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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 64,648 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Microseismicity Analysis for HFTS Pad and Correlation With Completion Parameters

Debotyam Maity

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is prohibited. Abstract Microseismic data can be used as a tool to help understand fracturing behavior during hydraulic stimulation. Recent studies have...


Chapter Six: Shallow Biogenic Gas in Cretaceous Shale on the Eastern Margin of the Williston Basin

George W. Shurr

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... margin. However, it is late-generation biogenic gas that holds the greatest resource potential. Late-generation biogenic gas forms long after deposition...


Abstract: Late Jurassic … Earliest Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Depositional History and Petroleum Potential, Canadian Arctic Archipelago; #90224 (2015)

Ashton F. Embry

Search and

...Abstract: Late Jurassic … Earliest Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Depositional History and Petroleum Potential, Canadian Arctic Archipelago; #90224 (2015...


Slim Hole Drilling: A Place in PNG Oil Exploration

Ted Gurney, Howard Thomas Brady

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... that many areas of Papua New Guinea will only be explored for their oil and gas potential if improved slim hole technology is used to substantially lower...


Leveraging Reservoir and Fracture Modeling to Optimize Well Landing, Spacing, and Completion Size in the DJ Basin

Jean-Philippe Junca-Laplace, Joe Dunn, Keith Ramsaran, Jaime Vargas, David Brown, Hilary McKenna

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are well established for conventional reservoirs and have been successfully used to quantify reservoir uncertainty, estimate volumetrics, and forecast...


The Occurrence and Chemical Composition of Recent Fe-Rich Mixed Carbonates in a River Bog

Dieke Postma

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... not be used for the determination of a 3 component carbonate. An attempt to solve this problem by microprobe analysis on the carbonate and hosphate failed...


Oil and Gas Property Evaluation: Chapter 12: Part III. Economic Aspects of the Business

Gene B. Wiggins III

AAPG Special Volumes

... are declining domestically due to maturing producing basins and limited potential for major oil and gas discoveries coupled with increasing environmental...


Controlled Source Electro-Magnetics for Hydrocarbon Exploration

Dave Peace, Dave Meaux, Mike Johnson, and Alan Taylor

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... - bearing intervals from surrounding, more conductive water-bearing units. The principal is the same as that used in well logging devices to identify...


Fractal characteristics of pore networks and sealing capacity of Ordovician carbonate cap rocks: A case study based on outcrop analogues from the Tarim Basin, China

Jun Wu, Tailiang Fan, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Anna Travé, Zhiqian Gao, Shanshan Wang, and Xiaolong Sun

AAPG Bulletin

... factors that determine their sealing potential (Norbisrath et al., 2015; Lohr and Hackley, 2018). Several methods can be used to characterize...


Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional History of Oligocene Frio Slope-Fan, Lowstand Prograding Wedge, and Shallow-Marine Transgressive- Regressive Deposits in the Lavaca Bay Area, Texas

William A.Ambrose, Brandon Johnson, Ursula Hammes, Dean Johnstone

GCAGS Transactions

... have less potential than the lower and upper Frio Formation for reservoir compartmentalization. INTRODUCTION Exploration in the Texas Gulf Coast has...


The Structure, Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Some Waulsortian Carbonate Buildups of Mississippian Age From Montana

William F. Precht, Warren Shepard

CSPG Special Publications

.... Bull., v. 45, p. 1481-1503. Shepard, W., 1987. Geology and economic potential of the Montana aulacogen (abs.); Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 71...


Stratigraphy, Production, and Reservoir Characteristics of the Caney Shale in Southern Oklahoma

Richard D. Andrews

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... to be the hydrocarbon source rock and contains minute organic particles from which the hydrocarbons are generated. The shale also functions as a reservoir since gas...


Computerized Database Applications to the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of the Lloydminster Area, Canada: Principles, Concepts and Approaches.

Peter E. Putnam, J. Edward Klovan

CSPG Bulletin

... potential responses (Putnam, 1982, 1983; Flach, 1984). There are also limitations to the mapping system used. For example, many computer-drawn cross...


Field Implementation and Surveillance of Gas Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Bakken

Jin Zhao, Lu Jin, Xue Yu, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Xincheng Wan, Steven A. Smith, Nicholas W. Bosshart, James A. Sorensen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... This observation indicated the potential of the RSSS technology to solve the conformance control issue, which is one of the most critical challenges...


Customized HPWBM Using Dual Brine System to Provide Wellbore Stability in Exploration North Madura Offshore Indonesia

M. Galih Samudera, Hafidz Ali, Remy Azrai, Agung Pratama

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... INDONESIA M. Galih Samudera* Hafidz Ali* Remy Azrai* Agung Pratama* ABSTRACT The Water-Based Mud (WBM) system was planned to be used in drilling...


Credible Inventory Characterizations: Earning Back Trust in an Abandoned Investment Sector

David P. B. Allen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to understand the relationship between tallies used for internal planning and those used for external functions, like investor relations. Corporate marketing...


Pressure and Basin Modeling in Foothill Belts: A Study of the Kutubu Area, Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt

Jean-Paul Callot, William Sassi, François Roure, Kevin Hill, Nigel Wilson, Renaud Divies

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Hedinia Anticline limiting lateral migration of oil in the adjacent Darai Plateau. Data from seven wells and two fields were used to calibrate section...


Challenges Of Aerial Dispersant Application In Indonesia

Alam Syah, Tang Sze Wei, Prianda Ardhana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of dispersants to be used and highlight some of the potential issues and * Oil Spill Response Limited gaps in order to be able to spray from the aircraft...


An Integrated Approach to Characterization and Modeling of Deep-water Reservoirs, Diana Field, Western Gulf of Mexico

Morgan D. Sullivan, J. Lincoln Foreman, David C. Jennette, David Stern, Gerrick N. Jensen, Frank J. Goulding

AAPG Special Volumes

...-performance prediction. To solve these uncertainties, deep-water outcrop analog data from the Lower Permian Skoorsteenberg Formation in the Tanqua Karoo Basin...


Carbonate and Volcanic Sediment Distribution Patterns on the Grenadines Bank, Lesser Antilles Island Arc, East Caribbean

Sarmistha Dey, Leigh Smith

CSPG Bulletin

... in andesitic island arcs, can be used as a model for paleoenvironmental reconstruction of limestones in exotic andesitic terranes in the Western North...


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