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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Complex Carbonate Pore Systems of the Carboniferous Hodder Mudstone Formation, Bowland Basin, UK
Search and Discovery.com
Non-Darcy Flow Regimes Coupled With Pore Compaction in Shale Gas Formations
Davud Davudov, Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo, Yuzheng Lan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., these ultrafine pore structure can cause violation of the Darcy’s law for these systems. Depending on pore size and gas properties, non-Darcy flow mechanisms...
Quantitative Microporosity Evaluation Using Mercury Injection and Digital Image Analysis in Tight Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study From the Ordovician in the Tazhong Palaeouplift, Tarim Basin, NW China; #42079 (2017)
Jianhua He
Search and Discovery.com
... of carbonate pore systems by digital image analysis: AAPG Bulletin., v. 82, p. 1815-1836. Angulo, R., V. Alvarado, and H. Gonzalez, 1992, Fractal...
ABSTRACT: Solid Hydrocarbon: A Migration-of-Fines Problem in Carbonate Reservoirs, by Anthony J. Lomando; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Uncertainty – Shale Pore Pressure from Borehole Measurements, by Martin D. Matthews; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Geomechanical Modeling of Stresses Adjacent to Salt Bodies: Poro-Elasto-Plasticity and Coupled Overpressures, #40790 (2011)
Maria-Katerina Nikolinakou, Gang Luo, Mike Hudec, Peter B. Flemings
Search and Discovery.com
... principal stress and pore pressure) beneath salt. In contrast, in undrained systems, underpressures can lead to a relatively large drilling window...
Abstract: Secondary Migration by Stokesian Flow of Metastable Clusters of Petroleum in Water: Implications for Carrier Bed Properties; #90257 (2016)
John G. Stainforth
Search and Discovery.com
...) John G. Stainforth AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90257 ©2016 AAPG Hedberg Conference, The Future of Basin and Petroleum Systems...
Petrophysical Characterization of Unconventional Carbonate Mudrocks of the Southern Mid-Continent: Mississippi Lime and the STACK Plays (Sooner Trend Anadarko Canadian Kingfisher Counties)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Parametric Testing of Network Modeling; #90224 (2015)
Scott M. Wickens, Stanley Leung, Oluwaseyi S. Akinbobola, Mary I. Rubin, Thomas D. Kent, and Apostolos Kantzas
Search and Discovery.com
... to understanding single phase and two-phase flow in porous media. Properties of the network model are varied (pore size, aspect ratio, connectivity, and uni...
Making sense of carbonate pore systems
Arve Lønøy
AAPG Bulletin
...Making sense of carbonate pore systems Arve Lønøy 2006 1381 1405 90 9 The most widely used pore-type classification systems for carbonate reservoirs...
Characterization of the Pore System and its Storage Capacity in Devonian Black Shale of Appalachian Basin, #42085 (2017).
Liaosha Song, Tim Carr
Search and Discovery.com
...% and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values are in the range of 1.36% to 2.89%. SEM analysis indicates that the pore systems are made of both organic-matter pores...
YanbinYao, Dameng Liu, Dazhen Tang, Shuheng Tang
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... and is modeled using Fick’s Law [1]. Significant gas storage, degas, and diffusion through the adsorption-pore (radium below 400nm) structure systems, which...
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Pore Connectivity Evaluation in a Holocene Microbialite Head; #90153 (2012)
Marcelo F. Rezende, Sandra Nélis Tonietto, Michael C. Pope
Search and Discovery.com
..., the complete description and analysis of facies and their pore systems are extremely helpful to understand microbialite reservoirs. Microbialites...
3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model in Bentu Block Central Sumatra Basin
Wawan A. Behaki, Aldyth Sukapradja, Ronald C. Siregar, Radig Wisnu Y, Setiabudi Djaelani, Benny A. Sjafwan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., porosity measurements from well logs can be calibrated to fluid pressure in the pore systems. These shale intervals are then used to determine...
Petrography and Reservoir Physics II: Relating Thin Section Porosity to Capillary Pressure, the Association Between Pore Types and Throat Size (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...Petrography and Reservoir Physics II: Relating Thin Section Porosity to Capillary Pressure, the Association Between Pore Types and Throat Size (1...
Carbonate rock characterization and modeling: Capillary pressure and permeability in multimodal rocksA look beyond sample specific heterogeneity
Iulian N. Hulea, Chris A. Nicholls
AAPG Bulletin
... to the characterization of pore systems at core-plug scale to provide improved models for permeability and saturation prediction. These methods fall under a wider...
Using Carbonate Mudrock Pore Architecture to Provide Insight into Porosity and Permeability Trends in Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs: Examples from the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, #51095 (2015).
Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
... and complexity of pore systems in carbonate reservoirs, simple porosity and permeability transforms developed for siliciclastic reservoirs often provide...
3-D Printed Reservoir Sandstone: How Accurate Are Pore System Copies?
Search and Discovery.com
Implications of Facies and Pore Architecture on NMR-Response in Carbonate Mudrock Reservoirs: Mississippian-Lime Play Case Study
Search and Discovery.com
Pore System Characterization of Wolfcamp Lithofacies, Delaware Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Tracer-Guided Characterization of Dominant Pore Networks and Implications for Permeability and Wettability in Shale
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Preliminary Classification of Matrix Pores in Mudrocks; #90117 (2010)
"Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, Ursula Hammes"
Search and Discovery.com
... Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, University Station, Box X, Austin, Texas 78713-8924 ABSTRACT Investigation of pore networks in mudrocks...
Abstract: A New Model to Identify the Pore Types for Oil Based Mud Profile in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs: Jurassic Formation, Bellota Field, Mexico; #90255 (2017)
Rodolfo Soto, David Soto, Duarry Arteaga, Oliver Pasquel
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: A New Model to Identify the Pore Types for Oil Based Mud Profile in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs: Jurassic Formation, Bellota Field, Mexico...
Measuring Pore Throat Geometry and Angularity Through Mathematical Morphology, #42238 (2018).
Aurelien G. Meyer, Lars Stemmerik, Peter Frykman, Meysam Nourani
Search and Discovery.com
...Measuring Pore Throat Geometry and Angularity Through Mathematical Morphology, #42238 (2018). Aurelien G. Meyer, Lars Stemmerik, Peter Frykman...
Preliminary Classification of Matrix Pores in Mudrocks
Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, Stephen C. Ruppel, Ursula Hammes
GCAGS Transactions
... systems. Recently a concerted effort has been made toward an understanding of these shale-gas–system pore networks (e.g., Ruppel and Loucks, 2008; Loucks...