and Migration Pathways, by Feng Yang and Zhengfu Ning; #90180 (2013)
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ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas - Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour, #90104 (2010)
O'Connor Stephen; Swarbrick Richard; Lahann Rick; Clegg Phill; Scott David; Green Sam; Pindar Bitrus
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas - Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour, #90104 (2010) O'Connor Stephen...
Abstract: Petrographic and Microfacies Analysis of the Shublik Formation, Northern Alaska: Implications for an Unconventional Resource System; #90302 (2018)
April Knox, Michael T. Whalen
Search and Discovery.com
... unconventional resource systems. Pore types were imaged and quantified at a high resolution using electron microscopy. Pore types that are present...
Abstract: Permeability Anisotropy and Meandering Fluvial Facies Architecture of the Bartlesville Sandstone, Nowata County, Oklahoma;
Clinton Farr, Dennis Kerr
Search and Discovery.com
... architectural elements. Petrographic analysis of thin sections is employed to qualitatively characterize pore systems and grain fabrics. Three-dimensional...
Abstract: Porosity and Permeability Computation with Multiscale X-ray Micro Computed Tomography Imaging in Late Carboniferous Sandstones; #91204 (2023)
Aqeel Furaish, Ivan Deshenenkov
Search and Discovery.com
... greater values in high-resolution tomograms. These provided connected pore systems for all ten interior tomograms, however, full-plug images do...
Staining Method for Recognition of Pore Space in Thin and Polished Sections: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
K. Ruzyla , D. I. Jezek
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of reservoir pore systems, particularly microporosity. Staining can be done using either conventional (Fig. 1B) or fluorescent colors (Fig. 1C, D...
Abstract: Macroscopic Reservoir Heterogeneity in Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation Oil Plays, Southwest Alabama, by E. A. Mancini, R. M. Mink, B. H. Tew, D. C. Kopasca-Merkel, and S. D. Mann; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour; #40650 (2010)
Sam Green, Richard Swarbrick, Stephen O'Connor, Phill Clegg, David T. Scott, and Bitrus Pindar
Search and Discovery.com
...Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour; #40650 (2010) Sam Green, Richard Swarbrick...
ABSTRACT: Distribution and Character of Complex Micropore Systems in the Eagle Ford Formation of South Texas, by Antia, Jonathan; Jennings, Debra ; #90142 (2012)
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Estimating Pore Throat Size in Sandstones from Routine Core-Analysis Data; Edward D. Pittman; Search and Discovery Article #40009 (2001)
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Surface Energy Effects on Formation and Preservation of Microrhombic Calcite Fabrics and Porosity; #51148 (2015)
Alton Brown
Search and Discovery.com
...-energy control related to crystal and pore-size variations. These theories are tested with microrhombic calcite fabrics in the Pawnee Field (Cretaceous...
Petrography and Reservoir Physics I: Objective Classification of Reservoir Porosity (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... of digital acquisition procedures and pattern recognition algorithms. Pore types are derived from the frequency distributions of sizes and shapes...
Pore-Scale Characterization of Oil-Rich Monterey Shale: A Preliminary Study
Shahram Farhadi Nia, Devang Dasani, Theodore Tsotsis, Kristian Jessen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... applicable to unconventional systems. Measurement of liquid permeability in tight pore systems is a very time consuming task, and when the aim is to extract...
ABSTRACT: Response of Marine Gas Hydrate Systems to Environmental Changes - Role of Hydrate Dissociation, by Xu, Wenyue; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Effect of Texture on Petrophysical Properties of Dolomite: Evidence From the Cambrian-Ordovician of Southeastern Missouri
Robert E. Woody , Jay M. Gregg , Leonard F. Koederitz
AAPG Bulletin
.... In planar-e dolomite, capillary pressure data and SEM pore cast analysis indicate uniform pore throat sizes and well-interconnected pore systems. Uniform...
Abstract: Full Pore System Petrophysical Characterization Technology for Complex Carbonates - Results from Saudi Arabia, by C. E. Phillips, E. Clerke, and J. Buiting; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Confocal Microscopy — A New Way to Model Carbonate Porosity in 3D, by Neil F. Hurley, Tuanfeng Zhang, Weishu Zhao, and Guangping Xu; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
The lamina of shale and its influence to the migration and accumulation of natural gas in the Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Southern Sichuan Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Using Pore System Characterization to Subdivide the Burgeoning Uteland Butte Play, Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah; #91201 (2022)
Riley Brinkerhoff, Michael D. Vanden Berg, and Mark Millard
Search and Discovery.com
... by district using the dominant pore systems in each area. We defined four distinct sub-plays within the Uinta Basin: 1) intergranular-dominated porosity...
Abstract: Advanced Characterization of Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs in South Iraq Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs and Electrical Borehole Images; #91204 (2023)
Wassem Alward, Mohammed Al-Jubouri, Xu Xiaori, Ling Zongfa, Jin Rongrong, Cui Yi
Search and Discovery.com
..., pore-size distribution, permeability, rock texture, reservoir rock type, and natural fracture systems at different scales is needed. The rock texture...