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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 64,648 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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The Effect of Karsting on Natural Fracture, Hardness, and Brittleness of the Hunton Limestone and Paleo-Deposition of the Woodford Shale: A Study Using 3-D Seismic, Outcrop, Well Log, and Core Data; #51417 (2017)

Benmadi Milad

Search and

... Shale. To accomplish this study, we used thin sections, core, outcrop, well logs, and a 3-D seismic survey data. A 3-D seismic survey and well logs...


Recent Advances and New Insights of Fiber Optic Techniques in Fracture Diagnostics Used for Unconventional Reservoirs

Fatick Nath, S M Shamsul Hoque, Md. Nahin Mahmood

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that occurs following fracture repair. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is used to measure elastic wave propagation over the wellbore structure and record...


Unconventional EOR: A Capillary Based Improved Oil Recovery Case Study for Shale Oil Scenarios in the Vaca Muerta Resource Play

Fernando R. Tuero, Marcelo Crotti, Ines Labayen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... perm meability, com mpressibility, sa aturation functions and capill lary pressures similar to the o ones used in th well he history ma atching phase...


Ch.5 - Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts - The Influence of Depositional Environments of Coal Stratigraphy

John C. Horne

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the terms used in this chapter. Influence of eustasy, cyclicity, and tectonics on the sequence-stratigraphic framework. • INTRODUCTION Methodology...


Sedimentary Reflections of Depositional Environment in San Miguel Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico

Harris B. Stewart, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... slowly with time that areal variations are meaningful. Dissolved oxygen concentration and pH vary diurnally and areally, and these variations are used...


Petroleum migration and accumulation: Modeling and applications

Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, and Wan Yang

AAPG Bulletin

... can be used to reasonably model hydrocarbon migration processes at any scale of units in a basin. The new migration method provides insights...


Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin: A Synthesis

John B. Anderson, Antonio Rodriguez, Kenneth C. Abdulah, Richard H. Fillon, Laura A. Banfield, Heather A. Mckeown, Julia S. Wellner

Special Publications of SEPM

... appears to repeat itself from one glacioeustatic cycle to the next. Thus, the results of this study can be used to test and calibrate quantitative...


Seismic Snapshot: Q4 2023

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... NVIDIA Bitcomp, part of the nvCOMP library used in fast lossy data compression and decompression, for reverse time migration (RTM) and was rolled out...


Carbon Dioxide Storage in a Natural Gas Reservoir under Strong Bottom Water Drive

Zhiyuan Li, Dimitrios Georgios Hatzignatiou, Christine Ehlig-Economides

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... Methods This section describes analytical models used to guide well management, completion, and drainage geometries to model with numerical simulation...


Observations and Modeling of Fiber-Optics Strain on Hydraulic Fracture Height Growth in HFTS-2

Jiehao Wang, Yunhui Tan, Peggy Rijken, Xinghui Liu, Amit Singh, Yan Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... as templates for fracture height interpretation from LF-DAS data in future. Introduction While hydraulic fracturing is critical to unlock the potential...


Temperature Monitoring Results for Methane-hydrate Sediments in the Nankai Trough, Japan

Masafumi Fukuhara, Vladimir Tertychnyi, Kasumi Fujii, Valery Shako, Viacheslav Pimenov, Yuri Popov, Doug Murray, Tetsuya Fujii

AAPG Special Volumes

... Shako, Viacheslav Pimenov, Yuri Popov, Doug Murray, Tetsuya Fujii 2009 414 432 AAPG Memoir 89: Natural gas hydratesEnergy resource potential...


Quantitative Mineralogy of Sandstones by X-Ray Diffractometry and Normative Analysis

Colin R. Ward , John C. Taylor , David R. Cohen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... also be used to provide quantitative information on sediments with abundant rock fragments or matrix components, the actual mineralogy of which...


Chapter 11: Oil Production from Niobrara Formation, Silo Field, Wyoming: Fracturing Associated with a Possible Wrench Fault System (?)

Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Robert J. Weimer

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...., 1985, Event stratigraphy, paleoenvironments, and petroleum source rock potential of the lower Niobrara Formation (Cretaceous) northern Front Range...


Source-Rock Potential of the Austin Chalk, Upper Cretaceous, Southeastern Texas

George J. Grabowski, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

...Source-Rock Potential of the Austin Chalk, Upper Cretaceous, Southeastern Texas George J. Grabowski, Jr. 1981 Vol. 31 (1981), The Austin Chalk...


Sand Dispersal in Eastern and Southern Lake Ontario

Robert G. Sutton, Thomas L. Lewis, Donald L. Woodrow

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Nearshore sediments in southern Lake Ontario, their dispersal patterns and economic potential: Proc. 13th Conf. Great Lakes Res., Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes...


Experimental Workflow Applied to Marine Source Rocks Sampled in the Montney-Doig Formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, #10977 (2017).

William Sassi, Elisabeth Bemer, Marc Fleury, Guillaume Berthe, Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento, Tristan Euzen

Search and

... and can be destructive; therefore an appropriate sequence must be chosen. For the various characterization, we used the most appropriate and up to date...


Analysis and modeling of intermediate-scale reservoir heterogeneity based on a fluvial point-bar outcrop analog, Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Matthew J. Pranter, Amanda I. Ellison, Rex D. Cole, Penny E. Patterson

AAPG Bulletin

... of Economic Geology midyear report 2003, p. 18.Johnson, R. C., 1989, Geologic history and hydrocarbon potential of Late Cretaceousage low-permeability...


Chapter 9: New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin, USA—Devonian Carbonaceous Mudstone Accumulation in an Epicratonic Sea: Stratigraphic Insights from Outcrop and Subsurface Data

O. R. Lazar, J. Schieber

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 2000, Lake-basin type, source potential, and hydrocarbon character: An integrated sequence-stratigraphic-geochemical framework, in E. H. Gierlowski...


Chapter 8: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian Burlington-Keokuk Formation, Northwestern Arkansas

Buddy J. Price, G. Michael Grammer

AAPG Special Volumes

... bedding (Figure 14C). Differential weathering of skeletal grainstones exposes trough cross-stratification and potential wave ripples in the strata...


Natural fracture, cleat, and strong adsorption impact on low oil and condensate retention in the Carboniferous shales and coals of the western Black Sea Basin of Turkey

Şamil Şen

AAPG Bulletin

... and coals range from 0.74% to 1.13% (Table 1). The effective HI or HImax (used to estimate true generation potential of coaly shales) and Requ data...


Physical, Trace Elemental, and Isotopic Evidence for Open-System Evolution of Alkaline Igneous Rocks, Big Bend National Park, Texas: The Bee Mountain Basalt and Government Spring Laccolith

Kerri L. Nelson, Dennis O. Nelson, Dennis E. Schucker, Lee Yew

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

..., given the dynamics of evolving magmas and the potential for contamination at different amounts and levels within the crust, it seems unlikely...


Heavy-metal contamination removal by bacterial activity in seeping depositories

I. Lerche, W. Glaesser, G. Strauch

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... to consider that the biological remediation model can be used to account for the data. Third, we show how the East German data and the quantitative...


Efficient Field Development Decisions Driven by Artificial Intelligence: A Permian Basin Example

Hui Zhou, Johan A. Daal, Tom Williford, Qin Lu, Michael Burkard, Lee McAuliffe, M. D. Rincones, Rafael Paz Lopez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of machine learning. URTeC: 4044067 2 Introduction The Permian Basin boasts significant potential due to its economically viable, multi-bench...


A lithofacies analysis of a South Polar glaciation in the Early Permian: Pagoda Formation, Shackleton Glacier region, Antarctica

Libby R.W. Ives, John L. Isbell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... mechanisms in a depositional environment with depths below normal wave base. Current-transported sands and stratified diamictites that occur at the top...


The Shannon Shelf-Ridge Sandstone Complex, Salt Creek Anticline Area, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

R. W. Tillman, R. S. Martinsen

Special Publications of SEPM

... immediately overlying Interbar Sandstone Facies Porous and permeable potential reservoir facies include Central Bar Facies a clean cross bedded...


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