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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 64,648 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Successful Sub-ERD Sidetrack Well in Offshore

Ana Sri Redjeki, Bramarandhito Sayogyo, Dhanie-Anugrah Dewanta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the remedy to solve these potential problems can be quite simple, these fundamental remedies are flow rate and rotary speed (Kappelhoff, 2013...


Ordovician vertebrate habitats: A Gondwanan perspective

Neil S. Davies, Ivan J. Sansom


... and terrigenous sediment. It is proposed that this narrow paleoecological range may be used as a prospecting tool to search for other Ordovician...


Stratigraphy of Desert Creek and Ismay Zones and Relationship to Oil, Paradox Basin, Utah

Kenneth E. Carter

Utah Geological Association

... a reef as “the product of the actively building and sediment-binding biotic constituents, which, because of their potential wave resistance, have...


In-Situ Geotechnical Characterization of Mixed-Grain-Size Bedforms Using a Dynamic Penetrometer

Nina Stark, Giovanni Coco, Karin R. Bryan, Achim Kopf

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., and Trembanis, A.C., 2004, Suspension of coarse and fine sand on a wave-dominated shoreface, with implications for the development of rippled scour...


Sustainable Power Generation: Harnessing Hydrogen Co-Firing for Reduced CO2 Emissions and Improved Net Power Efficiency

Seli Yovanka Lidiawati, Haikal Asadul Milzam

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the introduction of hydrogen into an existing Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant, revealing both the potential and the complexities...


Abstract: Mapping Geologists, Not Just Geology, and Why That Is Important

Charles Fried

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... membership lives along the storm-prone Gulf of Mexico. The skills and tools used for mapping geology can also be used to map the location of geologists...


Slope Stability Monitoring at Boron: ABSTRACT

R. B. Kistler, J. C. Paulsen, L. L. Thomas

AAPG Bulletin

... system is being used at the Boron open pit mine to aid in the early detection of potential slope stability problems. The system was developed in a joint...


Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a deep-water gas hydrate reservoir in the northern Gulf of Mexico

P. Kevin Meazell, Peter B. Flemings, Manasij Santra, and Joel E. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

... of sedimentary rocks: Austin, Texas, Hemphill Publishing Company, 184 p. Frye, M., W. Shedd, and R. Boswell, 2012, Gas hydrate resource potential...


Sedimentary Architecture and Dynamic Stratigraphy of a Marine Ice-Contact System

Ida Lonne , W. Nemec , L.H. Blikra , T. Lauritsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of regressive foreshore deposits with downstepping wave-cut terraces on the moraine slopes reflects gradual emergence due to regional glacioisostatic...


Unconventional shale-gas systems: The Mississippian Barnett Shale of north-central Texas as one model for thermogenic shale-gas assessment

Daniel M. Jarvie, Ronald J. Hill, Tim E. Ruble, Richard M. Pollastro

AAPG Bulletin

... samples of the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin was used to determine its geochemical characteristics including gas-generation potential. Core...


Shallow Gas in Asribasin: Drilling Hazard or Future Potential?

Dwandari Ralanarko, Wahyu Seno Aji, Heri Gunawan, Rifqi Lubban Jauhari, Julius Sunarta, Pranowo Nugroho

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Shallow Gas in Asribasin: Drilling Hazard or Future Potential? Dwandari Ralanarko, Wahyu Seno Aji, Heri Gunawan, Rifqi Lubban Jauhari, Julius Sunarta...


“Grain-size bookkeeping,” a new aid for siliciclastic systems with examples from paralic environments

Tony Reynolds

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of modern and ancient wave-dominated deltas: processes, products, and forcing factors: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 89, p. 168– 185. Alexander...


Optimum Salt Concentration Design of Low Salinity Water Injection in Tangai Structure at Sukananti Field

Hafizh Zakyan, Andri Luthfi Lukman Hakim, Santy Ghea Dyandra Soemarsono, Asep Kurnia Permadi, George Vincent Bungaran Pardede

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to be applied (Qiao et al, 2014). Waterflooding is used as a secondary recovery that could increase oil production up to 50% of original oil in place...


A Guide to Qualitative Interpretation of South Texas Electric Logs

Alvin L. Schultz

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

.... This guide is presented in order to determine what some of the guidelines need to be in new areas and to understand those already being used. Many times...


Micritization and Calichification: Their Recognition and Implications

Stephen J. James

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... models and the evaluation of their reservoir potential. Alexandersson, E.T. 1972: Mictritization of carbonate particles: processes of precipitation...


Time-Lapse Petro-Elastic and Seismic Modeling to Evaluate Fracturing Efficiency in Low-Permeability Reservoirs

Masoud Alfi, Zhi Chai, Anshuman Pradhan, Travis Ramsay, Maria Barrufet, John Killough

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... as potential candidates for any refracturing operations. P-impedance is used as an indicator of how much alteration has occurred in the elastic properties...


Subsalt pressure prediction in the Miocene Mad Dog field, Gulf of Mexico

Michael P. Merrell, Peter B. Flemings, Glenn L. Bowers

AAPG Bulletin

... in total vertical stress that are caused by changing bathymetry and the presence or absence of salt. A similar approach can be used in other subsalt...


Stratigraphy, Petrography, and Origin of Evaporites in Jurassic Arapien Shale, Central Utah

M. Dane Picard

Utah Geological Association

... potential of the hingeline area: p. 219–229 in Symposium on geology of the Cordilleran hingeline: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver...


Advanced Techniques for On-Line Monitoring of Brown Coal Quality

R M Borsaru, N G Cutmore, A L Ottrey, B D Sowerby

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... during input to a process has the potential to provide benefits through: anticipation of coal quality variations prior to utilisation; provision of a tool...


Three-dimensional kinematic modeling of reversible fault and fold development

Natacha Gibergues, Muriel Thibaut, Jean-Pierre Gratier

AAPG Bulletin

... for hydrocarbon potential basin evaluation: Application to Congo off shore: Oil Gas Science and Technology, v. 55, no. 1, p. 313, doi:10.2516/ogst...


A Tide-Dominated Beach from the Cambro-Ordovician Cabos Formation of Northwestern Spain

Richard Smosna, Kathy R. Bruner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) No. 12. (December) Beaches on which tidal processes play a significant role, as opposed to purely wave-dominated beaches, are little known from...


Characterization of near-surface fractures for hydrogeological studies using azimuthal resistivity survey: A case history from the Mamu Formation, Enugu (Nigeria)

Ahamefula U. Utom, Benard I. Odoh, Daniel K. Amogu, Amobi C. Ekwe, Boniface C. E. Egboka

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

..., doi:10.1190/1.1444583.Whiteman, A. J., 1982, Nigeria: Its petroleum geology resources and potential: London, United Kingdom, Graham and Trotman, 394 p...


Monitoring and Forecasting of Volcanic Eruptions with Reference to Active Volcanoes in Indonesia

Adjat Sudradjat

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...—visual observation, seismicity, ground deformation, gravity and magnetic studies, self-potential studies, petrochemistry, and g e o c h e m i c a l...


Cenozoic depositional history of the Gulf of Mexico basin

William E. Galloway, Patricia E. Ganey-Curry, Xiang Li, Richard T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

... and paleontologic reports; and interpreted University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) deep-basin seismic lines was used to map and interpret 18 basinwide...


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