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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Relationships Among Thermal Maturity, Sandstone Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality in Pennsylvanian Strata of the Arkoma Basin, by David W. Houseknecht and Lori A. Hathon; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Yarnell Trend, Sumner County, Kansas, by William V. Knight; #90974 (1975).
Search and Discovery.com
“Frozen-In” Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps–Exploration Targets
H. Hugh Wilson
Abilene Geological Society
... solution for secondary silica cementation. Too intense postaccumulation restructuring could produce secondary fracture permeability allowing remigration...
"Frozen-In" Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps--Exploration Targets
H. Hugh Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... silica cementation. Too intense postaccumulation restructuring could produce secondary fracture permeability allowing remigration or loss of hydrocarbons...
The Power of Integrated Solutions Using Both Production Geochemistry and PVT, #42480 (2019).
Ellie Chuparova,
Search and Discovery.com
... to production charge filling history (source, maturity, migration directions), in-reservoir postaccumulation processes (e.g., biodegradation, water...
Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of Oils from Maranon Basin, Peru
H. A. Illich, F. R. Haney, T. J. Jackson
AAPG Bulletin
... represent the source units for the hydrocarbons. The variations among the oils most probably are the result of postaccumulation alteration processes...
The Role of Petroleum Geochemistry in Basin Modeling of the Oseberg Area, North Sea: Chapter 6: PETROLEUM GENERATION AND MIGRATION
B. Dahl, A. Yukler
AAPG Special Volumes
... structures that acquired oil via spillover. Therefore, we expect less cementation and more unconsolidated sand in Oseberg Alpha and satellites, while...
Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity and Geohistory on the Variability of Bitumen Properties and on the Distribution of Gas- and Water-saturated Zones in the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Milovan Fustic, Barry Bennett, Stephen M. Hubbard, Haiping Huang, Thomas Oldenburg, Steve Larter
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Macaulay, R. Swennen, and E. A. Fallick, 2000, Quartz cementation inhibited by crestal oil charge: Miller deepwater sandstone, UK North Sea: Clay Miner, v...
Detecting Leaking Oilfields with ALF, the Airborne Laser Fluorosensor: Case Histories and Latest Developments
Alan Williams
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... Airborne Laser Fluorosensor. Proc. Indonesian Petroleum Association, IPA 17,387-395. CLARKE, R.H . AND CLEVERLY, 1991. Leakage and PostAccumulation...
Compartmentalization and time-lapse geochemical reservoir surveillance of the Horn Mountain oil field, deep-water Gulf of Mexico
Alexei V. Milkov, Evvy Goebel, Leon Dzou, David A. Fisher, Allen Kutch, Neal McCaslin, David F. Bergman
AAPG Bulletin
...; Stainforth, 2004) or ongoing postaccumulation processes, e.g., biodegradation (Holba et al., 1996; McCaffrey et al., 1996; Edman and Burk, 1999...
Origin and mechanism of the formation of the low-oil-saturation Moxizhuang field, Junggar Basin, China: Implication for petroleum exploration in basins having complex histories
Fang Hao, Zhihuan Zhang, Huayao Zou, Yuanchun Zhang, Yuanyuan Yang
AAPG Bulletin
... between oil saturation and porosity and permeability. Compared with other postaccumulation physicochemical alteration processes, lateral leakage has...
A dynamic model for the Permian Panhandle and Hugoton fields, western Anadarko basin
Raymond P. Sorenson
AAPG Bulletin
...) to a combination of reservoir complexity and postaccumulation structural tilting. All Wolfcampian and older reservoirs, including Mississippian limestone...
Chapter 2: Petroleum Source Rock Analysis in the Eastern Caribbean Region
Luis Miguel Bernardo, Claudio Bartolini
AAPG Special Volumes
... and their thermal maturity and postaccumulation processes. Because this is a very large region, we decided to present the results of individual basins...
Recognition of a hydrothermally linked oil accumulation process in the Tahe oil field, northwestern China, with organic geochemistry, Re-Os, and U-Pb geochronology
Shaojie Li, Xiaowen Guo, Bin Wang, Zicheng Cao, Hao Xu, and Jiaxu Chen
AAPG Bulletin
... multiple petroleum accumulation events and altered by postaccumulation processes (e.g., biodegradation, thermal degradation) (Fetter et al., 2019; Li...
Taglu Field
Peter B. Tsang
AAPG Special Volumes
... with the shallow reservoirs all show evidence of postaccumulation biodegradation. Migration of the hydrocarbons into the reservoir is either along...
The Significance of Petroleum Resource Estimates and their Relation to Exploration
D. L. Barss
CSPG Bulletin
... of migration or hydrocarbons, and postaccumulation factors such as depth of burial and tectonics are examples of some of these factors. The method was developed...
Preservation, Degradation, and Destruction of Trapped Oil: Chapter 14: Part III. Processes
Philippe Blanc, Jacques Connan
AAPG Special Volumes
.... The postaccumulation of gas into an oil field can lead to chemical changes because the influx of gaseous hydrocarbons decreases the average molecular weight...
Geologic and Geochemical Controls on Oil Quality (ENGLISH)
Barry Jay Katz
Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
... quality. Postaccumulation factors are probably key in establishing oil quality. Calcareous and siliceous source rocks lacking significant clay contents...
Controls on hydrocarbon properties in a Paleozoic petroleum system in Saudi Arabia: Exploration and development implications
Khaled R. Arouri, Pierre J. Van Laer, Mark H. Prudden, Peter D. Jenden, William J. Carrigan, Adnan A. Al-Hajji
AAPG Bulletin
..., whereas several secondary alteration processes influence hydrocarbon composition after trapping. The main postaccumulation alteration effects on hydrocarbon...
Chemometric identification of crude oil families and deconvolution of mixtures in the surrounding Niuzhuang sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Zhao-Wen Zhan, Xiao-Hui Lin, Yan-Rong Zou, Zheng Li, and Ping’an Peng
AAPG Bulletin
... analyses of several samples are necessary to gain insight into their hydrocarbon origin, accumulation, and postaccumulation processes, which will greatly...
Niger Delta
Harry Doust, Ebi Omatsola
AAPG Special Volumes
... in Niger delta reservoirs with formation temperatures of less than 82°C (180°F) implies that there has been little postaccumulation subsidence of oil...
Exploration for Oil Accumulations in Entrada Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Richard R. Vincelette , William E. Chittum
AAPG Bulletin
... in the hydrodynamic gradient, postaccumulation structural movement, leakage out of the reservoir, or a combination of these factors has not been determined...
From petroleum-type organofacies to hydrocarbon phase prediction
R. di Primio, B. Horsfield
AAPG Bulletin
... all have to be modeled, as do postaccumulation alteration processes such as oil-to-gas cracking, water washing, and biodegradation.The relative...
A new model for assessing trap integrity and oil preservation risks associated with postrift fault reactivation in the Timor Sea
Anthony Gartrell, Wayne R. Bailey, Mark Brincat
AAPG Bulletin
... application to other petroleum systems where postaccumulation extensional fault reactivation has occurred...
Origin of conventional and shale gas in Sinian–lower Paleozoic strata in the Sichuan Basin: Relayed gas generation from liquid hydrocarbon cracking
Wenzhi Zhao, Shuichang Zhang, Kun He, Hongliu Zeng, Guoyi Hu, Bin Zhang, Zhaoyun Wang, and Yongxin Li
AAPG Bulletin
... and origin of natural gas as well as other postaccumulation processes in the Sichuan Basin (Dai et al., 2014; Wei et al., 2014, 2015a; Yang et al., 2017...