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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,822 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Seismic Geomorphology, Depositional Elements, and Clinoform Sedimentary Processes: Impact on Unconventional Reservoir Prediction

Hernan M. Reijenstein, Henry W. Posamentier, Alejandro Bande, Felipe A. Lozano, Ricardo Fabián Domínguez, Ryan Wilson, Octavian Catuneanu, Sebastian Galeazzi

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Introduction to the petroleum geology of deep-water settings: AAPG Studies in Geology 57, 846 p. Wilson, J. L., 1967, Cyclic and reciprocal sedimentation...


Improved Unconventional Development Decisions using Causal Inference

Henry Galvis Silva, Oliver Rojas Conde, Sebastien Matringe

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... reliable method for ATE estimation. Participants are randomly allocated to either the treatment or control group, balancing all confounding factors...


Pennsylvanian and Permian Basins in Northwestern Utah, Northeastern Nevada, and South-Central Idaho: DISCUSSION

H. J. Bissell

AAPG Bulletin

.... Eardley, A. J., 1963, Relation of uplifts to thrusts in Rocky Mountains, in Childs, O. E., and Beebe, B. W., eds., Backbone of the Americas...


Flysch and Associated Beds of the Martinsburg Formation (Ordovician), Central Appalachians

Earle F. Mcbride

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The generalized stratigraphic sections of the Martinsburg presented by Stose (1909, p. 10) and Bassler (1919, p. 157) are misleading because they combine...


Notes on the Age and Correlation of the Moreno Shale: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. A. Taff, G. D. Hanna

AAPG Bulletin

... and Pack's account one is impressed particularly by the repeated statements that this shale is diatomaceous, together with the proof offered...


The Origin of Phosphorite Deposits in the Light of Occurrences of Recent Sea-Floor Phosphorites

Y. Kolodny

Special Publications of SEPM

... observations Uranium occurs in two oxidation states The 6 ratio probably reflects some complex function of a relation between the intensity of a 4 U...


Tectonics of Southeastern Caucasus and Its Relation to the Productive Oil Fields

I. M. Goubkin

AAPG Bulletin

...Tectonics of Southeastern Caucasus and Its Relation to the Productive Oil Fields I. M. Goubkin 1934 603 671 18 5. (May) The principal object...


Present Interpretations of the Structural Theory for Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation: Part III. Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum

Alex. W. McCoy , W. Ross Keyte

AAPG Special Volumes

... would be trapped and held and pools formed. The relation of oil pools to structure is given in the following quotation:(FOOTNOTE 6) The structural...


Physical Properties

Jeffrey S. Hanor

Special Publications of SEPM

... lithostatic) pressure. ?= cpoae 0 0 2 4 FLWb Pa65SOR& 103pi 6 0 1 0 I2 20 00 Fi ure 6.3. Generalized relation between hydrostatic, lithostatic...


Importance of Unconformities to Oil Production in the San Joaquin Valley, California: Part IV. Relations of Petroleum Accumulation to Structure

George M. Cunningham , W. D. Kleinpell

AAPG Special Volumes

... have attempted to avoid controversial matters that do not affect the understanding of the general relation of oil accumulation to the presence...


Seismic Evidence for Widespread Possible Gas Hydrate Horizons on Continental Slopes and Rises

Thomas H. Shipley, Mark H. Houston, Richard T. Buffler, F. Jeanne Shaub, Kenneth J. McMillen, John W. Ladd, J. Lamar Worzel

AAPG Bulletin

.... Deaton, W. M., and E. M. Frost, Jr., 1946, Gas hydrates and their relation to the operation of natural gas pipe lines: U.S. Bur. Mines Mon. 8, 101 p...


Reflected Buried Hills in the Oil Fields of Persia, Egypt, and Mexico

Sidney Powers

AAPG Bulletin

... below. Generalized cross-sections show the relation of the anticline in the Asmari limestone to that at the surface as indicated by the areal...


A Contribution to the Geology of Los Angeles Basin, California

J. E. Eaton

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ A generalized stratigraphic column for Los Angeles Basin is presented in Table I. PRE-MONTEREY ROCKS Schist (pre-Cretaceous): In the Santa Monica Mountains...


Geology of Muskegon Oil Field, Muskegon, Michigan

R. B. Newcombe

AAPG Bulletin

... for the Muskegon area. Generalized data furnished by other wells in the field are included in this figure in order to show variations in thickness...


Anticlinal Theory and Later Developments in West Virginia

Paul H. Price

AAPG Bulletin

... geologist, to whom credit must be given for proof of the anticlinal theory of oil occurrence and for convincing the industry of its importance. Dr...


Some Problems in Thermal History Studies

David Deming, Jeffrey A. Nunn, Steven Jones, David S. Chapman

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... measurements or assumed thermal histories; neither method is completely satisfactory. Different paleothermal indicators record different types of information...


Possible Ground Water Influence on the Habitat of Oil in the Gulf Coast

James K. Rogers

GCAGS Transactions

..., 4th Ann. Mtg., Albany, p. 24. Hardin, F. R. and G. C. Hardin, Jr. 1961, Contemporaneous normal faults of Gulf Coast and their relation to flexures: Am...


Petrology and Origin of Some Phosphorites from the South African Continental Margin

Robin J. Parker, William G. Siesser

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and chemical factors in the formation of marine apatite: Econ. Geology, v. 64, p. 365-382. GULBRANDSEN, R. A., 1970, Relation of carbon dioxide content...


The Development of a Tool and Methods to be used in Flow Path Detection behind Casing for use in the Fayetteville Shale

Nathan K. Combs, Larry Watters, Jessica McDaniel, Voldi Maki, C.R. 'Dicky' Hall

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... for remediation of SCP in shale wells, focusing primarily on the Fayetteville Shale. Presented here are the results of testing done to provide conceptual proof...


How to Secure Exploration of Your Pet Areas Without Drilling

C. N. Valerius

GCAGS Transactions

... very generalized geological data such as trends, general areas of expected stratigraphic traps, or simply because they are located in sedimentary basins...


Oklahoma City Field--Anatomy of a Giant

Lloyd E. Gatewood

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Nemaha ridge in central part of Oklahoma, and relation to other significant fields in 1928. End_Page 226------------------------ post-Cherokee...


Regional Devonian and Mississippian Stratigraphy, Central Colorado Plateau

J. Wm. Parker , J. W. Roberts

AAPG Bulletin

... Formations. There is an intergrading facies relation between the Aneth Formation and the carbonate of the Elbert Formation. Numerous individual sandstone...


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