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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Pore Characteristics in Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs, #30167 (2011)
Wayne M. Ahr, Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell
Search and Discovery.com
...Pore Characteristics in Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs, #30167 (2011) Wayne M. Ahr, Ernest A. Mancini, William C. Parcell Pore Characteristics...
Chapter 10: 2-D Pore Architecture Characterization of a Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir: Insights from the Mid-Continent “Mississippi Lime”
Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer
AAPG Special Volumes
... Berg, G. Michael Grammer 2016 185 231 Memoir 112: Imaging Unconventional Reservoir Pore Systems, 2016 This study shows examples of how fundamental...
Characterization of Petrophysical Flow Units in Carbonate Reservoirs: Discussion
F. Jerry Lucia , A. J. Martin, S. T. Solomon, and D. J. Hartmann
AAPG Bulletin
...) and the size, shape, and surface area/volume ratio of the pores and vugs. Several pore systems or categories can be described in terms of flow...
Pore Systems in a Volcanogenic-Grain-Bearing Mudrock: The Jurassic-Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Shale of Argentina
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Multiscale Assessment of Pore Structures in Unconventional Gas Shale Systems
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Unconventionals Update: Challenging the Assumptions; #41804 (2016)
Susan Nash
Search and Discovery.com
... the magnitude of changes. Challenged Assumption #2: Pore Systems Can Be Mapped Once and All Is Good Pore Systems and Pore Architecture A completely dynamic...
Abstract: Petrographic Image Analysis as a Tool to Improve Reservoir Data
F. M. Ballentine, D. J. Malek, C. A. Philipson
GCAGS Transactions
... hydraulic units based on pore type and fluid flow properties. PIA was used to help delineate the differences between the pore systems in these reservoir units...
Abstract: Pore and Fracture Pressure Predictions: Improving Techniques for a more Integrated Workflow, by Romain Courel, Francis Reverdy, Bernard Bénazet, Christine Brunel, and Maria Zweigert; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: How Artificial Fractures and Bedding Planes Influence the Fluid Movement in the Fracture-Matrix Dual-Connectivity System in Barnett Shale;
Qiming Wang, Xiaoming Zhang, Qinhong Hu, Xiang Lin
Search and Discovery.com
... on fluid movement in fractured shale systems. Capable of demonstrating water movement behavior in shale matrix, the 1-D spontaneous imbibition (SP) tests...
Pore-throat characterization in highly porous and permeable sandstones
Bassem S. Nabawy, Yves Geraud, Pierre Rochette, Nicolas Bur
AAPG Bulletin
...Pore-throat characterization in highly porous and permeable sandstones Bassem S. Nabawy, Yves Geraud, Pierre Rochette, Nicolas Bur 2009 719 739 93 6...
Top Seal Character and Sequence Stratigraphy of Selected Marine Shales in Gulf Coast Style Basins
William C. Dawson and William R. Almon
GCAGS Transactions
... studied elements of petroleum systems. Sealing capacity is determined from laboratory measurements (high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure...
3-D Printing Artificial Reservoir Rocks to Test Their Petrophysical Properties, #41427 (2014).
Sergey Ishutov, Franciszek Hasiuk
Search and Discovery.com
... as a novel way of interacting with (a) x-ray computed tomography data from reservoir rocks, and (b) mathematical models of pore systems in coarse-grained...
Porosity: Part 5. Laboratoy Methods
M. Peter Cone, David G. Kersey
AAPG Special Volumes
... pressure tests. These analyses indicate that significant differences exist between clastic and carbonate pore types. Sandstone Pore Systems Four basic...
Abstract: Influence of Lithotypes and Petrographic Constituents on Methane and CO2 Sorption of Coal from Early Permian-Gondwana Deposits, India
Priyanka Shukla, Vinod A. Mendhe, Shashanka Pandey
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of vitrain and meso- to macro- pore matrix systems in early Permian coal seams directly controls the CH4 and CO2 storage. Moreover, the moisture, volatile...
Pore Networks in Niobrara, Piceance Basin, Western Colorado Exhibit Minimal Regional Variability as a Function of Thermal History
Search and Discovery.com
Comparing and Contrasting Analytically Quantified Porosity and Pore Size Distributions in the Wolfcamp Formation From SEM Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Crushed Rock Core Analysis
Search and Discovery.com
Lithofacies and Pore-Structure Characterization of the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant County, Oklahoma; #80627 (2018)
Fnu Suriamin, Matthew J. Pranter
Search and Discovery.com
.... Eberli, 1998, Quantitative characterization of carbonate pore systems by digital image analysis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1815-1836. Birch, C. B., 2015...
Effects of Methane Hydrate on the Physical Properties of Sediments
William J. Winters, William F. Waite, David H. Mason
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Natural gas hydrates—Energy resource potential and associated geologic hazards Grain size, pore content, and arrangement of pore constituents have...
Abstract: Top Seal Character and Sequence Stratigraphy of Selected Marine Shales in Gulf Coast Style Basins
William C. Dawson and William R. Almon
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... studied elements of petroleum systems. Sealing capacity is determined from laboratory measurements of high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure...
ABSTRACT: Unconventional interpretations of the conventional geochemical and petrological data in unconventional petroleum research
H. Sanei
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... and defined for conventional petroleum systems and may provide misleading information for unconventional petroleum systems. In unconventional systems...
ABSTRACT: Mineralogy and Diagenetic History of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone in the Giant East Texas Field
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, William A. Ambrose
GCAGS Transactions
... intergranular pore network in the Woodbine Sandstone resulting from a stable mineralogy and a favorable diagenetic history. Lithologically the sandstones...
Abstract: Pre-Salt Continental Carbonates Reservoir Potential of Namibe Basin, Southern Angola; #90321 (2018)
Gustavo Pereira
Search and Discovery.com
... of these reservoirs remains a challenge due to their complex architecture, heterogeneous pore network, and poorly constrained diagenetic evolution. The Namibe Basin...
Abstract: Nano-Petrophysical Studies of Avalon-Bone Spring-Wolfcamp and Dean-Sprayberry-Wolfcamp Shale Systems;
Qinhong Hu, Samuel Becker, Jordan Bevers, Ashley Chang, Nabil Mzee, Ben Rogers
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Nano-Petrophysical Studies of Avalon-Bone Spring-Wolfcamp and Dean-Sprayberry-Wolfcamp Shale Systems; Qinhong Hu, Samuel Becker, Jordan...
Physical Modeling of Gravity Spreading Induced by Fluid Overpressure Varying in Space and Time
Search and Discovery.com