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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Pore Type Analysis Using Bore Hole Electrical Images with New Sonic and Dielectric Measurements, by Mohamed Watfa and Roy Nurmi; #91038 (2010)
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Characterization of the Pore System and its Storage Capacity in Devonian Black Shale of Appalachian Basin
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How Depositional Environment, Diagenesis, and Thermal Maturity Affect the Evolution and Significance of Organic and Mineral Pore Systems in Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Current Understanding and Future Research
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Resistivity Characterization of Permeability in Microbial Carbonates Onshore Alabama
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Uncertainty – Shale Pore Pressure from Borehole Measurements, by Martin D. Matthews, #40163 (2005).
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Geopressure Prediction Uncertainties in Deepwater
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Correlation of the Pore Pressure Gradient and Maturity of Niobrara Formation Across the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
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Abstract: Regional Issues in Jurassic Pore Systems - Echinoderms, Syntaxial Overgrowth Cements and a Fifth Porositon, by Edward A. Clerke, Douglas Seedorf, and Yasir Mubarak; #90105 (2010)
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Abstract: Pore Systems in Oil-Window Claystones and Dolomudstones of Lower Green River Formation (Castle Peak Shale Through Lower Garden Gulch) in an XCL Upper Cube core, Uinta Basin, Utah; #91208 (2024)
Maxwell Pommer, Luke Fidler
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...Abstract: Pore Systems in Oil-Window Claystones and Dolomudstones of Lower Green River Formation (Castle Peak Shale Through Lower Garden Gulch...
Abstract: Factors Controlling Marine Shale Porosity: A Case Study Between the Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian of the Upper Yangtze Area, South China;
Xin Li, Zhenxue Jiang
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..., Online/Virtual Abstract Generally, shale gas is trapped within shale systems with low porosity and ultralow permeability as free and adsorbing states...
Abstract: Pore Type Based Relative Permeability Models: Scaling up from Cores to Reservoirs in Heterogeneous Systems, by N. Etris and R. Ehrlich; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: Empiracally Derived Capillary Pressure Data from Core Analysis: Applications to Modeling Pore Geometry in Carbonate Reservoirs, Southeastern Saskatchewan, by D. M. Kent and M. M. Yurkowski; #90987 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: The Rosetta Stone Project I: Spectral Analysis of Pore Geometries and Their Relationships to Depositional Facies for the Arab D Limestones; #90051 (2006)
Edward A. Clerke, Harry W. Mueller, III
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... are the fundamental building blocks of the Arab D limestone pore systems (M: macroporosity and Type 1, 2, 3 microporosity) • Porositon, M, carries...
ABSTRACT Formation of High Helium Gases: A Guide for Explorationists, #90104 (2010)
Brown Alton A.
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... of gas that interacts with the pore water should be relatively small to avoid He dilution by later gas charge. Explore in petroleum systems...
Research Progresses of Micro-Nano Pore Networks in Shale Oil Reservoirs in China
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Low-Thermal-Maturity (<0.7% VR) Mudrock Pore Systems: Mississippian Barnett Shale, Southern Fort Worth Basin
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Origin and Characterization of Eagle Ford Pore Networks in the South Texas Upper Cretaceous Shelf, #51281 (2016).
Lucy Tingwei Ko, Robert G. Loucks, Stephen C. Ruppel, Tongwei Zhang, Sheng Peng
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...Origin and Characterization of Eagle Ford Pore Networks in the South Texas Upper Cretaceous Shelf, #51281 (2016). Lucy Tingwei Ko, Robert G. Loucks...
Abstract: Scanning-Electron-Microscope Petrographic Evidence for Distinguishing Organic-Matter Pores Associated with Depositional Organic Matter versus Migrated Organic Matter in Mudrocks
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed
GCAGS Transactions
... constituent of mudrocks and comprise the dominant or subsidiary pore network of many shale-gas and shale-oil systems. New research suggests that OM pores form...
Abstract: Pore Size and Textural Analysis of Carbonates from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging : an Arbuckle Case Study, by John Doveton; #90176 (2013)
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Abstract: Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Sonic Velocity and Characterization of Pore Architecture: an Example from the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, by Beth Vanden Berg; #90199 (2014)
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Play-based Pore Pressure Prediction: using the geoscience of overpressure to improve drilling safety and find new hydrocarbon discoveries
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12 Comparison of Porosity Distribution within Selected North American Shale Units by SEM Examination of Argon-ion-milled Samples
James M. Rine, Erin Smart, William Dorsey, Kultaransingh Hooghan, Michael Dixon
AAPG Special Volumes
... presented in this chapter are insufficient to make broad conclusions concerning the pore systems in these rock units, it is hoped that the approaches...
How Depositional Environment, Diagenesis, and Thermal Maturity Affect the Evolution and Significance of Organic and Mineral Pore Systems in Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Current Understanding and Future Research; #80705 (2019)
Lucy Ting-Wei Ko, Robert G. Loucks, Kitty L. Milliken, Tongwei Zhang, Paul C. Hackley, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, Patrick Smith
Search and Discovery.com
...How Depositional Environment, Diagenesis, and Thermal Maturity Affect the Evolution and Significance of Organic and Mineral Pore Systems...
Abstract: Numerical Modelling of Displacement Processes in Porous Media, by G. Fiebig and B. M. Krooss; #90956 (1995).
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A Visual Journey into the Unexplored Realm of Rocks: Pore Network Investigation in Marcellus Shale Rock Matrix, #80529 (2016).
Jan Goral, Ilija Miskovic
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...) and Pore Network Modeling (PNM) of Organic- and Nonorganic-Matter-Hosted Reservoir Pore Systems From Pore to Core and Beyond RESERVOIR QUALITY PORE...