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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 64,648 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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The Application of Stable Isotopes to Studies of the Origin of Dolomite and to Problems of Diagenesis of Clastic Sediments

Lynton S. Land

Special Publications of SEPM

... iü6f2 + 0.11 (Fritz and Smith, 1970). i0612 - 3.29 (Shepard and Schwarcz, 1970) All equations have been corrected to be consistent with Friedman...


Cement Placement in Severe Doglegs and Its Impact on Well Integrity: A Numerical Assessment

Hao Yu, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Zhanghua Lian

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) 2. Two-equation k-epsilon model is used for modelling turbulence. This approach introduces two extra transport equations to characterize the tur...


Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Mechanical Stratigraphy of an Early Kimmeridgian Carbonate Mudstone in an Arabian Intrashelf Basin

Septriandi A. Chan, John Humphrey, Baqer Albensaad, Muhammad Usman, Khalid Alramadan, Yaser Alzayer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... used to define lithofacies heterogeneity and well-to-well variability, including texture, sedimentary features/structures, and bioturbation index (BI...


Applying Seismic Attribute Analysis and Inversion Techniques to Understand the Trapping Mechanism in the Gajah Abu Abu Field, West Natuna Offshore

R. Wawan Satriawan, Toby Read, Hendra Baskara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The unit was deposited in a fluvial-deltaic depositional environment during the Late Oligocene. SEISMIC DATA The seismic data used for this study is a sub...


Low-Frequency De-Ghosting Method to Enhance Basement Layer Continuity Image in Foxtrot South East Area, North West Java Sea

Ryan Bobby Andika, Hudzaifah, Deny Martian, Nurudin Mahmud, Sri Sadono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (F-SE) area, the authors faced an issue of limited low-frequency spectrum in the seismic data because of shallow tow streamers used in the acquisition...


Preliminary Investigation: To Estimate the Freshwater/Saline-Water Interface Position Trinity Aquifer Bexar County, Texas

Alvin L. Schultz

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

..., the Self Potential (SP) curve was apparently used to determine many of the mapped values. Determining water quality from SP curves is extremely difficult...


Oil Source Bed Hydrocarbon Analysis: Some Methods and Interpretations

S. Thompson

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... generation nor its unrealised potential could have been estimated. INTRODUCTION General The main functions of commercial petroleum geochemistry...


Studies on Influential Factors of Flowback and Productivity of MFHWs and a Field Case in Shale Gas Formations

Guicheng Jing, Zhangxin Chen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-shale play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential. AAPG Bulletin, 2005(3): 155-175. Mukherjee H. and Brill J.P. Empirical equations to predict flow...


The Use of Computerized Log Analysis to Determine in situ Lithologic Characteristics Pertinent to Secondary Recovery

R. H. Merkel, W. J. Head

CSPG Bulletin

... of new logging tools, such as the borehole gravity meter and the neutron decay log, which can be used in cased holes, and 2) the of new log-analysis...


Time-lapse Produced Water Source Allocation: Characterizing Impact of Fracture-Driven Interaction, Insights on Life-of-Well Water Production Profile and Asset Development Optimization in the Permian Midland Basin

Wei Wang, Wei Wei, Caroline Studnicky, Scott Reed

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., and understanding on the impact of potential rock-water interaction, etc. were performed to investigate the evolution of frac water and formation...


Enhancing Cement Bonding and Water Blocking in SKW-22ST, Sukowati Field: Leveraging Dual Slurry System in Squeeze Cementing

Ivan Danubrata, Debby Halinda Utaminingdiah S, Afriandi Eka Prasetya, Citra Prilyanata, Yehuda Nathanael S.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as a clue to the presence of water-related issues in the reservoir. Further analysis can be conducted using diagnostic plot methods. One commonly used...


Degassing Water Around Air Bubbles Entrapped in the Vadose Zone as a Mechanism of Carbonate Precipitation--A Hypothesis

Michael Zilberbrand

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1988, Kinematic wave characteristics and new equations of unsaturated infiltration: Journal of Hydrology, v. 102, p. 257-266. ZILBERBRAND, M., 1995...


FacimageTM Modeling as a Substitute for Gas Content from Core Desorption and for Real Time Facies Analysis

Philippe Rabiller, Peter Boles, Howard Dewhirst

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... techniques have not yet found their way in the CBM/CSG business, despite having been used successfully for more than a decade in the conventional O/G business...


Regulatory Nirvana for the Life-Cycle of Unconventional Petroleum Projects

B. Goldstein, M. Malavazos, A. Wickham, M. Jarosz, D. Wenham, D. Cockshell, E. Alexander, J. Zabrowarny

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... petroleum play-trends are being explored, each with giant resource potential;  640 wells have been fractured stimulated - all safely without...


Machine-learning Approach to Optimize Huff-n-Puff Gas Injection in Naturally Fractured Shale Oil Reservoirs

Khaled Enab

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... design, gas injection rates, number of injection cycles, and injectionsoaking-production periods. Latin hypercube algorithm was used to develop...


A method to estimate block values through competitive bidding

Ricardo Furtado, Saul B. Suslick, Monica R. Rodriguez

AAPG Bulletin

... process is a mechanism that has been widely used by different countries to optimally distribute their oil exploratory acreages. One of the big...


Optimization of the Well-Spacing with a Geostatistical Model Tunu Field — Mahakam Area

Alain Seigneurin, Didier Muller, Alain Galli, Christian Ravenne

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... be achieved. Thus, a statistical model of the field was first used. This method evolved into a geostatistical model, using the HERESIM software. The field...


Structural controls of the Ernest Henry IOCG deposit: Insights from integrated structural, geophysical and mineralogical analyses.

Jim Austin, Andreas Björk, Ben Patterson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... geophysical filters for potential field data were used to provide a regional structural context (i.e., down-scale from regional context). Petrophysically...


Detrital Opaque Oxides as Provenance Indicators in River Nile Sediments

Jill Stephanie Schneiderman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... oxide grains from Nile River sediment sources can be used as provenance indicators of Nile delta sediments. This study also provides ties between igneous...


Sea level and vertical motion of continents from dynamic earth models since the Late Cretaceous

Sonja Spasojevic, Michael Gurnis

AAPG Bulletin

... Dynamic earth models are used to better understand the impact of mantle dynamics on the vertical motion of continents and regional and global sea...


Looking Beyond Just Seismic! Gravity Gradiometry and its Application in Complex Geologies

Phill Houghton

GEO ExPro Magazine

... discoveries deepwater offshore Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico to the deserts and mountains of Africa, all too often the seismic wavefield is distorted...


Improved 3D Seismic Imaging through Depth Migration and Tomography: An Indonesia Case Study

Jianli Song, Cristina Reta-Tang, Xuening Ma, Jim Wilhite, Laurie Geiger

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... trend ing fa ults. Potential reservoirs are Pliocene - Lower Miocene fa irly compacted sands and shales, and some carbonates. Fig. I. 30 survey area...


Aspects of induced seismic activity and deep-well sequestration of carbon dioxide

Joel Sminchak, Neeraj Gupta

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... subsurface injection practice is the potential to cause low-level induced seismicity events. Such induced seismic activity may be minimized through careful...


Natural Fracture Networks Enhancing Unconventional Reservoirs Producibility: Mapping & Predicting; #41182 (2013)

H. Abul Khair, D. Cooke, and M. Hand

Search and

... and fractures as seen on image logs. Another technique used integrated geological and geophysical data extracted from fault and horizon seismic interpretation...


The Sand-Rich Tide Dominated Delta Model of Bangko Formation in ABŽ Area Using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Ichnofacies Analysis

Mohamad Amin Ahlun Nazar, Alfredo Di Stefano, Ananyamatya Bella Talita, Jarot Setyowiyoto, Kirandra Ferari Budi Prasodjo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Ichnofacies analysis was firstly used in the area and it is give significant result in appearance of Zoophycos, Cruziana, and Skolithos that shows...


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