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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 7,131 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Frontmatter & Appendices - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)

Thomas C. Chidsey Jr.

Utah Geological Survey

..., and Eastwood, R.L., 1985, Relationships between compressional-wave and shear-wave velocities in clastic silicate rocks: Geophysics, v. 50, p. 571-581 (Ch-8...


Geology of Bombay High and Adjoining Structures

Bhagwan Sahay

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

..., respectively. Five distinct seismic reflectors were mapped in the Bombay offshore basin. These were correlated on the basis of seismic velocities and regional...


Full Wave Acoustic Logging: Some Examples

John W. Minear

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... Technology, June, 659–667. 5. Toksoz, M N; Cheng, C H and Timur, A (1976). “Velocities of Seismic Waves in Porous Rocks”, Geophysics, 41, 621–645. 6...


The 34/10 Delta Prospect of the Norwegian North Sea: Exploration Study of an Unconformity Trap

O. Skarpnes, E. Briseid, D. I. Milton

AAPG Special Volumes

...-rich shales of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. Other potential source rocks are the marine shales of the Dunlin Group, and the thick series...


Oil-Gas Prospects of the Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks of East Ustyurt

T. I. Ubaykhodzhayev, S. T. Talipov, Kh. Kh. Abazkhodzhayev, V. N. Bashayev, L. I. Labutina

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Oil-Gas Prospects of the Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks of East Ustyurt T. I. Ubaykhodzhayev, S. T. Talipov, Kh. Kh. Abazkhodzhayev, V. N. Bashayev, L...


Abstracts: Implications of Bakken-Bakken(!) and Lodgepole-Bakken(!) Petroleum Systems and Their Characteristics and History for Petroleum Potential in Unconventional Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian Rocks; #90173 (2015)

Kirk G. Osadetz, Zhuoheng Chen, and Mark Obermajer

Search and

... in Unconventional Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian Rocks; #90173 (2015) Kirk G. Osadetz, Zhuoheng Chen, and Mark Obermajer AAPG Search...


Laboratory deformation of granular quartz sand: Implications for the burial of clastic rocks

Stephen L. Karner, Judith S. Chester, Frederick M. Chester, Andreas K. Kronenberg, Andrew Hajash Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...Laboratory deformation of granular quartz sand: Implications for the burial of clastic rocks Stephen L. Karner, Judith S. Chester, Frederick M...


Global Distribution of Petroleum Reserves in Deep Reservoirs; #30345 (2014)

Binfeng Cao, Guoping Bai

Search and

...% of the total deep original 2P petroleum reserves in the world. 63.3% of the total are reservoired in clastic rocks, 35.0% in carbonates and 1.7% in crystalline...


Correlation for Estimating Geothermal Reserves of Vapor–Dominated Fractured Reservoirs

Ezzat E. Gomaa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the literature16. For fractured rocks, this ratio is usually above one. Specific heats and densities of reservoir fluids and rock solid...


Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of earth materials in the weathering profile over a porphyritic biotite granite at the Kuala Lumpur … Karak Highway in Peninsular Malaysia

John Kuna Raj

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... weights and densities of one set of the constant volume samples were determined before the specific gravity of the constituent mineral grains...


African Oil -- Past, Present, and Future

Andy C. Clifford

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The chief source rocks are Silurian shales, whose thickness varies from 800-1,000 ft (244-305 m). There are sandstone reservoirs throughout...


A Predictive Model of Reservoir Continuity in Fluvial Sandstone Bodies of a Lacustrine Deltaic System, Colton Formation, Utah

Thomas H. Morris, Dean R. Richmond

Utah Geological Association

... Flagstaff Limestone and coeval rocks, central Utah: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 63, no. 3, p. 311–323. Van Wagoner, J.C....


Lithofacies Mapping of Viola Limestone in South-Central Kansas, Based on Wireline Logs

E. Bornemann , J. H. Doveton

AAPG Bulletin

... Ordovician rocks in the Sedgwick basin and adjacent areas, south-central Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 702, 33 p. Brewer, J. E., 1959...


Hydrocarbon Exploration Evaluation of the Pulley Ridge Area, Offshore South Florida Basin

Barry M. Faulkner , Albert V. Applegate

GCAGS Transactions

... carbonate rocks are found in several Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic intervals between the Bone Island Formation and the Dollar Bay Formation. In addition...


Seal Failure Related to Basin-scale Processes

Christian Hermanrud, Hege M. Nordgrd Bols, Gunn M. G. Teige

AAPG Special Volumes

... will have higher porosities than normally pressured rocks under such circumstances. However, elevated sandstone porosities may also be caused by other...


Influences of Diagenetic Environment on Porosity and Permeability of Holocene and Pleistocene Corals: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Michael Scherer

AAPG Bulletin

... be very difficult at least to find relations in porosities and permeabilities by comparing different carbonate rocks of such complex diagenetic...


Determination of Porosity of the Palo Pinto Reef by Radioactivity Logging

A. J. Kerr

Abilene Geological Society

... Interpretation of Radioactivity Logs", Robert E. Bush and E. S. Mardock, Journal of Petroleum Technology, January, 1950. "Porosities Can Be Obtained From...


Certain Stratigraphic Problems in the Warrior Basin

Rizer Everett

GCAGS Transactions

... section makes the correlation with the standard section very difficult. Where the Chester rocks outcrop in northwest Alabama there is considerably...


Log Evaluation of a Fractured Reservoir Monterey Shale

D. E. Cannon

Pacific Section SEPM

... and Belated Siliceous Rocks of California: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, pg. 249-255 D. E. Cannon Schlumberger Offshore...


Synergetic Catalysis in Hydrocarbon Generation

Robert W. Sabate , Claude C. Baker

GCAGS Transactions

...., and Mancini, E. A., 1989, Geochemical relationships of petroleum in Mesozoic reservoirs to carbonate source rocks of Jurassic Smackover Formation, Southwestern...


Seismic Characterization of Large-scale Sandstone Intrusions

Mads Huuse, Joe Cartwright, Andrew Hurst, Noralf Steinsland

AAPG Special Volumes

... sandstone porosities (2040%), P-wave velocities may range from 2 to 4 km/s (1.2 to 2.5 mi/s), whereas S-wave velocities may be of the order of 12 km...


Petroleum Geology of the Beringian Continental Shelf

Michael S. Marlow, Alan K. Cooper, Michael A. Fisher

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of the basin wedge out seaward against the flanks of the shelf basins. Reservoir Beds The porosities of Eocene to Pliocene-Pleistocene rocks dredged from...


Permeability Prediction from Geologic Models

Steven Bryant , Christopher Cade , David Mellor

AAPG Bulletin

... sedimentary rocks using seismic velocities (abs.): AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, p. 384. Voronoi, G., 1908, Nouvelles applications des parametres continus...


Permeability-Porosity Patterns and Variations in Some Holocene Sand Bodies

Wayne A. Pryor

AAPG Bulletin

... than 500 darcys and average 93 darcys. Porosities in the river point-bars range from 17 to 52 percent and average 41 percent. Beach sand samples have...


Application of the Nuclear Magnetism Log and Electromagnetic Propagation Tool to Define Steam Potential in Heavy Oil Reservoirs

C. H. Neuman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... radiation sources to maximize depth of investigation and minimize the effect of the borehole and mud cake.1 While the dielectric properties of rocks, oil...


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