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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Pore structure, fluid flow and mass transport in porous and fractured media: Progressive challenges into the deep geological systems
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Pore Systems in Carbonate Rocks and their Influence on Hydrocarbon Recovery Efficiency
Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Special Volumes
...Pore Systems in Carbonate Rocks and their Influence on Hydrocarbon Recovery Efficiency Norman C. Wardlaw 1979 I I CN 11: Geology of Carbonate...
Abstract: Visualisation with Quantification: New Approaches to Reservoir Petrophysics, by P. B. Basan, B. D. Lowden, and J. J. Attard; #90951 (1996).
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Abstract: Carbonate Pore Properties as Indices of Reservoir Quality, by Wayne M. Ahr; #90914(2000)
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Integration of NMR, MICP, and Quantitative Digital Petrography for Improved Understanding of Carbonate Pore System Complexity
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Influence of Pore Geometry on Future Enhanced Recovery in Ordovician (Red River) Carbonate Reservoirs at Cabin Creek Field, Montana: ABSTRACT
Kenneth Ruzyla, Gerald M. Friedman
AAPG Bulletin
... sections, mercury capillary pressure curves, and resin pore casts have shown that several different types of pore systems occur, each associated...
Abstract: Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone, by Edward A. Clerke and Johannes J. Buiting; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: Implications of Facies and Pore Architecture on NMR-Response in Carbonate Mudrock Reservoirs: Mississippian-Lime Play Case Study; #90309 (2017)
Ibukun Bode, Chi Zhang, Beth Vanden Berg, Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
... information on porosity, pore size and pore size distribution, making it an invaluable tool in characterizing carbonate pore systems...
Abstract: Prediction of Flow From Fractured Reservoirs
D. J. Hartmann
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of the pore systems, the initial performance may look great. If the second pore type has high porosity and low permeability, the long-term...
Pore Facies of Smackover Carbonate Reservoirs in Southwest Alabama
David C. Kopaska-Merkel , Steven D. Mann
GCAGS Transactions
..., but connectivity is better in the Intercrystalline Pore Facies. Mixtures between the two pore facies are moderately common. Mixed pore systems commonly...
ABSTRACT: The Rosetta Stone Project II: Spectral Analysis of the Pore Geometries and Their Relationships to Reservoir Properties for the Arab D Limestones; #90051 (2006)
Edward A. Clerke
Search and Discovery.com
... limestone pore systems. The “M” porositon (macroporosity) carries 99.98% of the permeability of the multimodal pore systems. Of the three forms...
Beth Vanden Berg
Search and Discovery.com
..., porosity, pore architecture, and permeability in carbonates dominated by macro-pore systems differ from carbonate mudrocks containing pores at the micro...
Abstract: Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Poro-Elasto-Plasticity and Coupled Overpressures, by Maria A. Nikolinakou, Gang Luo, Mike Hudec, and Peter B. Flemings; #90124 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Spectrum of Pore Types in Siliceous Mudstones in Shale-Gas Systems; #90122 (2011)
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Ursula Hammes
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Spectrum of Pore Types in Siliceous Mudstones in Shale-Gas Systems; #90122 (2011) Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel...
Abstract: Latest Technical Developments in Petroleum Systems Modeling and their Applications for Pore Pressure Prediction; #90264 (2016)
Oluwasen Fadipe, Attila Bartha
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...Abstract: Latest Technical Developments in Petroleum Systems Modeling and their Applications for Pore Pressure Prediction; #90264 (2016) Oluwasen...
Examination of Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Multimodal Porosity Systems; #51282 (2016)
Mark Skalinski, Robert Mallan, Paul Theologou, Rafael Salazar
Search and Discovery.com
... heterogeneity is generally the result of complex and multi-modal pore systems, including fractures. This complexity is due to a combination...
Abstract: Challenges in Pore Pressure Prediction for Unconventional Petroleum Systems; #90257 (2016)
Changrui Gong, Lucia Rodriguez
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Challenges in Pore Pressure Prediction for Unconventional Petroleum Systems; #90257 (2016) Changrui Gong, Lucia Rodriguez AAPG Datapages...
Investigation of the Bitumen Impact on the Petrophysical Properties in the Carbonates
Search and Discovery.com
Using mercury intrusion porosimetry to identifying the sample size effect on pore structure characteristics of the Eagle Ford Shale
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: 3-D Visualization and Classification of Pore Structure and Pore Filling in Gas Shale; #90108 (2010)
Michael Suhrer, Elizabeth Diaz, Avrami Grader, and Carl Sisk
Search and Discovery.com
..., pore connectivity, and permeability. A number of gas shale samples have been used, to specifically analyze the pore systems, including dual porosity...
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Investigation of Pore Architecture Characteristics and Variation in Carbonate-Rich Mudrocks: Insights into the Controls of Pore Development;
Ibukun Bode-Omoleye, Javier Vilcaez, Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
... understanding of pore systems in a variety of carbonate mudrock samples.Two-dimensional backscattered electron (BSE) and secondary electron (SE) images of FIB...
Abstract: Relationship between Paleocave Facies and Associated Pore Networks in Coalesced, Collapsed-Paleocave Systems, by R. G. Loucks and P. Mescher; #90905 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Understanding Relationships Between NMR and Pore Size Distributions in Porous Media; #90187 (2014)
S. Ghomeshi, S. Kryuchkov, J. Bryan, and A. Kantzas
Search and Discovery.com
... implications for understanding flow properties such as permeability, or the perceived ability to displace hydrocarbons in different pore systems. In many...