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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,476 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Comparison of Highstand and Lowstand (SED) Deltaic Deposits in the Brookian Sequence, North Slope, Alaska: Implications for Predicting Reservoir Presence and Quality;

Ben Suranovic, Jennifer Aschoff

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...Abstract: Comparison of Highstand and Lowstand (SED) Deltaic Deposits in the Brookian Sequence, North Slope, Alaska: Implications for Predicting...


Modelling Biogenic Gas Generation and Migration … Application on the Levantine Basin, #51645 (2020).

N. Maurand, A. Pujol, A. Ravin, S. Wolf, M. Dubille, P. -Y. Filleaudeau, B. Lebreuilly

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... gas and the discovery of giant biogenic methane accumulations (Levant, Tamar Field, …). In order to model biogenic gas generation and migration, new...


Extended Abstract: Advancing Models of Facies Variability and Lacustrine Source Rock Accumulation in Rifts: Implications for Exploration

Christopher A. Scholz

Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016

... accumulations. Important carbonate facies include both microbialites as well as thick sections of coquinas. Predicting the occurrence of carbonates...


Chronogeochemical Method of Predicting Oil-Gas Poential of East Part of North Caspian Depression

V. N. Borovikov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Chronogeochemical Method of Predicting Oil-Gas Poential of East Part of North Caspian Depression V. N. Borovikov 1998 213 219 Vol. 32 (1998) No. 3...


ABSTRACT: The Barnett Shale - A Sequence Stratigraphic View of Depositional Controls, Reservoir Distribution and Resource Density; #90122 (2011)

Jeffry D. Ottmann and Kevin M. Bohacs

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... surface are concentrations of pelagic or airfall input, increased continuity of lamina, beds, and bedsets, and accumulations of fossils...


Size distribution and dynamics of oil and gas field discoveries in petroleum basins

Alexey E. Kontorovich, Viktor I. Dyomin, Valery R. Livshits

AAPG Bulletin

... and destruction of HC accumulations. Similar examples are well known in physics and related fields of science. We consider searching for this function from...


Revisiting the Importance of Secondary Dissolution Pores in Tertiary Sandstones Along the Texas Gulf Coast

Robert G. Loucks

GCAGS Transactions

... are important for three reasons: (1) secondary pores are very common in Gulf of Mexico sandstones, (2) numerical models that focus on destruction...


Hydrodynamics of Bivalve Shell Entrainment and Transport

Amalia M. Olivera , William L. Wood

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., C.E., AND BAIRD, G.C., 1986, Comparative taphonomy: a key to paleoenvironmental interpretation based on fossil preservation: PALAIOS, v. 1, p. 207-227...


Plate Tectonics in Oil and Gas Exploration of Continental Margins

Thomas L. Thompson

AAPG Bulletin

...), then the formation of new lithosphere implies an equal rate of lithospheric destruction or underthrusting of one lithospheric plate beneath another. Lithospheric...


Abstract: Fate of the Cretaceous Rudist Buildups in the Arabian Basin and its Impact on Their Reservoir Characteristics; #90255 (2017)

Fadhil Sadooni

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... that was covered with the basinal globigerinal marly limestone of the Shiranish Formation in central Iraq; destruction by waves as it is the case...


Beyond the Petroleum System: GEOHORIZONS

L. B. Magoon , R. M. O. Sanchez

AAPG Bulletin

... d'hydrocarbures: Paris, Masson-Elf-Aquitaine, 381 p. Perrodon, A., 1983a, Dynamics of oil and gas accumulations: Pau, Elf Aquitaine, p. 187-210. Perrodon...


The role of bacterially mediated precipitation in the permineralization of bone

Joseph C. Daniel, Karen Chin


... ABSTRACT Bone fossilization is generally thought to be predominantly slow and geochemically controlled, whereas soft-tissue preservation is rapid...


Abstract: Subsurface Vents Under the Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Characteristics and Significance for Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping

W. Charles Barnes

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... in predicting hydrocarbon accumulations in neighboring structures and lead to a knowledge of specific migration pathways within a basin. End_of_Record - Last...


Modeling of gas generation from the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas

Ronald J. Hill, Etuan Zhang, Barry Jay Katz, Yongchun Tang

AAPG Bulletin

...., 2001, Natural gas composition in a geological environment and the implications of the process of generation and preservation: Organic Geochemistry, v. 32...


Depositional Facies and Progradational Sequences in Eocene Wave-Dominated Deltaic Complexes, Southwestern Oregon

M. A. Chan , R. H. Dott, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... sedimentation in western Oregon. This study may be useful for predicting facies relationships and geometries in similar Eocene systems, such as the gas...


Chapter 16: Controls on Stratal Record: Mechanisms and Contingencies Affecting Sediment Supply and Accommodation

Kevin M. Bohacs

AAPG Special Volumes

... and destruction (see discussion in Bohacs et al. [2005]). When dilution is too low, very slow burial rates hamper organic preservation by keeping organic matter...


Integration of GR Spectroscopy, Geological Core Description, Acoustic Logging, and Geomechanics for Improved Characterization of Mudstone Reservoirs

Christon Achong, Patricio Desjardins

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... on predicting mineral assemblages, we use elemental logs to visualize what drives acoustic impedance (QI) and geomechanical (GM) rock responses within...


Geometry of carbonate accumulations

Wolfgang Schlager

Special Publications of SEPM

... of recent accumulations is an important tool for predicting the anatomy of sedimentary rocks in the subsurface. One advantage of sediment analysis...


AAPG Methods in Exploration No.12, Chapter 3: Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

Pete Rose

AAPG Special Volumes

..., etc.), and preservation from hydrocarbon degradation (biologic degradation, oxidation, thermal destruction). Discussion  Three issues...


The Interpretation of Fluids and Pressures in Determining Conventional and Unconventional Gas Resources in the Rocky Mountain Region

John R. Forster, John C. Horne

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of describing and predicting hydrocarbon accumulations involve the trapping mechanism. The physics of traps, boundaries, and seals do not change between...


A new semi-quantitative method for coding carnivore chewing damage with an application to modern African lion-damaged bones

Briana Pobiner, Laurence Dumouchel, Jennifer Parkinson


... ¼ tooth marks only, 2 ¼ minimal chewing damage, 3 ¼ moderate chewing damage, 4 ¼ severe chewing damage, fragmentation, or destruction), including...


The Foreslope and Toe-of-Slope Facies of the Middle Triassic Latemar Buildup (Dolomites, Northern Italy)

Mark T. Harris

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... matrix-free talus accumulations (Kenter 1990) may be useful in predicting this facies in subsurface seismic data. A similar association between coarse...


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