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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Pore Characterization by Scanning Electron Microscope of Low-Permeability Gas Sandstones, Travis Peak Formation, East Texas, by Shirley P. Dutton; #91043 (2011)
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Quantitative Characterization of Carbonate Pore Systems by Digital Image Analysis
Flavio S. Anselmetti, Stefan Luthi, and Gregor P. Eberli
AAPG Bulletin
...Quantitative Characterization of Carbonate Pore Systems by Digital Image Analysis Flavio S. Anselmetti, Stefan Luthi, and Gregor P. Eberli 1998 1815...
The Dielectric Permittivity of Carbonate Formations With Different Porosity Types
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Abstract: Integrated Study of Pore Structure Characterization and Geomechanical Properties of Unconventional Tight Rocks;
Ayyaz Mustafa, Mohamed Mahmoud, Abdulazeez Abdulraheem
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... resonance and micro-computed tomography were implemented for qualitative and quantitative characterization of different pore systems. Failure and static...
Abstract: Modern Carbonate Sediments and Systems as Analogues for Subsurface Reservoirs; #90235 (2015)
Moyra E.J. Wilson, Ahmed A.S. Al Aghbari, Amy Hoppenbrouwers, Pattaraporn Kananan, Robert H.C.Madden, Akram Zafir, Maxim Lebedev, Nigel R. Deeks, and Omer O. Yussuf
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... environments. The pore and sediment characteristics and their mineralogy are mapped to local environments, and across a range of carbonate systems. Systems...
Estimation of Recovery Efficiency by Visual Observation of Pore Systems in Reservoir Rocks: DISCUSSION
Kinji Magara
CSPG Bulletin
...Estimation of Recovery Efficiency by Visual Observation of Pore Systems in Reservoir Rocks: DISCUSSION Kinji Magara 1979 400 401 Vol. 27 (1979) No. 3...
Abstract: A New Reservoir Classification Based on Pore Types Improves Characterization - Part B; #90255 (2017)
Johathan Soto, David Soto, Rodolfo Soto
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... and/or intercristaline pore systems. We show in this article how to use core, log, field data and fuzzy logic to build a confident petrophysical model...
Pore Type Analysis: Relation to Producibility, Recovery Efficiency and Log Response in Some Indonesian Reservoirs
David K. Davies, Abdul Muin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... 37 Reservoirs are characterized by complex pore systems consisting of several distinct pore types. Each pore type is characterized by a unique...
Effect of Diagenetically Derived Texture on Petrophysical Properties of Dolomite, by R. E. Woody, J. M. Gregg, and L. F. Koederitz; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Predicting Pore Types in Khuff Reservoirs: A Step Towards Improved Permeability Predictions, by Ian Billing; #90077 (2008)
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The Rosetta Stone Project – II: Spectral Analysis of the Pore Geometries and Their Relationships to Reservoir Properties for the Arab D Limestones
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Pore Pressure Evolution in Offshore Suriname as Indicated by Well Analysis and 3-D Basin Modeling
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The Rosetta Stone Project – I: Spectral Analysis of Pore Geometries and Their Relationships to Depositional Facies for the Arab D Limestones
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Resistivity Indication of Reservoir Flow Potential in Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study of Little Cedar Creek Field, Onshore Alabama, #20256 (2014).
Qifei Huang and Yuefeng Sun
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... in different pore systems can lead to inaccurate result. In this report, the variation of cementation factor derived from resistivity, density, velocity...
Abstract: Controls on Porosity Evolution in Carbonate Reservoirs of the Smackover Formation (Upper Jurassic) Alabama, by D. C. Kopaska-Merkel and J. W. Schmoker; #90987 (1993).
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Diagenetic Effects and Pore System Evolution: ABSTRACT
Roy D. Nurmi
AAPG Bulletin
... to quantitatively study diagenetic alterations of pore systems. Results were most favorable for rocks in which no early cementation or secondary replacement...
Carbonate Pore Systems: Porosity/Permeability Relationships and Geologic Analysis: ABSTRACT
Roy D. Nurmi
AAPG Bulletin
...Carbonate Pore Systems: Porosity/Permeability Relationships and Geologic Analysis: ABSTRACT Roy D. Nurmi 1984 513 514 68 4. (April) The porosity...
Using Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry to Identifying the Sample Size Effect on Pore Structure Characteristics of the Eagle Ford Shale, #42373 (2019).
Qiming Wang, Qinhong Hu,
Search and Discovery.com
.... Comparing the MICP pore-throat distribution plots of cubic and granular samples, pore systems were generated and destroyed during sample crashing...
Pore Characteristics in Refractory Kerogen vs. Solid Bitumen and Pore Systems in the Dry-Gas Window Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin, Northeastern Pennsylvania
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Abstract: Carbonate Rock Characterization and Modelling for Improved Properties Predictability: Capillary Pressure and Permeability in Multimodal Rocks, by Iulian Hulea and Chris Nicholls; #90124 (2011)
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Abstract: Calculation of Threshold Capillary Pressures from Irregular Pore Geometries Taken from Unconventional Reservoir Rock Images; #90319 (2018)
Alimohammad Anbari, Evan Lowry, Mohammad Piri, Jinhong Chen
Search and Discovery.com
... for enabling more advanced pore network modeling platforms to model flow through pore networks of ultra-tight reservoir rocks such as those in shale oil systems...
Reservoir-Model Analog and Pore-Network Summary for Ellenburger Coalesced Collapsed Paleocave Systems, by R.G. Loucks; #90052 (2006)
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Carbonate Petrophysical Parameters Derived from 3d Images,#40393
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An Integrated Approach to Evaluate Carbonate Pore Structures of Early Triassic Reservoir, Puguang Gas Field
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Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone
Edward A. Clerke and Johannes J. Buiting
Search and Discovery.com
...Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone Edward A. Clerke and Johannes J. Buiting Multiple Discrete Pore Systems in Arab D Limestone* 1...