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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Basin Hydrodynamic Considerations in Planning and Drilling Exploration Wells in the Deepwater
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Estimation of Recovery Efficiency by Visual Observation of Pore Systems in Reservoir Rocks: REPLY
N. C. Wardlaw, J. P. Cassan
CSPG Bulletin
...Estimation of Recovery Efficiency by Visual Observation of Pore Systems in Reservoir Rocks: REPLY N. C. Wardlaw, J. P. Cassan 1979 402 404 Vol. 27...
The Impact of Dual Porosity on Pore-Scale Fluid Distributions During Steady State Flow, #41920(2016).
Matthew Andrew
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... Microscopy, Dr. M. Andrew 2016-06-20 Steady State Flow in Estaillades Limestone Carbonate Single & Dual Porosity Systems Macro-Pore Space Microporous...
Meekwap Field
S. Cheshire
CSPG Special Publications
... at the core scale have radically different matrix pore systems. Figure 6b at the ten micron scale shows extremely fine, tortuous porosity...
Effect of Nanoscale Pore Confinement on Multi-Component Phase Equilibrium
Kai Zhang, Xiaohu Dong, Jing Li, Jiateng Lv, Keliu Wu, Peter Kusalik, Zhangxin Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...F., & Sigal, R. 2014. Phase Behavior and Storage in Organic Shale Nanopores: Modeling of Multicomponent Hydrocarbons in Connected Pore Systems and Imp...
Electrical and fluid flow properties of carbonate microporosity types from multiscale digital image analysis and mercury injection
Jan H. Norbisrath, Gregor P. Eberli, Ben Laurich, Guillaume Desbois, Ralf J. Weger, and Janos L. Urai
AAPG Bulletin
.... Eberli, 1998, Quantitative characterization of carbonate pore systems by digital image analysis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1815–1836. Archie, G. E...
ABSTRACT: Controls on Prolific Gas Production from Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs in Basin-Centered Regions: Implications from the Rocky Mountain Region for Resource Assessment, Prospect Appraisal, and Risk Analysis; #90013 (2003)
Keith W. Shanley, Robert C. Cluff, Lee T. Shannon, John W. Robinson
Search and Discovery.com
... Analysis Low-permeability, basin-centered gas systems (LPBCG) are projected by some to be a major source of natural gas supply for at least the next...
ABSTRACT Seismic Imaging of Fluid Migration in Petroleum Basins, #90104 (2010)
Serie Christophe; Huuse Mads
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... quality and visualization tools bring new insights into the shallow manifestations of fluid flow systems. Fluid flow systems are known from (paleo...
Retention of High Permeability During Shallow Burial (300 to 500 M) of Carbonate Grainstones
Susan E. Melzer, David A. Budd
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in pressure solution (Fig. 9D), thus must predate pressure solution. Similar observations were made by Budd (2001, 2002). Pore systems are dominated...
Pore Systems in Carbonate Rocks and their Influence on Hydrocarbon Recovery Efficiency
Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Special Volumes
...Pore Systems in Carbonate Rocks and their Influence on Hydrocarbon Recovery Efficiency Norman C. Wardlaw 1979 1 24 CN 11: Geology of Carbonate...
Extended Abstract: Role And Contribution Of Pressure Regime Evaluation In Well Planning And Formation Evaluation Process, Zeit Bay Field - Gulf Of Suez, Egypt , #90099 (2009)
Saber Moustafa Selim, Khaled Mohamed Abdallah, Bassem El-Sayed El-Badawy
Search and Discovery.com
... a simple and effective pressure regime model for Zeit Bay Field which can assist the well planner to predict the pore pressure for the upcoming wells...
Nano-scale Pore Structure of Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale and its Evolution through Thermal Maturation, #41864 (2016).
Liaosha Song, Timothy Carr
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...Nano-scale Pore Structure of Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale and its Evolution through Thermal Maturation, #41864 (2016). Liaosha Song...
Pore System Changes During Experimental Polymer Flooding in Ben Nevis Formation Sandstones, Hebron Field, Offshore Eastern Canada, #20349 (2016).
Luis E. Valencia, Lesley A. James, Karem Azmy
Search and Discovery.com
...Pore System Changes During Experimental Polymer Flooding in Ben Nevis Formation Sandstones, Hebron Field, Offshore Eastern Canada, #20349 (2016...
Oil Recovery Efficiency and the Rock-Pore Properties of Some Sandstone Reservoirs
N. C. Wardlaw, J. P. Cassan
CSPG Bulletin
... imbibition is likely to be minimized in pore systems of small pore-to-throat size contrast. The total carbonate estimated (Appendix-Table 1 - variable 5...
Sources of Hydrocarbon-Rich Fluids Advecting on the Seafloor in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Baoshun Fu, Paul Aharon
GCAGS Transactions
...Sources of Hydrocarbon-Rich Fluids Advecting on the Seafloor in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Baoshun Fu, Paul Aharon 1998 Vol. 48 (1998), Pore fluids...
Abstract: Quantifying Nanoporosity: Insights from Parallel and Multiscale Analyses: Joint Meeting with AWG (Association for Women Geoscientists)
Amanda C. Reynolds, Ron J.M. Bonnie, Shaina Kelly, Robert Krumm, James Howard
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... in nanoporous rocks: including the scale and variability of the pore systems, the change in fluid composition as it re-equilibrates to surface...
Abstract: Region-Based Basin Modeling: Correlating Depositional Environment to Connected Pore Volume, Powder River Basin (Prb), Wyoming and Montana, by J. Melick and M. Gardner; #90092 (2009)
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Rock fabric controls on pore evolution and porosity–permeability trends in oolitic grainstone reservoirs and reservoir analogs
Hamilton M. Goodner, Eugene C. Rankey, Chi Zhang, and W. Lynn Watney
AAPG Bulletin
... to reservoir characterization and modeling: AAPG Memoir 88, p. 97–137, doi:10.1306/1215875M88576. Lønøy, A., 2006, Making sense of carbonate pore systems...
Petrophysical Properties Determined from Analysis of Drill Cuttings
Jim Druyff, Lorraine, Robert J. Vinopal, Louis H. Taylor
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... because of inherent differences in their respective pore systems. Assessment of petrophysical properties from drill cuttings relies on observing...
Clay Mineral Reactions in Clastic Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
John Hower
AAPG Bulletin
... that sandstones are open systems in which the reactions that proceed are controlled in part by the influx of new pore water, the chemistry of which is determined...
Clay Mineral Reactions in Clastic Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
John Hower
AAPG Bulletin
... are open systems in which the reactions that proceed are controlled in part by the influx of new pore water, the chemistry of which is determined...
Abstract: NMR Logging Applications in Carbonate Exploration Plays and Pilot Development and Horizontal Wells, by R. Nurmi, S. Denoo, and R. Dennis; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Nature of Secondary Porosity Created by Dissolution of Aluminum Silicates: ABSTRACT
Alan Thomson, R. K. Stoessell
AAPG Bulletin
... a level that Curtis has termed "a good approximation of zero." Several studies of secondary pore systems formed by aluminum silicate dissolution...
Bimodal Porosity in Oolitic Reservoir--Effect on Productivity and Log Response, Rodessa Limestone (Lower Cretaceous), East Texas Basin
B. D. Keith , Edward D. Pittman
AAPG Bulletin
... the size distribution of the effective pore radii in a rock. For a more detailed discussion of pore systems and mercury-injection analysis, see Winland (1974...
Pore structure characterization of middle- and high-ranked coal reservoirs in northern China
Haihai Hou, Longyi Shao, Yue Tang, Zhen Li, Sheng Zhao, Minglei Yao, Xuetian Wang, and Jiaqiang Zhang
AAPG Bulletin
... and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), pore systems in coal reservoirs are divided into micropores (pore diameter <2 nm), transitional pores (2–50 nm...