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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,814 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Applying Machine Learning Technologies in the Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin, to Quickly Produce an Integrated Structural and Stratigraphic Seismic Classification Volume Calibrated to Wells

Carolan Laudon, Jie Qi, Yin-Kai Wang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... results to well data. Methods/Procedures/Process: Starting with a seismic amplitude volume, the method has four steps. Preprocessing produces the volume...


Triassic Sediments and Basin Structure of the Kerrouchen Basin, Central Morrocco

John Lorenz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... To the west, FIG. 1. Morocco--Location map. FIG. 2. Geographic map, generalized extent of Triassic deposits. FIG. 3. Basin control. End_Page 898...


Seismic Refraction Data from Sunda Shelf

Robert E. Houtz , Dennis E. Hayes

AAPG Bulletin

... "economic basement" and have not been drilled. This basin continued to subside Fig. 1. Generalized geologic provinces of Sunda shelf as defined...


Plastic Lithification of Sands in Situ: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

W. E. Brown , H. W. Patnode

AAPG Bulletin

... describes a method of sampling unconsolidated, permeable materials in their natural environment so as to preserve their structure for later study. The method...


Limiting risk in environmental problems: Corporate budget constraints and minimum involvement

I. Lerche, E. Paleologos

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... the use of the method under different budget conditions and with different numbers of available opportunities. The result is that the computations...


Chemical Characteristics of California Petroleums

Paul W. Prutzman

AAPG Bulletin

... and the corresponding relation between light and heavy constituents, these two groups may be distinguished clearly in almost all cases, not merely by the presence...


Deep Pore Fluid Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas, Malay Basin, SE Asia

Stephen O’Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Jamaal Hoesni, Richard Lahann

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... overpressure with depth, proof of reservoir isolation and close coupling with the enclosing shales e.g. in the Malay Basin, Figure 2. Thicker sands...


Geology of Honda District, Colombia

John W. Butler, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... Railroad for their courtesies during field investigations. Appreciation is expressed also for the opportunity of generalized discussions of regional...


“Structural Systems in the Permian Basin”

Jack G. Elam

West Texas Geological Society

... structures was first promulgated by John M. Hills (1963, 1970). At that time he knew that he had not presented positive proof of wrenching, and he only...


Petrology of Bethel Sandstone of South-Central Illinois

Willard D. Pye

AAPG Bulletin

... in which intensive study was carried out, as it is related to the Illinois basin; Figure 2 is a generalized str cture map of the area contoured...


Theory of Paleozoic Oil and Gas Accumulation in Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

D. S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

..., and J. L. Walper, 1960, Relation of deformational fractures in sedimentary rocks to regional and local structures: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists...


Walker Creek Field--U.S.A. Gulf of Mexico Basin, Arkansas

C. A. Chimene

AAPG Special Volumes

... the generalized structural relations across the field but ignore all faulting (Figures 17-19). The Chapman Brigham zone (Pennzoil's zone 1...


Deep-Water Limestones and Radiolarites of the Alpine Jurassic

Robert E. Garrison, Alfred G. Fischer

Special Publications of SEPM

... structures occur throughout and the constitu Thickness time relation ents of interspersed breccias become more exotic upward through the section ships...



E. Rod, C. Jefferson, E. von der Osten, R. Mullen, G. Graves

Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)

... to substantiate as they see it: 1. The proof for the existence of the fault. 2. Type of fault. Evidence for the direction of early and late movement. 3...


Microbial Magic

Mart Zijp, Theo Mallinson

GEO ExPro Magazine

..., an American Case Study In recent years, several successful proof-of-concept projects have been carried out which have been published in articles...


Continental Drift

Bailey Willis

AAPG Special Volumes

... theoretically assumed to each other somewhat the relation that ice and water have, at least as regards relative densities and viscosities. The flotation...


Buried Pre-Cambrian Hills in Northeastern Barton County, Central Kansas

Robert F. Walters

AAPG Bulletin

.... Stratigraphic section: The generalized stratigraphic section penetrated by wells drilled in northeastern Barton County, Kansas, is illustrated in Figure 3...


Critical Analysis of Stack Seismic Systems

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

..., this basic error commonly is increased critically by velocity variations characteristic of the system. Proof of this is based on the classical principles...


Migration Amplitude Recovery using Curvelets

Peyman P. Moghaddam

Search and

... certain conditions. Subsequently, curvelets are forming as eigen-vectors for such an operator. We propose a seismic amplitude recovery method...


Migration Amplitude Recovery using Curvelets

Peyman P. Moghaddam

Search and

... certain conditions. Subsequently, curvelets are forming as eigen-vectors for such an operator. We propose a seismic amplitude recovery method...


Chemical Constraints and Origins of Four Groups of Gulf Coast Reservoir Fluids

Ronald K. Stoessell , Clyde H. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

...) Pitzer's method for computing activity coefficients has been applied to reported fluid compositions in four groups of Gulf Coast reservoirs: the Mississippi...


The Ice Ages - Theory

Maurice Ewing

CSPG Bulletin

... about the relation between the kinds of Foraminifera found and the temperature of the superficial layers of water in which they live. These may...


Discussion of Geochemical Exploration (Soil Analysis)

E. E. Rosaire, Eugene McDermott, R. H. Fash

AAPG Bulletin

..., erroneous conclusions might be drawn which would lead to the drilling of dry holes. No prospecting method is infallible, and the best prospecting...


Sample Examination

R. G. Swanson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Maher, J.C., 1959, The Composite Interpretive Method of Logging Drill Cuttings: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Guidebook VIII, p. 1-48. McNeal, R.P., 1959...


Reynosa Problem of South Texas, and Origin of Caliche

W. Armstrong Price

AAPG Bulletin

... (1915), "Relation of Bacteria to Deposition of Calcium Carbonate," Science, new ser., Vol. 41 (April), pp. 507-8; (Abs.) Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 26...


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