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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Gas Hydrate Dissociation and Excess Pore Pressure in Marine Sediment, by Wenyue Xu; #90035 (2004)
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Petrophysical Constraints in the Evaluation of Hydrodynamic and Capillary Pore-Throat Traps, by S. M. Goolsby, E. B. Coalson, and M. H. Franklin; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Geological Controls and Variability in Pore Pressure in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by M. A. Smith; #90923 (1999)
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Understanding the Geological Basis of the Iowa Pore Index
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ABSTRACT: Applications of Coupled Mechanical Deformation-Pore Pressure Diffusion Modules to Overpressure and Petroleum Systems in the Delaware Basin, west Texas; #90113 (2010)
Gregory B. Dyer, Ming-Kuo Lee, Lorraine W. Wolf, and Amnon Meir
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...ABSTRACT: Applications of Coupled Mechanical Deformation-Pore Pressure Diffusion Modules to Overpressure and Petroleum Systems in the Delaware Basin...
Petrophysical characteristics and facies of carbonate reservoirs: The Red River Formation (Ordovician), Williston basin
Lillian Hess Tanguay, Gerald M. Friedman
AAPG Bulletin
... occurring in intercrystalline pore systems produce the highest porosity and RE. The AP is also a function of the pore-throat radius. Highest porosity...
Petrographic Image Analysis, I. Analysis of Reservoir Pore Complexes
Robert Ehrlich, Stephen K. Kennedy , Sterling J. Crabtree, Robert L. Cannon
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Petrographic Image Analysis, I. Analysis of Reservoir Pore Complexes Robert Ehrlich, Stephen K. Kennedy , Sterling J. Crabtree, Robert L. Cannon 1984...
Carbonate Pore System Characterization and Porosity Prediction Using Multi-Scale Data
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ABSTRACT: Preliminary Evaluation of ION Milling-Induced Porosity in Dispersed Organic Matter
B. Valentine, P. Hackley
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... are needed to determine if the creation of pore-like artifacts is dependent upon specific milling systems, ion beam conditions, or sample characteristics...
Scanning-Electron-Microscope Petrographic Evidence for Distinguishing Organic-Matter Pores Associated with Depositional Organic Matter versus Migrated Organic Matter in Mudrocks
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The Impact of Dual Porosity on Pore-Scale Fluid Distributions During Steady State Flow
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Pore Structure and Fractal Characterization of Transitional Shales: A Case Study of Sha-3 Member Shales Within Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag, Huanghua Depression, NE China
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Controls on Mudrock Pore System Development in the Upper Mississippian Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Wise County, Texas
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Abstract: Pore Pressure Prediction While Drilling: 3D Earth Model in the Gulf of Mexico; #90257 (2016)
Fausto Mosca, Obren Djordjevic, Thomas Hantschel, Ian Hunter, Tayo Akintokunbo, Thorsten Joppen, Klaas Koster, Andy MacGregor
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... Conference, The Future of Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeliing, Santa Barbara, California, April 3-8, 2016 Pore Pressure Prediction While Drilling...
Differential Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... carbonate diagenesis occurs in aqueous pore systems in which the average diameter is too small to permit mass transfer by fluid flow...
Abstract: Formation Damage Prevention, by Mike Stephens; #90152 (2012)
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Abstract: Integrated Geology, Sedimentology, and Petrophysics Application Technology for Multimodal Carbonate Reservoirs, by R. Sung, E. Clerke, and J.J. Buiting, #90188 (2014)
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Formation Evaluation - Pay Recognition - Subtle Trap Definition
Dan J. Hartmann
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
.... Figure. Displacing Water in Pore Systems with Hydrocarbon Figure 4. Typical petrophysical parameters for single-geometry sore classes Figure. Effect...
Integrating Geological Processes and Petrophysics in Carbonate Reservoir Rock Typing, #42237 (2018).
Aurelien G. Meyer, Cathy Hollis
Search and Discovery.com
..., Quantitative characterization of carbonate pore systems by digital image analysis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82/10, p. 1815-1836. Clark, D.N., 1986...
A Conceptual Perspective on Processes That Deposit Mud and Their Impact on Shale Fabrics and Future Pore Systems
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: A New Core Measurement Methodology to Quantify Total Gas Storage; #90122 (2011)
Richard Sigal, Yucel Akkutlu, Seung Mo Kang, and Ray Ambrose
Search and Discovery.com
... have shown that in some organic shale systems a large percentage of the pore space that stores gas is made up of pores in the organic material...
Understanding Pore Structure of Mudrocks and Pore-Size Dependent Sorption Mechanism Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Amirsaman Rezaeyan, Timo Seemann, Pieter Bertier, Vitaliy Pipich, Leon Leu, Niko Kampman, Artem Feoktystov, Lester Barnsley, Andreas Busch
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... 2016. Multiscale Description of Shale Pore Systems by Scanning SAXS and WAXS Microscopy. Energy & Fuels 30 (12): 10282–10297. http://dx.doi.org...