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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Prediction of Carbonate Reservoirs Pore Pressure and Porosity in Onshore Abu Dhabi Using Petroleum Systems Modeling Technology; #90252 (2016)
R. Mohamad, O. A. Fadipe, X. Zhang, O. Djuraev, A. L. MacGregor, A. M. Bouhlel, N. C. Koutsabeloulis, A. Noufal, M. Sirat, D. Popa
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Prediction of Carbonate Reservoirs Pore Pressure and Porosity in Onshore Abu Dhabi Using Petroleum Systems Modeling Technology; #90252...
Paleocave Carbonate Reservoirs: Origins, Burial-Depth Modifications, Spatial Complexity, and Reservoir Implications
Robert G. Loucks
AAPG Bulletin
... 83 11 Paleocave systems form an important class of carbonate reservoirs that are products of near-surface karst processes and later burial compaction...
3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model in Bentu Block Central Sumatra Basin; #41105 (2012)
Wawan A. Behaki, Aldyth Sukapradja, Ronald C. Siregar, Radig Wisnu Y, Setiabundi Djaelani, and Benny A. Sjafwan
Search and Discovery.com
... sections. Because porosity is related to compaction, porosity measurements from well logs can be calibrated to fluid pressure in the pore systems...
Combination of Lattice Density Functional Theory and a Multi-Scale Network Model for Sorption Isotherms Study in Tight Formations
Rui Xu, Ayaz Mehmani, Ali Qajar, Maša Prodanovic, Hugh Daigle, Scott Nguyen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... URTeC 2460508 8 (2) Woodford shale Pore systems in shales are complex, with pores not only between silt or clay particles, but also in organic matter...
Abstract: Quantifying the Impact of Natural Fractures and Pore Structure on Borehole NMR Measurements in Multiple-Porosity Systems, by Lu Chi and Zoya Heidari; #90182 (2013)
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Pore structure and fractal characteristics of Ordovician Majiagou carbonate reservoirs in Ordos Basin, China
Jin Lai, Song Wang, Guiwen Wang, Yujiang Shi, Taiping Zhao, Xiaojiao Pang, Xuechun Fan, Ziqiang Qin, and Xuqiang Fan
AAPG Bulletin
.... The relationships between pore structure parameters and the fractal dimensions were investigated. The pore systems are dominated by secondary intercrystalline pores...
Thresholds of petroleum content and pore diameter for petroleum mobility in shale
Xiaojun Zhu, Jingong Cai, Qing Liu, Zheng Li, and Xuejun Zhang
AAPG Bulletin
... that clay makes up the “card-house” microstructure of shale pore systems (Bennett et al., 1991; Slatt and O’Brien, 2011), quartz and carbonates are rigid...
Migration--A View from the Top
Martin D. Matthews
AAPG Special Volumes
... at all scales, from the individual pore systems to the interrelationships of facies. The dominant process modifying the composition of migrating...
Nano- to Micron-Sized Pore Types and Pore Size Distribution in Fluvial, Lacustrine, Transitional and Marine Tight to Shale Oil and Gas Plays in China and US
Search and Discovery.com
Pore Characterization and Shale Facies Analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian Succession of Northern Guizhou, South China: The Relationship Between Pore Distribution and Shale Facies
Search and Discovery.com
Multiple Approaches to Pore Structure Characterization of Bakken Petroleum System; #42127 (2017)
Yuxiang Zhang, Troy J. Barber, (Max) Qinhong Hu, Markus Bleuel
Search and Discovery.com
... of µm-scale dominate the pore systems, while pore-throats are basically of nm-scale. High-Q data of (U)SANS and N2 adsorption exhibit the presence...
Pore Geometry of Carbonate Rocks as Revealed by Pore Casts and Capillary Pressure
N. C. Wardlaw
AAPG Bulletin
... of crystallization--a phenomenological theory: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 64, p. 2001-2025. End_of_Article - Last_Page 257------------ Pore systems...
Pore Structure characterization of reservoir and source rocks in the Bone Spring Formation, Lea County, New mexico
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ABSTRACT: Impact of Shale Anisotropy on Pore Pressure Prediction Before Drilling Using Predict/Anaseis; #90017 (2003)
Claude Sejourne, James Bridges, Alan Huffman
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Impact of Shale Anisotropy on Pore Pressure Prediction Before Drilling Using Predict/Anaseis; #90017 (2003) Claude Sejourne, James Bridges...
Petrophysical Characteristics of Carbonate Resources and Their Influences on Withdrawal Efficiency, by L. Hess-Tanguay; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Joint Inversion of Conventional Well Logs for Determining the Pore Microstructure and Saturation of Carbonate Formations
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrophysical Rock Types, Pore System Parameters and Capillary Pressures Prediction in Multimodal and Heterogeneous Reservoirs; #91204 (2023)
Samy Serageldin
Search and Discovery.com
... Serageldin Aramco Abstract Building a porosity, permeability and pore systems database in multimodal, heterogeneous reservoirs is a complex and time...
Origin and Classification of Pores in Mudstones from Shale-Gas Systems; #40855 (2011)
Robert G. Loucks, Stephen Ruppel, Robert M. Reed, and Ursula Hammes
Search and Discovery.com
... networks in mudstones of shale-gas systems are variable and complex. A spectrum of pore types has been identified on the basis of analyzing a number...
ABSTRACT: Origin and Petrophysics of Carbonate Rock Fabrics, by F. Jerry Lucia; #90910 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Pore Pressure Estimation A Drillers Point of View and Application to Basin Models; #90257 (2016)
Martin D. Matthews
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Pore Pressure Estimation A Drillers Point of View and Application to Basin Models; #90257 (2016) Martin D. Matthews AAPG Datapages/Search...
Abstract: Climate-Controlled Meteoric Diagenesis in Carbonates Below Unconformities, by Oliver Weidlich; #90077 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Critical Factors of Carbonate Pore Systems - Implications for Reservoirs in the Middle East, by Oliver Weidlich, Stefan Lubeseder, and Klaus Flender; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
The Influence of Pore Structure in Rocks on the Entrapment of Oil
N. C. Wardlaw
CSPG Special Publications
... phase and oil as the non-wetting phase. Little attention appears to have been given to identifying and quantifying those aspects of pore systems in rocks...
Integrated approach to pore typing in complex carbonate reservoirs, Tengiz and Korolev fields, Kazakhstan
Neil F. Hurley, Ted E. Playton, and Josephina Schembre-McCabe
AAPG Bulletin
... not lend themselves to this type of pore network. Pore type C is observed in the middle slope, in vuggy or moldic macropore systems created by burial...
Continuum-based rock model of a reservoir dolostone with four orders of magnitude in pore sizes
Sven Roth, Bibhu Biswal, Ghazaleh Afshar, Rudolf J. Held, Pal-Eric Oren, Lars Inge Berge, Rudolf Hilfer
AAPG Bulletin
..., Making sense of carbonate pore systems: AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 9, p. 13811405, doi:10.1306/03130605104.Lucia, F. J., 1983, Petrophysical parameters...