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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 64,648 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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A Practical Model for Pressure- and Rate-Transient Behavior of Stacked Horizontal Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs

Meruyert Makhatova, Erdal Ozkan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... reservoirs typically exhibit a laminated structure with variable properties. While staggered well configurations are commonly used to achieve effective...


Sediment transport processes and lateral facies gradients across a muddy shelf: Examples from the Geneseo Formation of central New York, United States

Ryan D. Wilson, and Juergen Schieber

AAPG Bulletin

... basinal conditions along with potential global warming may have caused what is referred to as the global Taghanic Bioevent, which resulted in the demise...


Gas Injection: A Promising Future for EOR

K. Madaoui

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... can be used: hydrocarbon (natural or enriched), carbon dioxide, nitrogen, air, flue gas. Gas can be injected in secondary or tertiary stages...


Attributes of Key Surfaces

Henry W. Posamentier

Special Publications of SEPM

... of the fluvial deposits after transgression. In environments with higher wave energy, such features might have less preservation potential. Abbott...


Regional Variability of Washover Deposits on the South Texas Coast

Amy K. Maynard , John R. Suter

GCAGS Transactions

...., and S. Kjelstrup, 1977, The wave pump: Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic conditions, Proc., v. I, p. 288-308. Chow, V. T., 1959, Open-channel hydraulics...


Evaluation of Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Stability Using Capillary Suction Time and Roller Oven Tests

Maksym Chuprin, Nelson Chavez, Fatick Nath, Mehdi Mokhtari

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to the chemical potential gradient, which is induced when the osmotic membrane is created in the shale-fluid system, transport of the water from the shale...


Current Factors Affecting Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in Wyoming

Andrew Finley, Tyler Vanderhoef

Wyoming Geological Association

... differential results in a potential loss to the state of Wyoming of more than $130,000,000 per year. During 2006, the State produced a total of 2.1...


Quantification of Illite Content in Sedimentary Rocks Using Magnetic Susceptibility--a Rapid Complement or Alternative to X-Ray Diffraction: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS

David K. Potter, Patrick W.M. Corbett, Stuart A. Barclay, R. Stuart Haszeldine

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... would be used to analyze a further large number of samples very rapidly. Alternatively, when there is no time for detailed XRD measurements...


Depositional Environments of the Wilcox Group, Texas Gulf Coast: Stratigraphic and Early Diagenetic Signatures

J. A. May, S. A. Stonecipher

GCAGS Transactions

... of texture, composition, and cements can be used to complement, and test, our interpretations of depositional environments based solely...


87Sr/86Sr Variation in Tortonian Mediterranean Sediments: A Record of Milankovitch Cyclicity

Mario Sprovieri, Angelo Bonanno, Mario Barbieri, Adriana Bellanca, Rodolfo Neri, Bernardo Patti, Salvatore Mazzola

Special Publications of SEPM

... in the Mediterranean during the Tortonian, thus emphasizing the high potential of this basin as good recorder of climate-induced seawater Sr isotope...


Major Subdivisions and Depositional Environments of Nubia Strata, Southwestern Egypt

E. Klitzsch , J. C. Harms , A. Lejal-Nicol , F. K. List

AAPG Bulletin

..., v. 53, no. 1; v. 54, no. 3; and v. 55, no. 6). The petroleum potential of Nubia strata is being investigated actively at present. This interest...


The Politics and Power of Petroleum

A.A. Meyerhoff

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... most of the world’s future oil potential. The USA by contrast is highly explored and most of the future potential in North America lies in Canada...


Application of Force Spectroscopy to Evaluate Rock-Fluid Interactions at the Nanoscale

Dayo A. Afekare, Jayne C. Garno, Dandina N. Rao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...nge of concentrations used in this study have low degrees of stability. HNP at 0.05 wt% – 1 wt% are deemed unstable since their zeta potential are greater t...


Reservoir Analog for Deep-Water Carbonates Prospects in Southeast Asia

Irena Andisa Maura, Gregor P. Eberli, Daniel Bernoulli

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... a high diagenetic potential and is subject to dissolution and re-precipitation. Dissolution can enhance porosity but in many cases subsequent...


The initiation of the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins (Nunavut, Arctic Canada) as recorded in the Nyeboe Formation, Fury and Hecla Group

Mollie Patzke, J. Wilder Greenman, Galen P. Halverson, Alessandro Ielpi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., P.M., Fischer, W., and Goodge, J.W., 2002, Wave-modified turbidites: combined-flow shoreline and shelf deposits, Cambrian, Antarctica: Journal...


Environmental Impact Analysis on the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS)

Sarah Eisenlord, Thomas Hayes, Kent Perry

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... waters used for hydraulic fracturing contained naturally occurring high concentrations (~500ppm) of sulfate. Rapid microbially induced corrosion...


A Physics Based Model of Enhanced Gas Production in Mudrocks

Syed Haider, Tadeusz W. Patzek

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are not of a rigid-sphere type, making the above equations ineffective for real gases. Enskog used “thermal pressure” from the compressibility...


The New U.S. Geological Survey: Environment, Resources, and the Future

Gordon P. Eaton, James W. LaBaugh, David Bornholdt, Geoffrey S. Plumlee

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... be used to identify watersheds with a high potential for mining-related environmental problems. Environmental geology models of mineral deposits...


Seismic Applications of the Velocity Log

W. G. Rimmer

CSPG Bulletin

... may learn more about the generation of reflections and, hence, improve our ability to interpret field records. Peterson et al (1955) first used...


Seismic Lineament Analysis of a Fractured Limestone Reservoir in the Ujung Pangkah Field

Donald Easley, Ferry Yustiana, Azalea Hidayat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... attempting to reduce as much as possible the interfering phenomenon of statics and noise, we used different techniques (hand picking on horizons...


ABSTRACT: Micro-Textural Analyses of Fine-Grained Sediments and the Roles that Advective Sediment Transport and Suspension Settling Processes Play in the Deposition of Fine-Grained Organic Carbon-Rich Sediments. OR Just How Shaky are the Current Depositi

Joe Macquaker

Search and

... to be subjected to differing degrees of dysoxia. The basic tenets of much of the underlying paleoenvironmental models used to explain how these rocks formed...


Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, Australia

Lisa S. Hall, Tehani J. Palu, Andrew P. Murray, Christopher J. Boreham, Dianne S. Edwards, Anthony J. Hill, and Alison Troup

AAPG Bulletin

..., and the volume remaining in or near the source beds for potential stimulated production. This study used petroleum systems analysis (PSA) to quantify...


Deposition and Remaining Productive Capabilities of the Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Sands of East-Central Mississippi

Bobby R. Greer

GCAGS Transactions

... greatly enhanced their ultimate recoveries. The remaining fields in the study area have the potential of yielding millions of barrels of oil from...


Lessons Learned - Incorporation of Action Management for Inherent Learning and Prioritisation through Opportunity Matrix

Mark Williams, Andy Sutherland

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... *Correspondence to: Mark Williams Genesis, 1 William Street, Perth, WA 6000, Australia Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT There are many potential...


Seismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing Activity in the Wolfcamp Shale of Midland Basin, Texas

Abhash Kumar, Hongru Hu, Alex Bear, Richard Hammack, William Harbert

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that are generated during hydraulic fracturing is traditionally used as a proxy to estimate stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). For efficient extraction...


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