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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,825 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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The Kurten “Woodbine” Field Brazos County, Texas

William A. Bell

CSPG Special Publications

... which are probably related to salt at depth. Table 1. Generalized stratigraphic column for Brazos County. Stresses brought about by the subsidence...


Geologic Aspects of Origin of Petroleum

Hollis D. Hedberg

AAPG Bulletin

... other rocks--filling pore space or fractures. Most occurrences are in the pore space of sedimentary rocks, and this relation is in itself of major genetic...


Pennsylvanian Sedimentation in Paradox Basin, Four Corners Region

Sherman A. Wengerd

AAPG Special Volumes

... through time in relation to clastic scatter and Fig. 29. Generalized Pennsylvanian facies provinces. A semi-schematic depiction of three major non...


Early Diagenesis of Clay Minerals, Rio Ameca Basin, Mexico

James I. Drever

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... areas were converted to abundances by using the weighting factors of Biscaye (1965). The absolute accuracy of this method for determining mineral...


Identification and Recording of Particulate Sedimentary Organic Matter

Stanley A.J. Pocock

Special Publications of SEPM

... of the structured material. The character of much of this material is so generalized that accurate determination is not feasible, but it is normally...


CSEM Continues to Stride Forward

Jane Whaley

GEO ExPro Magazine

... since the 1980’s, but commercialisation really only started at the turn of the century, with a major ‘proof of concept’ cruise in 2000. “On board...


Future of Field Geology: DISCUSSION

R. Dana Russell

AAPG Bulletin

... on the flanks of piercement-type salt domes. The abnormally high dips on such structures ed to their early identification, but the classic method of dip...


Jacob Staff--Refined: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John R. Bergstrom

AAPG Bulletin

.... Accuracy of measurement by the "jake staff" method is limited mechanically by the accuracy of the level or clinometer employed. Comparisons of vertical...


Aseismic Deformation Within Oceanic Lithosphere

Matthew H. Salisbury

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Although this method is imprecise (because it is likely that many transform structures remain to be discovered), the value of 0.13 cm/year obtained in Table...



W. O. Kupsch

Williston Basin Symposium

.... Gallup, W. B. and Hamilton, G. J., 1954, Generalized history of Williston Basin in Saskatchewan deduced from cross-sections: Am. Assoc...


Ghost River Type Section

J. D. Aitken

CSPG Bulletin

... Formation in Relation to the Sub-Devonian Unconformity," Jour. Alberta Soc. Petrol. Geol., Vol. 4, pp. 55-58. De Wit, R., 1956b, "Ghost River Near Bow Valley...


Petroleum Systems along the Fold Belt Associated to the Marañon-Oriente-Putumayo (MOP) Foreland Basins

Robert Marksteiner, Antenor M. Alemán

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... in relation to timing of generation and migration. The oil found in a given structure depends on both its location in the basin and the time at which...


The Petroliferous Belt of Central-Western Mendoza Province, Argentina

Frederic H. Lahee

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Blanco sandstone nor its exact relation to the underlying Tabanos was determined. The Ammonite shale is dark gray to black, rather soft...


Commercial Oil in Cambrian Beds, Lost Soldier Field, Carbon and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming

E. W. Krampert

AAPG Bulletin

... below the surface. The generalized stratigraphic section from the top of the Frontier zone to the basement granite in the Lost Soldier district...


Definition of Green River, Great Divide, and Washakie Basins, Southwestern Wyoming: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. D. Love

AAPG Bulletin

... map of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Map (in proof). Comstock, T. B., 1874, in Jones, W. A., Report upon the reconnaissance of northwestern...


Regional Depositional Basin and Correlations of Simpson Group

H. A. Ireland

Tulsa Geological Society

... are very apparent to me from many years of regional study of the beds involved and the conclusions are strongly held. Final proof of the delineation...


Evolution of an Arctic Open-Shelf Carbonate Platform, Spitsbergen Bank (Barents Sea)

Rüdiger Henrich, André Freiwald, Torsten Bickert, Priska Schäfer

Special Publications of SEPM

... analysis of particles in the size-spectrum of 0.125 mm to >2 mm was applied following the method of Sarnthein (1971). The mm was applied following...


Synchronous Highs: Preferential Habitat of Oil

Robert Scholten

AAPG Bulletin

..., Archer and Young counties, Texas, showing relation of oil sand development to structure. After Thompson and Hubbard, 1929, Fig. 6. End_Page 1807...


Salt Diapirism: Importance of Temperature, and Energy Source of Emplacement

William Carruthers Gussow

AAPG Special Volumes

... 22------------------------- Fig. 4. Buoyancy of salt in relation to height of intrusive column, Gulf Coast. Curves showing salt-sediment density...


A New Approach Solving Lateral Wells Complexity, Integrating Borehole Acoustics Reflection Survey and Facies Derived Borehole Images for a Better Completion Strategy, Wolfcamp, West Texas, #42208 (2018).

E.V. Arteaga, C.C. Contreras, E. Haddad, G. Martinez, V.Vallega, O. Zened

Search and

... a method for fracture characterization with a larger distance away the borehole; analyzing the compressional and shear reflections generated...


Paleomagnetic Study of La Quinta Formation, Venezuela

R. B. Hargraves , R. Shagam

AAPG Bulletin

... 1 depicts, in generalized form, the distribution of the formation in the Venezuelan Andes. As originally noted by Gonzalez de Juana (1951), two...


Abstract: Tectonics - The Primary Control on Sequence Stratigraphy: A Countervailing View

L. L. Sloss

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... relative sea level and distribution of sedimentary environments. Proof of this control lies in the details of basin fills but the expression...


Implications from Transfer Functions when Comparing Seismic Data from MEMS Accelerometers and Geophones

Michael S. Hons

Search and

... signal), x is the displacement of the inertial (i.e., proof) mass, Ȝ is the damping ratio of the sensor and Ȧ0 is the resonant frequency...


Implications from Transfer Functions when Comparing Seismic Data from MEMS Accelerometers and Geophones

Michael S. Hons

Search and

... signal), x is the displacement of the inertial (i.e., proof) mass, Ȝ is the damping ratio of the sensor and Ȧ0 is the resonant frequency...


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