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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,814 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Problem of Well Spacing: STUDY GROUP REPORTS

Houston Geological Society Study Group on Well Spacing

AAPG Bulletin

.... 103, 148 (1933). 28. KATZ, D. L., AND BARLOW, W. H., "Relation of Bottom-Hole Pressures to Production Control," A.P.I. Drilling and Prod. Prac...


Development and Relation of Oil Accumulation to Structure in the Shiprock District of the Navajo Indian Reservation, New Mexico

K. B. Nowels

AAPG Bulletin

...Development and Relation of Oil Accumulation to Structure in the Shiprock District of the Navajo Indian Reservation, New Mexico K. B. Nowels 1929...


Origins of Petroleums; Chemical and Geochemical Aspects

Benjamin T. Brooks

AAPG Bulletin

...-ratio theory has only a negative value in relation to petroleum occurrence. Some bottom-hole temperatures in producing fields do not exceed 100°F...


Using Measurement Uncertainty to Calculate Reservoir Volumes and Reduce Risk in Prospects, #41324 (2014)

Garrett M. Leahy, Emma Howley, Wenxiu Yang, Arne Skorstad

Search and

...; and difficulties in quantifying uncertainties in static reservoir properties, such as spatial description and volumes. As part of the new method, uncertainty...




Montana Geological Society

... and vertical distribution, generalized facies maps were interpreted for the Alaska Bench rocks of the Big Snowy Mountains...


Upper Permian Ochoa Series of Delaware Basin, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico

John Emery Adams

AAPG Bulletin

... not deposited until the older Permian sediments had been warped and truncated. So far no conclusive proof of their Permian age has been presented...


Rhythmic Linear Sand Bodies Caused by Tidal Currents

Theodore Off

AAPG Bulletin

... of this size, particularly in the North Sea. Their relation to tidal current ridges is not known, although they appear to occur in the same...


Applied Source Rock Geochemistry: Chapter 5: Part II. Essential Elements

Kenneth E. Peters , Mary Rose Cassa

AAPG Special Volumes

... Series 10, 159 p. Baskin, D. K., 1979, A method of preparing phytoclasts for vitrinite reflectance analysis: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49...


AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 11: High-resolution Techniques

Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... a much more accurate estimate. The advantage of the high-resolution approach, compared to the low-resolution method described in Chapter 12...


Astute Basin Evaluation, Key to Economic Success in Hard Times

Peter V. Newman

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... would be to start out with a generalized checklist of all the significant non-geologic factors. Then for any given basin, you can check off the facators...


Trenton Limestone Fracture Reservoirs in Lee County, Southwestern Virginia: Chapter 3

Charles S. Bartlett

AAPG Special Volumes

... walk across a tract and "feel" where the best fractures would be, but his drilling results are no proof of his E.S.P. capability. We have attempted...


Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Marine Stratigraphic Record: Conceptual Proof of a Unipolar Ice Cap

Martin A. Perlmutter, Roy E. Plotnick

Special Publications of SEPM

...Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Marine Stratigraphic Record: Conceptual Proof of a Unipolar Ice Cap Martin A. Perlmutter, Roy E. Plotnick HEMISPHERIC...


Oil and Gas Fields of Lost Soldier District, Wyoming

J. S. Irwin

AAPG Special Volumes

... relation to the extent to which they are fractured and faulted. Burial of the productive sand beneath a great thickness of shale is equivalent...


Recognition of an Infracambrian Source Rock Based on Biomarkers in the Baghewala-1 Oil, India

K. E. Peters , M. E. Clark , U. Das Gupta , M. A. McCaffrey , C. Y. Lee

AAPG Bulletin

..., The molecular fossil record of oleanane and its relation to angiosperms: Science, v. 265, p. 768-771. Palacas, J. G., D. E. Anders, and J. D. King, 1984...


Stylolites: Primary or Secondary?

Paris B. Stockdale

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the stylolite-making process, long after the time of rock hardening. Stylolites in Relation to Chert.--Another line of evidence bearing on the timing of stylolite...


Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Elko and Northern Diamond Ranges, Northeastern Nevada

Robert H. Dott, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...), Simpson exploration (1876), and reconnaissance investigations by Spurr (1903) are the most comprehensive, but are generalized. The Eureka and White...



Emile Rod

Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)

... in Figure 1, Sections 1 to 4 and in Figures 2 and 3. He favors the concept - in relation with continental drift caused by convection currents - of down...


Frontmatter: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society - Volume VI - 1983

G.W. Hughes

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... to expedite publication of this volume, however, certain inconsistencies between layout of the figures, titles etc. which I received at the page proof stage...


Developments at Panther River, 1956 to 1959

C. Warren Hunt

CSPG Bulletin

... to indicate commercial producibility. On limited drill stem test this zone gave an oil and gas showing but will require acidization for proof of its...


Differential Packing as a Possible Display of Bedding

W. D. Keller

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... GRATON, L. C. AND FRASER, H. J., 1935, Systematic Packing of Spheres--With particular relation to porosity and permeability, Jour. Geology, vol. 43...


Fossils from Limestone of Buda Age in Denton County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Lloyd W. Stephenson

AAPG Bulletin

... limestone and the overlying Woodbine formation (Dexter sand). He says, This paper gives additional proof of the stratigraphic correspondence between...


Foreword: Part IV. Relations of Petroleum Accumulation to Sructure

W. E. Wrather

AAPG Special Volumes

...; though important, they defied direct observation and demonstration. Proponents of various theories could scarcely produce final and convincing proof...


Ozark Precambrian-Paleozoic Relations: Discussion of Igneous Rocks Exposed in Eastern Kansas: REPLY TO WILLIAM R. MUEHLBERGER

Harry E. Wheeler

AAPG Bulletin

..., and that the burden of proof here is on anyone who might doubt that essential validity. It is noteworthy, at least, hat Muehlberger expresses no such doubt...


Regional Paleozoic Stratigraphy in Mississippi Between Ouachita and Appalachian Mountains: DISCUSSION

Frederic F. Mellen

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Ouachita deformed belt. This relation applies not only to the surface (Tishomingo County) and subsurface Silurian and Devonian of Mississippi, but equally...


Structural History and Tectonics of Iran: A Review

Jovan Stocklin

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ Fig. 1. Generalized tectonic map of Iran, based on geological map of Iran (National Iranian Oil Co., 1959) and all...


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