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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 8,476 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 11: Predicting Preservation and Destruction of Accumulations
Alton A. Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
...Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 11: Predicting Preservation and Destruction...
Abstract: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Constraints on the Formation and Destruction of Magnetic Minerals in Subsurface Environments Containing Hydrocarbons, by E. A. Burton, J. Qi, and H. G. Machel; #91015 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Global Prediction of Continuous Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Self-Sourced Reservoirs, by Eoff, Jennifer D.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Correlation of Resource Plays and Biodiversity Patterns: Accumulation of Organic-Rich Shale Tracks Taxonomic Turnover
Jennifer D. Eoff
GCAGS Journal
... in exploration of continuous hydrocarbon accumulations in selfsourced reservoirs globally. sition and preservation of uncommonly thick and widespread...
Abstract: Modern Thermobaric Conditions of the Barents and Kara Seas Region, by Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Tatiana Budagova, Andrey Bezhentsev; #90096 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Conceptual Depositional Model of Organics in Marine Environment: Integrating Biology and Sedimentology, by Huc, Alain-Yves; Granjeon, Didier ; Chauveau, Benoit; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Great Salt Lake, Utah: A Natural Laboratory for Assessing Potential Geobody Dimensions, Reservoir Architectures, and Controls in Lacustrine Carbonate Systems
Search and Discovery.com
Cycle Hierarchy in Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian Strata of the Mid-Continent: A Review: Abstract
W. L. Watney, E. C. Rankey, J. A. French, J. C. Youle, J. H. Doveton, G. C. Bohling, W. J. Guy
Tulsa Geological Society
... resolution of sequence stratigraphic hierarchy to aid in predicting stratigraphically controlled accumulations of petroleum remaining in the Midcontinent...
Porosity Prediction in Frontier Basins: A Systematic Approach to Estimating Subsurface Reservoir Quality from Outcrop Samples
R.C. Tobin
AAPG Special Volumes
..., or absent altogether, the study of reservoir rocks exposed in surface outcrops may be the dominant (or only available) means of predicting subsurface...
Quantitatively evaluating the sources of taphonomic biasing of skeletal element abundances in fossil assemblages
Jason R. Moore, David B. Norman
... relationship (Table 8), confirming that bone resistance to physical destruction is an important factor in controlling the probability of preservation...
Petroleum Geochemistry of Devonian Rocks and Produced Oil and Natural Gas in the Caseman - Gross Unit #1 Well, Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Testing Patterns of Association between Brachiopod Skeletal Concentrations and Stratigraphic Discontinuities in Devonian Carbonate-Dominated Records of North America, by Brady, Mara ; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Ecological fidelity of Pleistocene-Holocene land snail shell assemblages preserved in carbonate-rich paleosols
Yurena Yanes, Julio Aguirre, María R. Alonso, Miguel Ibáñez, Antonio Delgado
...—preservation of the original community—of terrestrial shell accumulations are uncommon but essential to infer accurate changes in past ecosystems. When live...
ABSTRACT: Predicting Locations of Carbon Preservation in Cretaceous, by John Southam; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon potential of ultra deep deposits in the South Caspian Basin; #90109 (2010)
I. Guliyev, E. Aliyeva, A. Feyzullayev, D. Huseynov, P. Mamedov
Search and Discovery.com
... of superdeep wells, mud volcanic ejects from the depth up to 14 km, deep seismic, and advanced modeling technique allowed us predicting of accumulations...
Porosity Destruction in Carbonate Platforms
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Fault Seal Quantitative Assessment in Hydrocarbon-Compartmentalized Structures Using Fluid Pressure Data, by Dominique Grauls, Thierry Rives, and Frederic Pascaud; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Sedimentological and Geochemical Record of Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE's) in the Aptian-Albian Pearsall Formation of South Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Evaluation of possible gas microseepage mechanisms
Alton Brown
AAPG Bulletin
.... S., 1967, The phenomena of fluid motions: Reading, Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 737 p. Brown, A. A., 1999, Predicting preservation...
New insights into the volume and pressure changes during the thermal cracking of oil to gas in reservoirs: Implications for the in-situ accumulation of gas cracked from oils
Hui Tian, Xianming Xiao, Ronald W. T. Wilkins, Yongchun Tang
AAPG Bulletin
... on the conventional model of oil destruction. With lower oil saturation, the gas loss decreases because the gas-water contact can shift downward...
Organic Metamorphism and the Generation of Petroleum
A. Hood , C. C. M. Gutjahr , R. L. Heacock
AAPG Bulletin
.... It represents a single, continuous numerical scale which is applicable to the entire thermal range of interest in the generation and destruction...