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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,825 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Mineral Deposits and Plate Tectonics

George P. Woollard

AAPG Special Volumes

... mantle: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 83, p. 805-817. Sawkins, F. J., 1972, Sulfide ore deposits in relation to plate tectonics: Jour. Geology, v. 80, p...


Deep-Sea Deposits in But Not on the Continents

Robert S. Dietz , John C. Holden

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1940, Stratigraphic relation of the Schalstein formation with the Lower Ammonite beds in central Hokkaido: Rept. Geol. Comm. Hokkaido, no. 10, 12 p...


Origin of Salt Anticlines of Paradox Basin

R. W. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

... by the isopach. A salt section Fig. 4. Generalized isopach of post-Salt pre-Moenkopi interval. End_Page 1874------------------------------ 3,000-6,000 feet...


Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, and Structure of Late Cretaceous Rocks in Eastern Puerto Rico--Preliminary Report

Henry L. Berryhill, Jr., Reginald P. Briggs, Lynn Glover, III

AAPG Bulletin

... is shown on the generalized geologic map (Fig. 3). 1. The oldest group, volcanic rocks of pre-Turonian age, crops out in east-central and southeastern...


Vermilion Block 16 Field -- A Study of Irregular Gas Reservoir Performance Related to Non-Uniform Sand Deposition

W.L. Seal , J.A. Gilreath

GCAGS Transactions

...° at 11,000 feet and 27° at 15,500 feet. Virtually all of the field production is trapped on the downthrown side of this fault. The generalized cross...


Paradox Member of the Hermosa Formation

Joseph L. Borden

Four Corners Geological Society

... exposure of Paradox showing porous non-bedded nature of gypsum, and relation to dark shales below. A good area in which to study the sedimentary variations...


Predation on Modern and Fossil Brachiopods: Assessing Chemical Defenses and Palatability

Carrie L. Tyler, Lindsey R. Leighton, Sandra J. Carlson, John Warren Huntley, Michał Kowalewski


... gastropod, both of which appear to have extremely low metabolic rates (McClintock et al., 1993; Rhodes and Thompson, 1993), can be generalized. Harper et...


Geological Explorations East of the Andes in Ecuador

Theron Wasson , Joseph H. Sinclair

AAPG Bulletin

... of the tape were made on the ground. On open rivers like the Napo a more accurate survey was made by the stadia method with the plane table and telescopic...


Golden Trend of South-Central Oklahoma

Robert Malcolm Swesnik

AAPG Bulletin

... curiosity. The writer believes the latter to be the case but can not demonstrate any convincing proof. Figure 5 is a subcrop map of this same surface...


Natural Gas in Bend Arch District, Texas

Frank E. Kendrick , Philip G. Russell

AAPG Special Volumes

... structures in the Bend formation are at places reflected in the structure of surface rocks, but in most places the relation is slight or entirely absent...


Coprolites: A Review of the Literature and a Study of Specimens from Southern Washington

G. C. Amstutz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... York. 511 p. VAUGHAN, T. W., 1924, Oceanography in its relation to other earth sciences: Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., v. 14, p. 307-333. VISSE, L. D...



Arthur G. Sylvester, G. C. "Butch" Brown

Pacific Section of AAPG

... rocks is proof of their youth. In the Torrey Canyon oil field the Oak Ridge fault juxtaposes upright, south-dipping Miocene Monterey Formation against...


Occurrence and relationship of the Aqra, Bekhme and Govanda formations in the Soran (Rawanduz) area, Kurdistan Region, northeastern Iraq

Kamal H. Karim, Hiyam Daoud, Rzger A. Abdula, Arkan O. Sharezwri

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Zagros Thrust Fault between Thrust Zone and Imbricated Zone of Buday (1980) and Jassim & Buday (2006a). METHOD OF THE STUDY During fieldwork, we inspected...


Evolution of North Atlantic Ocean: Relevance of Rock-Pressure Measurements: Chapter 65: Interpretations of Drift

Barry Voight

AAPG Special Volumes

... relation to the gravity field: 2d Internat. Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements Proc., p. 169-175. Kay, Marshall, 1939, Ottawa-Bonnechere graben...


Active-Surface Catalysts in Formation of Petroleum--II

Benjamin T. Brooks

AAPG Bulletin

..., such as the Gulf Coast fields, which were the basis of studies by D. C. Barton (1). The extent to which there is a relation in composition and age and depth...


Distribution of Salt and Salt Structures in Gulf of Mexico

John W. Antoine , William R. Bryant

AAPG Bulletin

... normal faults of Gulf Coast and their relation to flexures: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 45, p. 238-248. Jones, B. R., J. Antoine, and W...


Quartz Grain Orientations--1 (The Photometric Method)

R. F. Sippel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Quartz Grain Orientations--1 (The Photometric Method) R. F. Sippel 1971 Vol. 41 No. 1. (March), Sandstone grain orientation measurements must...


Interior Salt Domes of Louisiana

W. C. Spooner

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous sections showing relation of these beds in southwestern Arkansas, northwestern and northeastern Louisiana. End_Page 219...


Interior Salt Domes of Louisiana

W. C. Spooner

AAPG Special Volumes

... the Tertiary beds generally." 1867. J. B. Robertson, "Memorial and Explorations of the Honorable J. B. Robertson in Relation to Agriculture, Mineral...


Quantitative Analysis of Prospect to Determine Whether it is Drillable

Vito A. Gotautas

AAPG Bulletin

.... Mabra, D. Allen, Jr., 1956, A method for evaluating drillable oil and gas prospects: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs. Trans., v. VI, p. 241-246. Moody...


Results of Exploratory Drilling Northern Fallon Basin, Western Nevada

Douglas D. Hastings

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Figure 1.-Generalized geologic map of the Fallon basin compiled from Pagk (1965), Willden & Speed (19741, and unpublished geologic maps from the Southern...


Arbitrary Cut-Off in Stratigraphy: REPLY TO DISCUSSION

Harry E. Wheeler, V. Standish Mallory

AAPG Bulletin

... gradational relationships in stratigraphy. Although neither time nor space will here permit adequate presentation of proof, we are now in a position...


Example of Cratonic Sedimentation: Lower Paleozoic of Algerian Sahara

A. Bennacef , S. Beuf , B. Biju-Duval , O. De Charpal , O. Gariel , P. Rognon

AAPG Bulletin

... it to the pre-Devonian pediplain of the Brazilian craton. Generalized but superficial weathering may have been more or less intense. For example, it is generally...


Conditions Governing the Distribution and Origin of Oil in the Rhine Graben of France and Germany: Europe

W. Bruderer , M. C. Louis

AAPG Special Volumes

... splitting of this part of the Rhine Valley, the antagonism between Germany and France, and successive wars, are probably the reasons why no generalized...


Notes on the Vicksburg Group

C. Wythe Cooke

AAPG Special Volumes

... Geological Society into Southeast Mississippi (1934), p. 13. FOOTNOTE 17. Ibid. FOOTNOTE 18. Ibid. End_Page 361------------------------ method...


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